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culr wait a response


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hello! I'm catching what a client send with a POST form with culr, but, I don't know how to say it "wait until the form is send" because this is the only moment it can get the POST content:



$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "post.php");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
var_dump(curl_getinfo($ch, CURLOPT_POST));


It always returns NULL, and I suppose this is the reason. Do you know where is my problem?


Thank you! regards!!!

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Hi! maybe I didn't explain well, I want to capture the POST in the other web site, not in mine, I saw that CURLOPT_POST is just for send, it is not possible do what I want? I tried this:


$p = $_POST['p'];
$f = $_POST['f'];


In the correct web site they are perfect, but in mine, where I want to "steal" this they are empty.


Thank you very much!

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I'm afraid you didn't understand me, with


curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, $POSTData);


I send $POSTData to the www.server/post.php , but, what I want (and I'm starting thinking it's not possible) is:


In www.server/index.php I have a form, I insert whatever and push "send", redirect to www.server/post.php

So, in www.server/post.php  I have the post values $_POST['p'] and $_POST['f']


Now from www.othercomputer/index.php I want read $_POST['p'] and $_POST['f']


I hope you'll undestand me this time.


thank you!

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Hi again.


I want to configure a router and do a log of the configuration, in my computer I access to www.othercomputer/index.php, this page have a link "configure router" this link is:


<a href = target='_blank'> Configure router </a> 


I open it in a new tab because I can't write a "back" button.


For example, I change the wireless password, so, I write it in a form and send, I want to capture this information and add it to my log file.


Did I explain it well this time?






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