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grouping with arrays


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Hi guys,


I've been trying to get values from some arrays and group them it's kinda hard to explain let me give you an example I have this output:


Richard Whiting - 65

Ewan Dowes - 43

Reece Lyne - 34

Kirk Yeaman - 32

Kirk Yeaman - 27

Willie Manu - 16

Mark Calderwood - 13

Ewan Dowes - 2


there are duplicates in the names I need to remove the duplicate name and keep the number but group them so they end up like this:


Richard Whiting - 65

Ewan Dowes - 2,43

Reece Lyne - 34

Kirk Yeaman - 27,32

Willie Manu - 16

Mark Calderwood - 13


this is the code I've used to get this far:


inside a loop I add the data to an array:


$tsname[] = array($r['Team2TeamSheetPersonName'] => $timeLine->Time);


$key is the name and $value is the number


foreach ($tsname as $key => $value) {
foreach ($value as $key => $value) {
echo "<p>$key - $value</p>";


I've tried everything I can think of and am stuck not sure how to do this, if anyone can provide any help on this I would be very greatful.


thanks in advance.

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The quickest and easiest way I can see is

$array['a'][0] = 3;
$array['a'][1] = 1;
$array['b'][0] = 2;
$array['b'][1] = 1;
$array['c'][0] = 0;
$array['c'][1] = 1;

foreach (array_keys($array) as $key) {
  $array[$key] = array_sum($array[$key]);


Array ( 
  [a] => 4 
  [b] => 3 
  [c] => 1 

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foreach ($tsname as $key => $value) {

foreach ($value as $key => $value) {

echo "<p>$key - $value</p>";




firstly your code looks like it shouldn't work :)


secondly, I don't understand how you can have more than 1 name as a key.. in the same array (probably came from another dimension of the first array.


thirdly how I would do it, is like this:


$overall = array();
foreach ($tsname as $v) {
foreach ($v as $key => $value) {
	$overall[$key] = ((array_key_exists($key,$overall))? $overall[$key].',':'').$value;

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that's brilliant works great


I agree with your points, I didn't think having more then one name as key would work either I got to the point where anything was worth a try. I don't tend to use array beyond doing basic things.


here's the output now:




    [Richard Whiting] => 65

    [Ewan Dowes] => 43,2

    [Reece Lyne] => 34

    [Kirk Yeaman] => 32,27

    [Willie Manu] => 16

    [Mark Calderwood] => 13



what would your recommend is the best way to print out this data so it's like:


  Richard Whiting  65

  Ewan Dowes 43,2

  Reece Lyne 34

  Kirk Yeaman 32,27

  Willie Manu 16

  Mark Calderwood 13


thanks very much



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