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I have some code for restaurant reservations that will check to see (among other things) if the restaurant is open that day.  I have a schedule of open days:

//Restuarant Open Times

$available_main_array = array(

'Summer' => array(

'start' => 'May 1',

'end' => 'October 31',

'schedule' => array(

'Sunday' => array(


'Monday' => array(


'Tuesday' => array(


'Wednesday' => array(


'Thursday' => array(


'Friday' => array(


'Saturday' => array(


'Winter' => array(

'start' => 'November 1',

'end' => 'April 30',

'schedule' => array(

'Sunday' => array(


'Friday' => array(


'Saturday' => array(



And these checks:

//Check Database Functions

function available($array) {

//return array('false',gmdate('g:i a',$array['etime']));

$week_schedule = availableArray($array['date']);

$schedule = $week_schedule[date('l',$array['date'])];

if(is_array($schedule)) {

foreach($schedule as $timespan) {

if(gmdate('H:i',$array['stime'])<$timespan[0]) { return array('false','Sorry, we are not available at your starting time.'); }

if(gmdate('H:i',$array['etime']-1)<$timespan[0]) { return array('false','Sorry, you cannot place an online reservation this late at night. Please call 920-854-9070 to place this reservation.'); }


return array('yay');


else { return array('false','Sorry, we are not available on that day.'); }



function availableArray($date) {

global $available_main_array;

foreach($available_main_array as $season_array) {

$start = $season_array['start'];

$end = $season_array['end'];

if(strtotime($end)<strtotime($start)) { $end .= ', '.(date('Y')+1); }

else { $end .= ', '.date('Y'); }

$start .= ', '.date('Y');

if($date>=strtotime($start)&&$date<=strtotime($end)) { return $season_array['schedule']; }




The problem is, any dates entered from today (in the winter season) until May 1 (the start of the summer season) return the error 'Sorry, we are not available on that day.'  So I think the problem is is how I'm advancing the year (in the avaiableArray function) when the winter season goes from say 12/31/09 to 1/1/10.  But for the life of me, I can't find the error in the code.  Can anyone help?

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create table opening_hours (
  id integer not null auto_increment,
  valid_from date,
  valid_until date,
  monday varchar(32),
  tuesday varchar(32),
  wednesday varchar(32),
  thursday varchar(32),
  friday varchar(32),
  primary key (id));


$query = 'SELECT monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday 
FROM opening_hours 
WHERE now() BETWEEN valid_from AND valid_until';
$result = mysql_query($query);
list($monday, $tuesday, $wednesday, $thursday, $friday) = 
    myql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) {
//echo '<td>', $monday, '</td><td>', $tuesday, '</td><td>', $wednesday, '</td><td>',
//    $thursday, '</td><td>', $friday, '</td><td>';


The fields monday till friday would hold the opening hours like 17:00-24:00

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Thanks...but I don't need to create a database table.  I'm using the available_main_array to check availability.  My problem is the winter season spans two years (i.e. 11/1/09-4/30/10).  The code to check that is (I think) where I'm going wrong:

function availableArray($date) {

global $available_main_array;

foreach($available_main_array as $season_array) {

$start = $season_array['start'];

$end = $season_array['end'];

if(strtotime($end)<strtotime($start)) { $end .= ', '.(date('Y')+1); }

else { $end .= ', '.date('Y'); }

$start .= ', '.date('Y');

if($date>=strtotime($start)&&$date<=strtotime($end)) { return $season_array['schedule']; }


Now that it's 2010, this code is saying the available dates during the winter season are 11/1/10-4/30/11.  So people trying to book dates on say 2/14/10 get an error...

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Well if you don't store it in a database then why don't you just create 2 files: summer.inc.php and winter.inc.php


$time = time();
if ($time >= mktime(0, 0, 0, 5, 1) && $time <= mktime(0, 0, 0, 31, 10)) {
} else {

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