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hi you can see the script in action at http://golden8ball.freehostia.com/?TI=2, in google chrome it seems ok the TABS size keep the same how ever in IE it make them larger which makes it look messy.


here is the code for the page

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<div id="newsTitle"><h2>Launch Of Golden 8 Ball</h2></div>
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<div id="newsTextBoxBG">
<div id="newsTBT"></div>
<div id="newsTBS2"></div>
<div id="newsTB"><p>Following the successes of the Lancashire pool squads in the past season we wish to announce that trials for new players will be held at the Swinton Leisure Pool Hall on Sunday 29th March at 1pm. 
All pool players are invited to compete for places in both the mens and ladies sections. <br />The number of squads maybe increased this year. Further information is available from Don Mills 0161 763 5249, Michael Giles 07590 650 813 or Ian Simpson 07745 700 141.<br />
All pool players are invited to compete for places in both the mens and ladies sections. The number of squads maybe increased this year. Further information is available from Don Mills 0161 763 5249, Michael Giles 07590 650 813 or Ian Simpson 07745 700 141.<br />All pool players are invited to compete for places in both the mens and ladies sections. The number of squads maybe increased this year. Further information is available from Don Mills 0161 763 5249, Michael Giles 07590 650 813 or Ian Simpson 07745 700 141.</p>...</div>
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<?php tabs_start(); ?>
<?php tab( "Tournament" ); ?>
This is the first tab.
<?php tab( "Register Team" ); ?>
This is the second tab.
<?php tab( "Entry Criteria" ); ?>
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<?php tab( "Directions" ); ?>
This is the second tab.
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      <div onclick="location.href='#';" style="cursor:pointer;" id="infoBox" align="left" class="playerLink">You too can also become a Golden 8 Ball player by simply signing up</div>
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    <p align="center" class="onlinePlayers">Hello<br />tester<br />again<br />test<br />Golden 8 Ball<br />Cue King<br />Cue Tip</p>
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  <li>Teams are to consist of five players (teams can be mixed gender) with up to three reserved players.</li>
  <br />
  <br />
  <li>Teams can change their players and order of play between matches, utilising reserve players etc - an order of play sheet must be submitted before each match during the tournament.</li>
  <br />
  <br />
  <li>In urban areas, all team members must live within an 8 radius miles of their nominated pub/club. Areas are deemed urban if they have a population of more than 25,000.</li>
  <br />
  <br />
  <li>In rural areas, all team members must live within a 16 radius miles of their nominated pub/club.</li>
  <br />
  <br />
  <li>If any team member does not fall within this residential qualifications, please apply for an exception to the rule in full writing to : 'G8B Team Applications', UK Pub Pool Limited, Spring Valley Mills, Stanningley, West Yorkshire, LS28 6DW within 4 weeks of the tournament start date.</li>
  <br />
  <br />
  <li>No professional players are allowed entry or play in the tournament</li>
  <br />
  <br />
  <li>Only ONE adult male 'A' international player is allowed per team including reserves - no limit exsits to 'B' or 'C' team players, under 18's or ladies.</li>
  <br />
  <br />
  <li>Any player who has played for their country in the last two years will be deemed an international player.</li>
  <div class="ft" style="background-image: url(../images/BGs/lightBoxBot.gif); height:20px;">
<div id="myLightbox2" class="hidden">
<div class="hd" style="background-image: url(../images/BGs/lightBoxTop.gif);">
  <div class="bd" style="background-image: url(../images/BGs/lightBoxMain.gif);">
<u><b>Mens Singles</b></u>
  <li>Mens singles is limited a certain players.</li><br>
  <li>No professional players may enter.</li>
  <li>To secure a place in the mens singles, players must complete a singles entry form and register before the event. Entry fee is payable prior to the event and is non-refundable. Any spare places will be offered on a first come first served basis during the tournament<br>
  <li>Entry is £20 per player.</li>
<u><b>Ladies Singles</b></u>
  <li>Ladies is limited to 64 players. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis during the tournament<br>
  <li>Entry for ladies singles is £10</li>

  <div class="ft" style="background-image: url(../images/BGs/lightBoxBot.gif); height:20px;">
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  <div class="ft" style="background-image: url(../images/BGs/lightBoxBot.gif); height:20px;">

here is the tab.php

$tabs =array();

function tabs_header()
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.tab-active a:active{font-family:Calibri;  font-size:22px; color:#0052A4; text-decoration:none;}


function tabs_start()

function endtab()
  global $tabs;

  $text = ob_get_clean();
  $tabs[ count( $tabs ) - 1 ][ 'text' ] = $text;


function tab( $title )
  global $tabs;

  if ( count( $tabs ) > 0 )

  $tabs []= array(
    title => $title,
    text => ""

function tabs_end()
  global $tabs;


  $index = 0;
  if ( $_GET['TI'] )
    $index = $_GET['TI'];

<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
  $baseuri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
  $baseuri = preg_replace( "/\?.*$/", "", $baseuri );

  $curindex = 0;
  foreach( $tabs as $tab )
    $class = "tab";
    if ( $index == $curindex )
      $class ="tab-active";
<td height="24" class="<?php echo($class); ?>">
<a href="<?php echo( $baseuri."?TI=".$curindex ); ?>">
<?php echo( $tab['title'] ); ?>
    $curindex += 1;
<tr><td class="tab-content" colspan="<?php echo( count( $tabs ) + 1 ); ?>">
<?php echo( $tabs[$index ]['text'] ); ?>





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have you tried setting the image heights? 


if that doesnt work:


It may be that if you reduce your 'Entry Criteria' wording it probably won't make the tab expand. You may have to reduce the font on the tab slightly? If this works then you know its a problem in the code with padding/margin/tab size etc..

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