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retrieve the data from sql to textbox


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I got 2 html pages with the following data


index.php (buttons: SAVE, EDIT)

update.php (buttons: UPDATE,DELETE)


Employee ID (primary key),

Employee Name (here i putting 2 buttons Edit,Save)


when i entered the empid and click the Edit button, the page has to go from index.php to update.php and at the same time it has to display the employee name w.r.t the empID


and i've written the code for update and delete buttons in update.php


my problem is i am not able to fill the textboxes in update.php w.r.t empid

and at the same time can't navigate to the update.php


please help me in this regard


:shrug: THIS IS MY INDEX.PHP  :shrug:




<title>Sample PHP APP</title>

<script language="javascript">

function onsave()





function onedit()








<form name="home" method="post">

<table class="tbl" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="15px" >


<td align="right">Associate ID* <input type="text" name="Aidtxt"></td>



Associate Name* <input align="right" type="text" name="Anametxt">



<td align="right"><input type="submit" value="Save" name="savbtn" onclick="return onsave();"></td>

<td align="left"><input type="submit" value="Edit" name="edtbtn" onclick=" return onedit();">








$dbConf = new aphpConf();

$databaseURL = $dbConf->get_databaseURL();

$databaseUName = $dbConf->get_databaseUName();

$databasePWord = $dbConf->get_databasePWord();

$databaseName = $dbConf->get_databaseName();

$connection = mysql_connect($databaseURL,$databaseUName,$databasePWord);

// or die ("Error while connecting to localhost");

$db = mysql_select_db($databaseName,$connection);

//or die ("Error while connecting to database");


Values ('$_POST[Aidtxt]','$_POST[Anametxt]','$_POST[Desigtxt]','$_POST[Fnametxt]',


if (!mysql_query($insert,$connection))


die ('Error: '.mysql_error());


echo "1 record added";






<head> </head>


<form action="update.php" method="post">

<table class="tbl" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="15px" >


<td align="right">

Associate ID <input type="text" name="Aidtxt" value="<?PHP echo $_POST["Aidtxt"]; ?>"> </td>

<td align="right">

Associate Name <input type="text" name="Anametxt" > </td>



<td align="right"><input type=submit value="Update" name="Updatetxt"></td>

<td align="left"><button value="Cancel" onclick="location='';">Cancel</button></td>








$dbConf = new aphpConf();

$databaseURL = $dbConf->get_databaseURL();

$databaseUName = $dbConf->get_databaseUName();

$databasePWord = $dbConf->get_databasePWord();

$databaseName = $dbConf->get_databaseName();

$connection = mysql_connect($databaseURL,$databaseUName,$databasePWord);

// or die ("Error while connecting to localhost");

$db = mysql_select_db($databaseName,$connection);

//or die ("Error while connecting to database");

mysql_query("UPDATE Employeeinfo SET ANAME='$_POST[Anametxt]',DESG='$_POST[Desigtxt]',FNAME='$_POST[Fnametxt]',DoJ='$_POST[DoJtxt]',

MBNUM='$_POST[Mbnumtxt]',EMAIL='$_POST[Emailtxt]' WHERE AID='$_POST[Aidtxt]'");




I had seperate configuration file from where i can retrieve the database information and also


The first problem is

when i enter the associate/Employee id in index.php, w.r.t to that id , the data has to be retrieved from database to update.php.

and the second one is

i want to display a warn message box if the employee id entered by user in index.php is not there in database

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