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I have a class which defines the $sQuery variable as per the below:


class shopcore
var $iMerchantId;
var $iCategoryId	= 0 ;
var $iProductId;
var $sQuery;


later in the class, sQuery gets set as follows: 


$this->sQuery 		= strlen($_GET['q']) > 0 				? trim( strip_tags( urldecode($_GET['q']) ) ) 	: null;


This whole class gets included in a file, let's call it sony-laptop.php.  Thing is, I want to manually set $sQuery to have a value of "sony laptop".  I don't want to use the querystring q to set this, I just want to manually define another variable in my sony-laptop.php file, lets called it $KeyphrasePage, and then set $sQuery to this. 


I've tried stuff like this: 


Early in sony-laptop.php file, define the first variable:


$KeyphrasePage = "sony laptop";


Then within class try and set sQuery to this:


$this->sQuery = $KeyphrasePage;


but it's not getting set at all, it seems $KeyphrasePage isn't passed into the class.  :'( So how to I pass my $KeyphrasePage into the class properly and then set sQuery to it???


Any help much appreciated.



In your shopCore class file, put the following:


    function set_sQuery($yourVariable){

            $this->sQuery= $yourVariable;



Then, in sony-laptop.php you can set the value by:

$KeyphrasePage = 'sony laptop';


Also, you might add the following to your shopCore class file:


function get_sQuery(){

          return $this->sQuery;



Then in sony-laptop.php you can use:




to get the current value of $sQuery;

Thanks for your reply.  I still haven't quite got it working. 


The class, which is being included in the master file, sony-laptop.php, is:


class shopcore
var $sQuery;


Then within this is the function: 


public function gatherEnvData()


Which contains:


if ( strlen($_GET['q']) > 0 ) {
	$this->sQuery 		= strlen($_GET['q']) > 0 				? trim( strip_tags( urldecode($_GET['q']) ) ) 	: null; 
	else {
	$this->sQuery = $KeyphrasePage;


I'm still not managing to set sQuery, have I got the lines in the original file wrong?  In original file I have:


$KeyphrasePage = "sony";









Your code doesn't make sense to me.


I think urldencode should be urlencode though.


Edit: my mistake, you're right. urldencode is correct (the opposite of urlencode!!).


Do you have the set_sQuery method defined? Also, are you sure sQuery isn't an empty value (rather than not being set)?

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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