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Parsing out title, url, and thread score


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Hi, I'm trying to parse out the title, url, and thread score from a forum. I would like to display it very simply. For the examples below, I want it to look like:


Cleveland Indians 2010 Odds, showthread.php?t=18523545, 1

We need another thing like the Albert Belle Candy Bar, showthread.php?t=18523546&page=, -2


Can somebody give me some tips to do this?


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		 <a href="showthread.php?t=18523545" id="thread_title_18523545">Cleveland Indians 2010 Odds</a>


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	Today 06:31 PM -  
            <a href="member.php?u=4971" rel="nofollow">larrypaging</a>

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		 <a href="showthread.php?t=18523546" id="thread_title_18523546" style="font-weight:bold">We need another thing like the Albert Belle Candy Bar</a>

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	Today 06:24 PM -  
            <a href="member.php?u=5614" rel="nofollow">lofton4ever</a>

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Opps noticed the minus, on the score


Here is a full example

preg_match_all('%<a href="showthread\.php([^"]*)"[^>]*>([^<]+)</a>.*?alt="Votes:\s+\d+\s+Score: ([\d-]+)%si', $html, $results, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach($results as $result){
echo $result[1]." -> ";
echo $result[2]." -> ";
echo $result[3]."<BR />\n";

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I thank you MadTechie for your assistance! However I am still having some problems. The url link is coming back partially corrupted. Instead of just a number, it has "?s=da7e4443638d7d2e8a430f7a0da3a0bf&t=" appended to the beginning of every url.


My output right now looks like:


?s=da7e4443638d7d2e8a430f7a0da3a0bf&t=18523544 -> Steroids can't be tested on everyone -> 1

?s=da7e4443638d7d2e8a430f7a0da3a0bf&t=1852845 -> We need another thing like the Albert Belle Candy Bar -> -2


The other problem is that the score is not being shown as belonging to correct thread. I think this is because I forgot to mention that some threads have no score. So in the above output, the "Steroids can't be tested on everyone" thread has no score, but it is displaying the score from the "Cleveland Indians 2010 Odds" thread. If a thread does not have a score, I don't need to display it.


So instead of:

<td class="mobile_pen_right_alt"></td></tr><tr><td class="mobile_pen_left"></td><td class="mobile_pen">
   <div class="mobile_threadbit">   
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          <a href="showthread.php?t=18523545" id="thread_title_18523545">Cleveland Indians 2010 Odds</a>

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      Today 06:31 PM - 
            <a href="member.php?u=4971" rel="nofollow">larrypaging</a>

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            <img class="inlineimg" src="/images/rating/rating1.gif" border="0" alt="Votes: 1 Score: 1" />



The code for a thread might look like this:


<td class="mobile_pen_right_alt"></td></tr><tr><td class="mobile_pen_left"></td><td class="mobile_pen">
   <div class="mobile_threadbit">   
   <div class="mobile_threadbit_title">
          <a href="showthread.php?t=18523545" id="thread_title_18523544">Steroids can't be tested on everyone</a>

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      Today 06:31 PM - 
            <a href="member.php?u=4674" rel="nofollow">dudeabiding</a>

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If you need more examples from the source code please let me know. And thank you, you've already helped me quite a bit!

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Okay I'm a little unsure but i think this is what you want!

preg_match_all ( '%<a href="showthread\.php([^"]*)"[^>]*>([^<]+)</a>.*?<br>\s*?<span>\s*<img [^>]*? alt="Votes:\s+\d+\s+Score: ([\d-]+)%si', $html, $results, PREG_SET_ORDER );
foreach ( $results as $result ) {
echo $result [1] . " -> ";
echo $result [2] . " -> ";
echo $result [3] . "<BR />\n";


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Unfortunately I still haven't figured it out. Here is the exact code sample with the first thread having NO score. Right now, the regex is returning the score of the "Cleveland Indians 2010 Odds" to the "Steroids can't be tested on everyone." I don't want the "Steroids can't be tested on everyone" to even be in the output. Any ideas what could fix this?


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          <a href="showthread.php?t=18523545" id="thread_title_18523544">Steroids can't be tested on everyone</a>

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            <a href="member.php?u=4674" rel="nofollow">dudeabiding</a>

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          <a href="showthread.php?t=18523545" id="thread_title_18523545">Cleveland Indians 2010 Odds</a>

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            <a href="member.php?u=4971" rel="nofollow">larrypaging</a>

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          <a href="showthread.php?t=18523546" id="thread_title_18523546" style="font-weight:bold">We need another thing like the Albert Belle Candy Bar</a>

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            <a href="member.php?u=5614" rel="nofollow">lofton4ever</a>

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I think I figured it out! :)


I changed:

preg_match_all ( '%<a href="showthread\.php([^"]*)"[^>]*>([^<]+)</a>.*?<br>\s*?<span>\s*<img [^>]*? alt="Votes:\s+\d+\s+Score: ([\d-]+)%si', $html, $results, PREG_SET_ORDER );



preg_match_all('%id="thread_title_([^"]*)"[^>]*>([^<]+)</a>.{350,1000}?alt="Votes:\s+\d+\s+Score: ([\d-]+)%si', $html, $results, PREG_SET_ORDER);


It seems to have made the URL more readable (somehow they were embedding a link WITHIN THEIR SOURCE CODE), and now it only returns threads where "Score:" is within 350 and 1000 characters of the thread title.


I stand on the shoulders of MadTechie. Thanks!

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Okay well if you must use a RegEx, then here's an ugly one


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preg_match_all ( '%<a href="showthread\.php([^"]*)"[^>]*>([^<]+)</a>\s*</div>\s*<div class="mobile_threadbit_details">\s*[^<]*[^<]*[^>]*>[^>]*>\s*<!-- Replies Views -->\s*<br>Replies: \d+\s+[^>]*>[^>]*>\s*<br>\s+<span>\s*<img [^>]*? alt="Votes:\s+\d+\s+Score: ([\d-]+)%sim', $html, $results, PREG_SET_ORDER );
foreach ( $results as $result ) {
echo $result [1] . " -> ";
echo $result [2] . " -> ";
echo $result [3] . "<BR />\n";


?t=18523545 -> Cleveland Indians 2010 Odds -> 1

?t=18523546 -> We need another thing like the Albert Belle Candy Bar -> -2


seam correct to me!

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