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What is the problem with my code?


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I have a form that when filled out, the info gets sent to mysql database.  If my database table is completely empty, then everything works.  But if there is an entry in the table already, I get the message 'error querying database'.


I know it has something to do with the following code I wrote:

$query = "SELECT * FROM textnook WHERE phonenumber = '{$_POST['phonenumber']}'";

		$data = mysql_query ($query);			
		if (mysql_num_rows($data) == 0) {

The purpose of the code above is to not allow someone to sign up with the same PHONENUMBER more than once.  But it is causing my database to only let ONE total entry into the table.


Here is the entire code.  If anyone knows the problem please help.  Thanks



		$firstname = ($_POST['firstname']);

		$lastname = ($_POST['lastname']);		

		$username = ($_POST['username']); 

		$password1 = ($_POST['password1']);

		$password2 = ($_POST['password2']);

		$phonenumber = ($_POST['phonenumber']);

		$sex = ($_POST['sex']);

		$month = ($_POST['month']);

		$day = ($_POST['day']);

		$year = ($_POST['year']);

		$categories = ($_POST['categories']);

		$days = ($_POST['days']);

		$text = ($_POST['text']);

		$comments = ($_POST['comments']);

		$submit = ($_POST['signup']);		

		if (isset($submit)) {
		$output_form = false;

		if (isset($firstname) && !empty($firstname)
		&& isset($lastname) && !empty($lastname) 
		&& isset($username) && !empty($username)
		&& isset($password1) && !empty($password1)
		&& isset($password2) && !empty($password2)
		&& isset($phonenumber) && !empty($phonenumber)
		&& isset($month) && !empty($month)
		&& isset($day) && !empty($day)
		&& isset($year) && !empty($year)
		&& isset($categories) && !empty($categories)
		&& isset($days) && !empty($days)
		&& isset($text) && !empty($text)
		&& isset($sex) && !empty($sex)
		&& ($password1 == $password2)) {

		$dbc = mysql_connect ('thetextnook.db.5566025.hostedresource.com', 'thetextnook', 'Jpw78413', 'thetextnook')
		      or die ('Error connecting to MySQL server.');

		mysql_select_db ('thetextnook', $dbc);

		$query = "SELECT * FROM textnook WHERE phonenumber = '{$_POST['phonenumber']}'";

		$data = mysql_query ($query);			
		if (mysql_num_rows($data) == 0) {

		$query1 = "INSERT INTO textnook ( first_name, last_name, user_name, password, phonenumber, sex, month, day, year, category, days, text, comments)
			 VALUES ( '$firstname', '$lastname', '$username', '$password1', '$phonenumber', '$sex', '$month','$day', '$year', '$categories', '$days', '$text','$comments')";

		$result = mysql_query ($query1, $dbc)
		      or die ("MYSQL ERROR: $query1 - " . mysql_error());

		echo 'Sign Up Confirmed' . '<br /> <br />';					

		echo 'Thanks for joining TextNook!' . '<br /> <br />'; 	

		echo 'You have signed up to receive :' .implode(", ",$_POST['categories']) . '<br /> <br />';

		echo 'You have signed up to receive :'  .implode(", ",$_POST['days']) . '<br /> <br />';

		echo 'And you have signed up to receive :' . $_POST['text'] . '<br /> <br />';

		echo 'You can change these selections at anytime by logging into your account.' . '<br /> <br />';

		echo 'Coming Soon: You will be able to choose individual stores and restraunts instead of entire categories.</span>' . '<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />';

		mysql_close ($dbc);

		else {

		echo '<p> An account already exists with this phone number.  Please select a different phone number. </p>';
		$output_form = true;			


		else {			

		echo  'Attention! Unfortunately you did not provide all of the required sign up information. <br /> <br /> To sign up, please fill out all of the required form fields and make sure you confirm your password correctly.  Thankyou';
		$output_form = true;


		else {

		$output_form = true; }

		if ($output_form) {



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You probably want to edit out your database password. I'd also recommend changing it now.


As for your issue though, I read through your code and nothing stuck out to me as incorrect. Have you actually looked at the row it inserts into the database to make sure it's getting written correctly? Perhaps somewhere along the line the phonenumber isn't getting set correctly and defaulting to null or something else which makes mysql_num_rows return non zero

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