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PLEASE HELP! Prices now not displaying correctly on php page... ><

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On second thought, no. it's NOT fixed.. It's now displaying $_SESSION['istotal'] & $_SESSION['isdiscounttotal'] as $0.00.... PLEASE HELP! ><




<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<title>Image Poseidon</title>

<body style="font-family: Arial">

<script src="view_printable.js"></script>
<script src="mainscripts.js"></script>

<a href="#" onclick="javascript:view_printable();">Click For Printable Page</a><br>


<h2>This is your order so far: </h2>

<FORM name="f0001" id="f0001" ACTION="processorder.php" method=post>


echo "Name: <b><u>".$_SESSION['f_name0001']." ".$_SESSION['l_name0001']."</u></b><br>\n"
."Address: <b><u>".$_SESSION['ad_0001']."</u></b><br>\n"
."Country: <b><u>".$_SESSION['co_0001']."</u></b><br>\n"
."City: <b><u>".$_SESSION['c_0001']."</u></b><br>\n"
."State/Province: <b><u>".$_SESSION['sp_0001']."</u></b><br>\n"
."Amount of CD(s) you want to purchase: <b><u>".$_SESSION['qtycd_0001']."</u></b><br>\n";

if($_SESSION['hasadiscount'] == true){echo "Your coupon code: <b><u>".$_SESSION['customercouponcode']."</u></b><br><br>\n";}
echo "<img src=\"gradient_grey3596386127_footer-iaza.png\"></img><br>\n";

if($_SESSION['hasadiscount'] == true){

echo "<br>Original Total: <br><br>\n"
."<br>Your total: <br><br>\n"

}else if($_SESSION['hasadiscount'] == false){

echo "<br>Your Total: <br><br>\n"


echo "<br>\n";

echo "<img src=\"gradient_grey3596386127-iaza.png\"></img>\n";



<a href="#" onclick="javascript&#058;view_printable();">Click For Printable Page</a><br><br>

<input name="subt1" id="subt1" type="submit" value="Submit" onclick="FormControl(1);">









$_SESSION['f_name0001'] = $_POST['f_name0001'];
$_SESSION['l_name0001'] = $_POST['l_name0001'];
$_SESSION['ad_0001'] = $_POST['ad_0001'];
$_SESSION['co_0001'] = $_POST['co_0001'];
$_SESSION['c_0001'] = $_POST['c_0001'];
$_SESSION['sp_0001'] = $_POST['sp_0001'];
$_SESSION['qtycd_0001'] = $_POST['qtycd_0001'];
$_SESSION['customercouponcode'] = $myCoupon;
$_SESSION['hasadiscount'] = $hasdiscount;
$_SESSION['istotal'] = $print_pur_po_total;
$_SESSION['isdiscounttotal'] = $print_pur_po_total2;

echo "Firstname: ".$_SESSION['f_name0001']."<br>\n"
."Lastname: ".$_SESSION['l_name0001']."<br>\n"
."Address: ".$_SESSION['ad_0001']."<br>\n"
."Country: ".$_SESSION['co_0001']."<br>\n"
."City: ".$_SESSION['c_0001']."<br>\n"
."State / Province: ".$_SESSION['sp_0001']."<br>\n"
."Quantity: ".$_SESSION['qtycd_0001']."<br>\n"
."Coupon code: ".$_SESSION['customercouponcode']."<br>\n"
."Has discount: ".$_SESSION['hasadiscount']."<br>\n"
."is total: ".$_SESSION['istotal']."<br>\n"
."is discount total: ".$_SESSION['isdiscounttotal']."<br>\n"
."Total: ".$print_pur_po_total."<br>\n"
."Discount Total: ".$print_pur_po_total2."<br>\n";






$itemprice = 12;
$taxrate = 7;
$shipping = 1.75;
$discountrate = .90;
$Subtotal = $itemprice;
$Tax = round( ($itemprice * $taxrate / 100 ), 2);
$Total = (($Tax + $Subtotal)*$qtycd)+($shipping*$qtycd);
$DiscountTotal = $Total*$discountrate; //round($Total*($discountrate), 2);
$coupons = file('Vm1wS01HRXhVWGxWYmxKV1lrZG9VRlpyVmt0WGJGSllZM3BHVG1KSFVubFhhMXByWWtkR05sSnJXbFpXYldoeVZrZDRWMDVzV2xsYVIwWlhWakpvVkZaVldrWlBWa0pTVUZRd1BRPT0=.txt', FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
$coupons = array_map('trim', $coupons);
$myCoupon = $_POST['sd_0001'];
$hasdiscount = false;

// if found return the position in the array as $key
if(($key = array_search($myCoupon, $coupons)) !== false) {
$hasdiscount = true;
// delete the coupon from the array using $key
file_put_contents('Vm1wS01HRXhVWGxWYmxKV1lrZG9VRlpyVmt0WGJGSllZM3BHVG1KSFVubFhhMXByWWtkR05sSnJXbFpXYldoeVZrZDRWMDVzV2xsYVIwWlhWakpvVkZaVldrWlBWa0pTVUZRd1BRPT0=.txt', implode("\r\n", $coupons));
else if(($key = array_search($myCoupon, $coupons)) == false) {
$hasdiscount = false;

$number = $Total;
$pur_item_total = $number;
$pur_po_total =  ($pur_po_total + $pur_item_total);
$print_pur_po_total = wims_currency($pur_po_total);

$number2 = $DiscountTotal;
$pur_item_total2 = $number2;
$pur_po_total2 =  ($pur_po_total2 + $pur_item_total2);
$print_pur_po_total2 = wims_currency2($pur_po_total2);

function wims_currency($number) {
   if ($number < 0) {
     $print_number = "($" . str_replace('-', '', number_format ($number, 2, ".", ",")) . ")";
    } else {
     $print_number = "$" .  number_format ($number, 2, ".", ",") ;
   return $print_number;

function wims_currency2($number2) {
   if ($number2 < 0) {
     $print_number2 = "($" . str_replace('-', '', number_format ($number2, 2, ".", ",")) . ")";
    } else {
     $print_number2 = "$" .  number_format ($number2, 2, ".", ",") ;
   return $print_number2;





<head><title>Image Poseidon - Order Form</title></head>


<h2>Your Receipt: </h2>



echo "Name: <b><u>".$_SESSION['f_name0001']." ".$_SESSION['l_name0001']."</u></b><br>\n"
."Address: <b><u>".$_SESSION['ad_0001']."</u></b><br>\n"
."Country: <b><u>".$_SESSION['co_0001']."</u></b><br>\n"
."City: <b><u>".$_SESSION['c_0001']."</u></b><br>\n"
."State/Province: <b><u>".$_SESSION['sp_0001']."</u></b><br>\n"
."Amount of CD(s) you want to purchase: <b><u>".$_SESSION['qtycd_0001']."</u></b><br>\n";

if($_SESSION['hasadiscount'] == true){echo "Your coupon code: <b><u>".$_SESSION['customercouponcode']."</u></b><br><br>\n";}

if($_SESSION['hasadiscount'] == true){

echo "<hr/>\n";

echo "<br>Original Total: <br><br>\n"
."<br>Your total: <br><br>\n"

}else if($_SESSION['hasadiscount'] == false){

echo "<hr/>\n";

echo "<br>Your Total: <br><br>\n"


echo "<br>\n";








from taxheader.php:


and im getting $Total and $DiscountTotal from taxheader.php as well:


$itemprice = 12;
$taxrate = 7;
$shipping = 1.75;
$discountrate = .90;
$Subtotal = $itemprice;
$Tax = round( ($itemprice * $taxrate / 100 ), 2);
$Total = (($Tax + $Subtotal)*$qtycd)+($shipping*$qtycd);
$DiscountTotal = $Total*$discountrate; //round($Total*($discountrate), 2);
$coupons = file('Vm1wS01HRXhVWGxWYmxKV1lrZG9VRlpyVmt0WGJGSllZM3BHVG1KSFVubFhhMXByWWtkR05sSnJXbFpXYldoeVZrZDRWMDVzV2xsYVIwWlhWakpvVkZaVldrWlBWa0pTVUZRd1BRPT0=.txt', FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
$coupons = array_map('trim', $coupons);
$myCoupon = $_POST['sd_0001'];
$hasdiscount = false;

$number = $Total;
$pur_item_total = $number;
$pur_po_total =  ($pur_po_total + $pur_item_total);
$print_pur_po_total = wims_currency($pur_po_total);

$number2 = $DiscountTotal;
$pur_item_total2 = $number2;
$pur_po_total2 =  ($pur_po_total2 + $pur_item_total2);
$print_pur_po_total2 = wims_currency2($pur_po_total2);

function wims_currency($number) {
   if ($number < 0) {
     $print_number = "($" . str_replace('-', '', number_format ($number, 2, ".", ",")) . ")";
    } else {
     $print_number = "$" .  number_format ($number, 2, ".", ",") ;
   return $print_number;

function wims_currency2($number2) {
   if ($number2 < 0) {
     $print_number2 = "($" . str_replace('-', '', number_format ($number2, 2, ".", ",")) . ")";
    } else {
     $print_number2 = "$" .  number_format ($number2, 2, ".", ",") ;
   return $print_number2;

Ok. I've narrowed it down. the problem is in this file:





$itemprice = 12;
$taxrate = 7;
$shipping = 1.75;
$discountrate = .90;
$Subtotal = $itemprice;
$Tax = round( ($itemprice * $taxrate / 100 ), 2);
$Total = (($Tax + $Subtotal)*$qtycd)+($shipping*$qtycd);
$DiscountTotal = $Total*$discountrate; //round($Total*($discountrate), 2);
$coupons = file('Vm1wS01HRXhVWGxWYmxKV1lrZG9VRlpyVmt0WGJGSllZM3BHVG1KSFVubFhhMXByWWtkR05sSnJXbFpXYldoeVZrZDRWMDVzV2xsYVIwWlhWakpvVkZaVldrWlBWa0pTVUZRd1BRPT0=.txt', FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
$coupons = array_map('trim', $coupons);
$myCoupon = $_POST['sd_0001'];
$hasdiscount = false;

// if found return the position in the array as $key
if(($key = array_search($myCoupon, $coupons)) !== false) {
$hasdiscount = true;
// delete the coupon from the array using $key
file_put_contents('Vm1wS01HRXhVWGxWYmxKV1lrZG9VRlpyVmt0WGJGSllZM3BHVG1KSFVubFhhMXByWWtkR05sSnJXbFpXYldoeVZrZDRWMDVzV2xsYVIwWlhWakpvVkZaVldrWlBWa0pTVUZRd1BRPT0=.txt', implode("\r\n", $coupons));
else if(($key = array_search($myCoupon, $coupons)) == false) {
$hasdiscount = false;

$number = $Total;
$pur_item_total = $number;
$pur_po_total =  ($pur_po_total + $pur_item_total);
$print_pur_po_total = wims_currency($pur_po_total);

$number2 = $DiscountTotal;
$pur_item_total2 = $number2;
$pur_po_total2 =  ($pur_po_total2 + $pur_item_total2);
$print_pur_po_total2 = wims_currency2($pur_po_total2);

function wims_currency($number) {
   if ($number < 0) {
     $print_number = "($" . str_replace('-', '', number_format ($number, 2, ".", ",")) . ")";
    } else {
     $print_number = "$" .  number_format ($number, 2, ".", ",") ;
   return $print_number;

function wims_currency2($number2) {
   if ($number2 < 0) {
     $print_number2 = "($" . str_replace('-', '', number_format ($number2, 2, ".", ",")) . ")";
    } else {
     $print_number2 = "$" .  number_format ($number2, 2, ".", ",") ;
   return $print_number2;

echo "Has discount: ".$hasdiscount."<br>\n"


This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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