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Nginx module to limit visits from same IP address?


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Hopefully this is the right forum. I'm not sure if Nginx falls into the Apache forum or not. (Please move if need be)


I am continuing to better my site, and right now it's getting hammered. The programmer I hired says that some IPs are hammering the same page over 50,000 times. So our idea to limit users trying to DOS attack my site, that we filter and track IPs in a Nginx module. So that each IP address can only visit the same page no more than 10 or 20 times.


Does a module for Nginx like this exist?


Does anybody see any flaws with something like this? Surely the exploiters can't continue to rotate their IPs so quick that it would be fast enough to hammer the website, can they?


The programmer said he could create something, if a module doesn't exist, but is going to charge 2-4 hours ($200-$400), maybe more. If anybody sees this message that could do it for a good amount cheaper, I'd be interested in talking with you through PM or here in this thread (if that's allowed). I say a good amount cheaper as he already has access to the server, we've already worked with him, he already knows some of our code, and we already know he's a little expensive.)


Can somebody help point me to anything that might work to help with people that are continuing to try and exploit my site?


Thanks for any help you can provide!


P.S. I'm looking for some help on this as quickly as possible.


P.S.S. I was looking at this: http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpLimitZoneModule would that work?

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