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I know this is very simple, but alas, I can't figure it out.  I need to grab the CData from an XML file using SimpleXML, loop through every item in the XML file, pick out specific products and then put them in a different file.



	echo "<pre>",print_r($xml,true),"</pre>";

the structure goes as

    - id
   - title
            - item
                     - model
                     - title
                     - category

or basically $xml->items->item then whatever node I need. It's the title that has the <![CDATA[whatever]]> and I can't figure out how to extract that information as well. It just shows up as SimpleXMLElement Object. I tried to do something along the lines of:

    $xml = simplexml_load_file('products.xml');

if($xml->items->item->category == ";whatever;") {
	print $xml->items->item;

Where assuming the category is what I need, then only the items are printed (but I realised this is more of a Perl thing and I became confused.) I tried looking at these pages: Reading XML with elements and attributes and Extract XML via PHP which helped, but this is the first am actually doing XML->PHP work and not sure how to actually do it.


Any help would be sincerely appreciated.

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Actually, I managed to figure it out (somehow that keeps happening after I post on this forum)...


To those interested,


   $xml = simplexml_load_file('products.xml');foreach ($xml->items->item as $cat) {	preg_match('#whatever#i',$cat->category,$matches);	if($matches[0]) {			echo $cat->title.'<br/>';		echo $cat->model.'<br/>';		echo $cat->price.'<br/>';	}}


It loops through the entire document, finding only whatever you're trying to match, printing the respected title/model/price, though that can easily be changed to fit your needs.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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