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How to make a fill in calender


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I tried searching around the web and all kinds of php / mysql tutorials but I can't seem to find something on how to make what I want.


I would like to make it possible to make a calender on my website that different persons can fill in for themselves and that's visible for everyone that's logged in.


What I have: a database with some different users in it.

What I want:

- A calender (like the one in the picture I added) where everyone can fill in their own column and not someone elses.

- To make it possible that when a new user is added in the database, he's also added as a member on the calender. So if I add member 11 as a user, he gets his column after member 10. This would be the same if a member is removed.

- Automated new months in the calender.


If  anyone has any idea's on how to make this into a php/html website with a new database to store the inserts from everyone, I would be deeply thankfull.






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Creating a calendar like the above is as simple as:


create table user (
  id integer not null auto_increment,
  primary key (id));

create table calendar (
  id integer not null auto_increment,
  user_id integer,
  content text,
  datum datetime,
  key calendar_user_id_fk (user_id),
  primary key (id));


I assume you can write the required PHP code using the above data and that you can create a simple table. You probably also need the queries:


SELECT * FROM calendar WHERE month(datum) = $month; -- zoom to a month
SELECT * FROM calendar WHERE year(datum) = $year; -- zoom year
SELECT * FROM calendar WHERE week(datum) = $week; -- zoom week


[ot]Als dit voor je huiswerk is mag ik je eigenlijk niet helpen :)[/ot]

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Thank you for the reply. :) I'm gonna take a look at it tomorrow at work to see if I can make it this way.


And it's not for my homework.  :P

I work at a greenhouse and I want to make an online calendar so our parttimers can enter when they're available.


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