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hey guys,


within the site logger i created for my site, i have a piece of code which is supposed to use the Useragent to find the users prefared language, this works fine in Firefox, IE, Opera,  but not in Safari or Chrome.


this is the code:

$languageList = array
'Afrikaans' => 'af',
'Albanian' => 'sq',
'Arabic (Algeria)' => 'ar-dz',
'Arabic (Bahrain)' => 'ar-bh',
'Arabic (Egypt)' => 'ar-eg',
'Arabic (Iraq)' => 'ar-iq',
'Arabic (Jordan)' => 'ar-jo',
'Arabic (Kuwait)' => 'ar-kw',
'Arabic (Lebanon)' => 'ar-lb',
'Arabic (libya)' => 'ar-ly',
'Arabic (Morocco)' => 'ar-ma',
'Arabic (Oman)' => 'ar-om',
'Arabic (Qatar)' => 'ar-qa',
'Arabic (Saudi Arabia)' => 'ar-sa',
'Arabic (Syria)' => 'ar-sy',
'Arabic (Tunisia)' => 'ar-tn',
'Arabic (U.A.E.)' => 'ar-ae',
'Arabic (Yemen)' => 'ar-ye',
'Arabic' => 'ar',
'Armenian' => 'hy',
'Assamese' => 'as',
'Azeri' => 'az',
'Basque' => 'eu',
'Belarusian' => 'be',
'Bengali' => 'bn',
'Bulgarian' => 'bg',
'Catalan' => 'ca',
'Chinese (China)' => 'zh-cn',
'Chinese (Hong Kong SAR)' => 'zh-hk',
'Chinese (Macau SAR)' => 'zh-mo',
'Chinese (Singapore)' => 'zh-sg',
'Chinese (Taiwan)' => 'zh-tw',
'Chinese' => 'zh',
'Croatian' => 'hr',
'Czech' => 'cs',
'Danish' => 'da',
'Divehi' => 'div',
'Dutch (Belgium)' => 'nl-be',
'Dutch (Netherlands)' => 'nl',
'English (Australia)' => 'en-au',
'English (Belize)' => 'en-bz',
'English (Canada)' => 'en-ca',
'English (Ireland)' => 'en-ie',
'English (Jamaica)' => 'en-jm',
'English (New Zealand)' => 'en-nz',
'English (Philippines)' => 'en-ph',
'English (South Africa)' => 'en-za',
'English (Trinidad)' => 'en-tt',
'English (United Kingdom)' => 'en-gb',
'English (United States)' => 'en-US',
'English (Zimbabwe)' => 'en-zw',
'English' => 'en',
'English (United States)' => 'us',
'Estonian' => 'et',
'Faeroese' => 'fo',
'Farsi' => 'fa',
'Finnish' => 'fi',
'French (Belgium)' => 'fr-be',
'French (Canada)' => 'fr-ca',
'French (Luxembourg)' => 'fr-lu',
'French (Monaco)' => 'fr-mc',
'French (Switzerland)' => 'fr-ch',
'French (France)' => 'fr',
'FYRO Macedonian' => 'mk',
'Gaelic' => 'gd',
'Georgian' => 'ka',
'German (Austria)' => 'de-at',
'German (Liechtenstein)' => 'de-li',
'German (Luxembourg)' => 'de-lu',
'German (Switzerland)' => 'de-ch',
'German (Germany)' => 'de',
'Greek' => 'el',
'Gujarati' => 'gu',
'Hebrew' => 'he',
'Hindi' => 'hi',
'Hungarian' => 'hu',
'Icelandic' => 'is',
'Indonesian' => 'id',
'Italian (Switzerland)' => 'it-ch',
'Italian (Italy)' => 'it',
'Japanese' => 'ja',
'Kannada' => 'kn',
'Kazakh' => 'kk',
'Konkani' => 'kok',
'Korean' => 'ko',
'Kyrgyz' => 'kz',
'Latvian' => 'lv',
'Lithuanian' => 'lt',
'Malay' => 'ms',
'Malayalam' => 'ml',
'Maltese' => 'mt',
'Marathi' => 'mr',
'Mongolian (Cyrillic)' => 'mn',
'Nepali (India)' => 'ne',
'Norwegian (Bokmal)' => 'nb-no',
'Norwegian (Nynorsk)' => 'nn-no',
'Norwegian (Bokmal)' => 'no',
'Oriya' => 'or',
'Polish' => 'pl',
'Portuguese (Brazil)' => 'pt-br',
'Portuguese (Portugal)' => 'pt',
'Punjabi' => 'pa',
'Rhaeto-Romanic' => 'rm',
'Romanian (Moldova)' => 'ro-md',
'Romanian' => 'ro',
'Russian (Moldova)' => 'ru-md',
'Russian' => 'ru',
'Sanskrit' => 'sa',
'Serbian' => 'sr',
'Slovak' => 'sk',
'Slovenian' => 'ls',
'Sorbian' => 'sb',
'Spanish (Argentina)' => 'es-ar',
'Spanish (Bolivia)' => 'es-bo',
'Spanish (Chile)' => 'es-cl',
'Spanish (Colombia)' => 'es-co',
'Spanish (Costa Rica)' => 'es-cr',
'Spanish (Dominican Republic)' => 'es-do',
'Spanish (Ecuador)' => 'es-ec',
'Spanish (El Salvador)' => 'es-sv',
'Spanish (Guatemala)' => 'es-gt',
'Spanish (Honduras)' => 'es-hn',
'Spanish (Mexico)' => 'es-mx',
'Spanish (Nicaragua)' => 'es-ni',
'Spanish (Panama)' => 'es-pa',
'Spanish (Paraguay)' => 'es-py',
'Spanish (Peru)' => 'es-pe',
'Spanish (Puerto Rico)' => 'es-pr',
'Spanish (United States)' => 'es-us',
'Spanish (Uruguay)' => 'es-uy',
'Spanish (Venezuela)' => 'es-ve',
'Spanish (Traditional Sort)' => 'es',
'Sutu' => 'sx',
'Swahili' => 'sw',
'Swedish (Finland)' => 'sv-fi',
'Swedish' => 'sv',
'Syriac' => 'syr',
'Tamil' => 'ta',
'Tatar' => 'tt',
'Telugu' => 'te',
'Thai' => 'th',
'Tsonga' => 'ts',
'Tswana' => 'tn',
'Turkish' => 'tr',
'Ukrainian' => 'uk',
'Urdu' => 'ur',
'Uzbek' => 'uz',
'Vietnamese' => 'vi',
'Xhosa' => 'xh',
'Yiddish' => 'yi',
'Zulu' => 'zu',
'Unknown Language' => '()'

foreach($languageList as $CurrLanguage=>$Match)
        if (eregi($Match, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))


the useragent strings i have go as follows:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.0 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/532.0  //Chrome

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/531.21.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.4 Safari/531.21.10    //Safari



from those useragents,  its comming back with my language code being 'af  -  Afrikaans' before grabbing the 'en-US', all i can think of is that the array is being matched with the 'af' from 'safari' first; but as thats at the end of the string, shouldnt it find the 'en-US' first?


can anyone please help with this?


thanks guys

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i added a space before every language code, (eg: 'English (United Kingdom)' => ' en-gb', 'English (United States)' => ' en-us',)  which made it work fine in Chrome and Safari as usually with all useragents there will be a single space before the language code to seperate it from the previous part of the useragent string.


my problem is now that IE doesnt show the correct language, it shows 'Malay - ms', but then i had a look at my useragent string for IE, and i dont actually see any language code within it anyway

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) ; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; OfficeLiveConnector.1.4; OfficeLivePatch.1.3)


so is it even possible to find the user language code through IE?

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