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Where to start with this web project???


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Hi guys,


I have to develop a web system which will be like a business catologue. Each business has to be able to create its own profile, with many details, pictures, etc.


According to your experience and criteria, should I use some framework or just raw PHP? (I don't have strong experience with any framework). My question then would be which strategy, structure, tools, etc., use to solve this problem.


Many Thanks!



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Personally I wouldn't use a framework but that's "my opinion". I would use raw php. That said - have a look around and use what works for you.  There's quite a bit involved in what you're considering building so a framework could be advantageous - on the other hand I find they get over complicated and inflexible on the silliest little additions you want to make to an existing app sometimes.  Each framework is a unique tool that requires time to learn.  So unless you get really familiar with one framework and become a wiz at it or find one that works really well for you I'd go with raw php.

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