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Basically I generated an XPath query that finds and outputs a <P> tag from a given page.


The problem I am having is that this <P> tag contains <BR> tags within it's content. For example:



100 New Drive


New Town







$address = $xpath->evaluate("/html/body/table/tr[5]/td[4]/p");

echo $address->item(0)->nodeValue;


This outputs:


100 New DriveNew TownManchesterM1 AAA


Ideally I want the <P> tag to be created into an array which is split up upon each <BR> tag. I can then put the data from this array into their own fields in the database.


Anybody got any suggestions on how to do this?

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Given your current code, the following should do what you're wanting or at least point you in the general direction.


$texts = $xpath->query('text()', $address->item(0));
foreach ($texts as $text) {
$addr[] = trim($text->wholeText);



The code should be pretty self-explanatory but basically it asks for the text nodes belonging to the paragraph and throws them onto the $addr array for later use.  The output, if all goes to plan, should be:


    [0] => 100 New Drive
    [1] => New Town
    [2] => Manchester
    [3] => M1 AAA

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Perhaps you can help me out with my final xpath query -


I've created a scrape script which fetches all links on a page:


$dom = new DOMDocument();


$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);

$links = $xpath->query("//a[@class='listinglink']");


foreach($links as $item)
$href = $links->item($i);
$url = $href->getAttribute('href');
echo '<a href="'.$url.'">'.$url.'</a><br/>';


I now need to extend this further - it needs to go in to each link and perform the xpath query from my original post. Do you have any idea how I can do this?

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Your original post was accessing a paragraph's text, your latest a series of anchors. Without more details, help will only be guess-work as the two do not appear to correlate.


Give a sample of the HTML that you're accessing and what you want to do with it more precisely.


P.S. You're using the foreach loop in a strange way, it could be changed to foreach($links as $href) saving the need for the first and last lines within the loop.

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Hi Salathe,


Basically the most recent code I posted is meant to grab all links (with a class value of 'listinglink') from a given page.


I now want to run the code from my original post upon each of those links. So basically it's going to go into each of those links, find the required <P> tag and output it's data underneath the link.


So a sample output would be:


Link 1

P tag content


Link 2

P tag content


...and so on.


I tried using another curl() within the foreach loop but it doesn't seem to work.


P.S. thanks for the helpful tip on the foreach loop!

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