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Hey guys,

A few years ago my friend wrote a small script for a page on my site where my friends and I can upload pictures or whatever to share with each other. My server switched from PHP4 to 5 and it broke the function that allows you to sort the uploaded files by year: if you click on a previous year, it just shows the current one. It's kind of lame since I've had my site for over 4 years and I can only see a tiny fraction of the files without FTPing.


Anyway, this is some of the code for the page that allows you to browse files, browse.php (if needed I can post the rest of the code):


<? //List the possible years
function ArrayToURL($Arr) //Takes in an array and prepares its variables to be outputed as parameters in a URL
foreach($Arr as $Key =>$Val)
return implode("&",$RetArray);

$StartYear=2006; //First year to list
$Dates=array_merge(Array("All"), range($StartYear, date("Y"))); //Possible Years
$Year=(!isset($Year) || !in_array($Year, $Dates) ? date("Y") : $Year); //Set the current year to this year if not set or invalid
foreach($Dates as $Date) //Print out the possibilities
print ($Year!=$Date ? "<a href=browse.php?".ArrayToURL(array_merge($_GET, Array('Year'=>$Date))).">" : "").$Date.($Year!=$Date ? "</a>" : "")." ";
| Sort:
<? //List possible sorts
$Sorts=Array("Date Up", "Date Down", "Name Up", "Name Down"); //Possible Sorts
$Sort=(!isset($Sort) || !in_array($Sort, $Sorts) ? "Date Up" : $Sort); //Set the current sort to "Date Up" if not set or invalid
foreach($Sorts as $CurSort) //Print out the possibilities
print ($Sort!=$CurSort ? "<a href=browse.php?".ArrayToURL(array_merge($_GET, Array('Sort'=>$CurSort))).">" : "").$CurSort.($Sort!=$CurSort ? "</a>" : "")." ";


If it's not too much trouble I'd be really really grateful if someone could help :) I tried searching the site but I couldn't find anything, maybe I'm just not familiar enough with PHP to search for the right terms though.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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