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Redirecting to thread a user has just submitted


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Hi there basically what I would like to do is when ever a user submits a thread on my forum instead of echo"your thread has been submitted" I would like for them to be redirected to the thread that they just submitted.


I know that i need to do an sql statement to find out what the Post_id was but i have no idea where to start, can anyone give me any tips or point me in the right direction? Thanks


This is the current submit thread file that I am using.





			$sql="INSERT INTO biggartfp9_forum_threadst (Post_username, Post_pp, Post_date, Post_subject, Post_message, Post_tags, Post_type)VALUES('$Post_username', '$Post_pp', NOW(), '$Post_subject', '$Post_message', '$Post_tags', '$Post_type')";

			echo "<h1 class=status_green>Your Post has been added successfully</h1>";

			// close connection
			echo "<h1 class=status_red>Unfortunitly there has been a problem, Please try and resubmit your thread.</h1>";

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Ok that has made me get my head around it alittle more but it still isnt working, problem one is that i get the error echo, and problem 2 is there is no redirect. This is what i changed it to.





			$sql="INSERT INTO biggartfp9_forum_threadst (Post_username, Post_pp, Post_date, Post_subject, Post_message, Post_tags, Post_type)VALUES('$Post_username', '$Post_pp', NOW(), '$Post_subject', '$Post_message', '$Post_tags', '$Post_type')";

			$Post_id = mysql_insert_id();
			header("Location: forum_view.php?Post_id=$Post_id");

			// close connection
			echo "<h1 class=status_red>Unfortunitly there has been a problem, Please try and resubmit your thread.</h1>";

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Ok I got rid of that problem with the error message being displayed, silly mistake on my behalf. Just cant get my head around what to do next??





			$sql="INSERT INTO biggartfp9_forum_threadst (Post_username, Post_pp, Post_date, Post_subject, Post_message, Post_tags, Post_type)VALUES('$Post_username', '$Post_pp', NOW(), '$Post_subject', '$Post_message', '$Post_tags', '$Post_type')";

			$Post_id = mysql_insert_id();
			header("Location: forum_view.php?Post_id=$Post_id");
			echo "<h1 class=status_red>Unfortunitly there has been a problem, Please try and resubmit your thread.</h1>";
			// close connection

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Ok i have did abit of error checking and i can echo the result as a link which works, so the problem is with the redirecting... This is the whole page is there anything that would conflict with the redirection?


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			$sql="INSERT INTO biggartfp9_forum_threadst (Post_username, Post_pp, Post_date, Post_subject, Post_message, Post_tags, Post_type)VALUES('$Post_username', '$Post_pp', NOW(), '$Post_subject', '$Post_message', '$Post_tags', '$Post_type')";

			$Post_id = mysql_insert_id();
			echo "<h1 class=status_red>Unfortunitly there has been a problem, Please try and resubmit your thread.</h1>";
			// close connection
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a header cant be sent after any content has been printed add:


what this does is it keeps the page from outputting content so add:


at the end of your page to display the contents of the page as normal(assuming there hasn't been a redirect)

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