jokerfool Posted January 29, 2010 Share Posted January 29, 2010 I have to write this php file to allow users to register their nicknames on nickserv For an IRC server, however it worked fine for a couple of years, I then upgraded from Php4 to Php5 and suddenly nothing works. If I use "register_global" on it still works but if I turn the RG off I get either a blank page or if I add the following line to show me what the error is: error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 'On'); I get 4 Undefined variables. And If I define the variables at the beginning of the script, I get the blank page again. Here is the script, and I hope somebody can give me some clues on what I should do. Thanks <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 'On'); // Adresse de Connexion du Serveur $serv=""; // Port du Serveur $port="6667"; // Pseudo de NickServ $nickserv="NickServ"; // Message de quit $messquit="Enregistrement sous $nickserv Ok !!!"; if($create) { $pseudo1=stripslashes($pseudo); $motpass1=stripslashes($motpass); $email1=stripslashes($email); $fp=fsockopen("$serv","$port"); fputs($fp,"USER $pseudo1 $pseudo1 $pseudo1 :$pseudo1 \r\n"); fputs($fp,"NICK $pseudo1 \r\n"); //while($data=fgets($fp,1024)) while($data=fgets($fp,2046)) { if(ereg("PING",$data)) { $ping = explode(":",$data); $reply = $ping[1]; fputs($fp,"PONG $reply\n\r"); } elseif(ereg("433",$data)) { fputs($fp,"QUIT : Pseudo used \r\n"); header("location:nickserv.php?used=1&pseudo=$pseudo1"); } elseif(ereg("MODE",$data)) { fputs($fp,"PRIVMSG $nickserv : register $motpass1 $email1 \r\n"); fputs($fp,"QUIT : $messquit \r\n"); header("location:nickserv.php?result=1&pseudo=$pseudo1&motpass=$motpass1&email=$email1"); } } } print("<html><head><title>Register nickname with $nickserv</title></head><body>"); // // Verification du formulaire // print("<script language=\"javascript\">\n"); print("function verife()\n"); print("{\n"); print("if (document.formu.pseudo.value.length == 0)\n"); print("{\n"); print("alert(\"Votre Pseudo...\");\n"); print("return false;\n"); print("}\n"); print("if (document.formu.motpass.value.length == 0)\n"); print("{\n"); print("alert(\"Votre Mot de Passe...\");\n"); print("return false;\n"); print("}\n"); print("if ( == 0)\n"); print("{\n"); print("alert(\"Votre E-mail...\");\n"); print("return false;\n"); print("}\n"); print("return true;\n"); print("}\n"); print("</script>\n"); if($debut == 1) { print("<center>Enregistrement de votre pseudo sous $nickserv<br><br>"); print("<form name=\"formu\" OnSubmit=\"return verife()\" action=\"nickserv.php?create=1\" method=\"post\">"); print("Votre Pseudo<br><input type=\"text\" name=\"pseudo\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"30\"><br>"); print("Your Password ( min : 5 letters ) <br><input type=\"text\" name=\"motpass\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"30\"><br>"); print("Votre E-mail<br><input type=\"text\" name=\"email\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"30\"><br><br>"); print("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Enregistrer\">"); print("</form></center>"); } if($result== 1) { $ps=stripslashes($pseudo); $ps=htmlspecialchars("$ps", ENT_QUOTES); $pa=stripslashes($motpass); $pa=htmlspecialchars("$pa", ENT_QUOTES); $em=stripslashes($email); $em=htmlspecialchars("$em", ENT_QUOTES); print("<center>Votre Pseudo a bien ete enregistre.<br>"); print("Pseudo : $ps<br>"); print("Mot de Passe : $pa<br>"); print("E-mail : $em<br><br><a href=\"nickserv.php?debut=1\">Retour...</a></center>"); } if($used== 1) { $ps=stripslashes($pseudo); $ps=htmlspecialchars("$ps", ENT_QUOTES); print("<center>$ps est online sur le serveur.<br><br><a href=\"nickserv.php?debut=1\">Retour...</a></center>"); } print("</body></html>"); ?> If anyone can give some answers, I would really appreciate it, I promise you I have tried almost anything you can think of, remember this script did work for nearly 3 years without a problem. Thank you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
citricsquid Posted January 29, 2010 Share Posted January 29, 2010 You need to change all the variables taken from the previous page to $_GET['name'] or $_POST['name'] depending on the method they're passed with. For example in your script you have "if($create)" but $create isn't defined anywhere, so I assume the form passes it, correct? If so above this line you should have "$create = $_GET['create']" (or $_POST). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PFMaBiSmAd Posted January 29, 2010 Share Posted January 29, 2010 register_globals magically populated program variables from the corresponding $_POST, $_GET, $_COOKIE, $_SESSION, $_SERVER, $_ENV... variables. Unfortunately, they also back-populated SESSION variables, which meant that hackers could magically set your session variables by simply putting a $_GET variable on the end of the URL when he visits one of your pages that you think is being protected by a log in script. A lot of web sites where taken over this way. register_globals were turned off by default nearly 8 years ago. You need to use the correct source variable in your code. Your form is using the POST method, so the values are present in $_POST variables, such as $_POST['pseudo'] You are also passing $create on the end of the URL as a GET parameter, so you would use $_GET['create'] If you are using session variables with the session_register(), session_is_registered(), or session_unregister() functions, you will need to make addition changes in your code in order to remove those functions. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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