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Big Bunch of code i just can't understand...


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Hello guys i'am new here, i'am helping a friend with something that works on MSSQL (Game Server),

i have downloaded a system thad shows the "Inventory/Items/Equip" of the character,

but its not what i need - i need it to SEND values to MSSQL (With exactly the same structure, so it will work on he's game)

and i just can't understand this structure and the way it built! i know that |Binary| is Image, but in this case it isn't a image..


<form action="" method="GET" name="name">
<input type="hidden" name="act" value="char" />
<input type="hidden" name="inf" value="<?php echo $inf; ?>" />
<input type="text" name="name" value="<?php echo $name; ?>" size=20 class="nb10" />
<input type="submit" value="search" class="b10" />  
            $arr[]="<a href=\"?act=char&inf=".$inf."&name=".$n."\" class=\"ia10link\">".$n."</a>";
    echo "<font class=\"nb10\">".implode(" | ",$arr)."</font>";

<P />

if(strpos($name," ")!==false||strpos($name,"'")!==false)die("Wrong name");
$a=mssql_query("Select CID from CharInfo Where name ='".$name."'");
if($id || $ids){


////////////////////////// USER INFO ///////////////////
function drawUInfoTable($name,$data){
<table width="200" height="150" style="background-color:#99aaFF;border:1px solid black">
<tr><td width="100%" valign="top"><table>
<tr><td colspan=4 class="b12"><?php echo $name; ?></td></tr>
foreach($data as $n=>$v){
    echo "<tr><td width=\"10\"></td><td class=\"b10\">".$n."</td><td></td><td class=\"nb10\">".$v."</td></tr>";

        "","","","","Combatant","Officiator","Templar","Attacker","Gunner","Rune Off.","Life Off.","Shadow Off.");
$a=mssql_query("Select * FROM CharInfo Where cid IN (".implode(", ",$idArr).")");

    /// Replace Race with Name of Race ///
    If($b['Race'] == 0){
    ElseIf($b['Race'] == 1) {
    /// End of Race Replacement ///

    $c=mssql_query("Select * FROM UserInfo WHERE (Char1=$id OR Char2=$id OR Char3=$id OR Char4=$id OR Char5=$id)");
        /// Replace Number of Nation with Name ///
        If($d['Nation'] == 1){
        ElseIf($d['Nation'] == 2) {
        /// End of Nation Replacement ///

        $e=mssql_query("Select * FROM TblCurrentUser WHERE UID=".$d['UID']);
            /// Fixed Else by Stealthy ///
            $query=mssql_query("Select * FROM Usertbl WHERE UID=".$d['UID']);
            $b["IPa"]="Not online.";
            if($n)$accChars["Pos ".$i]="<a href=\"?act=char&name=".$n."\" class=\"b10link\">".$n."</a>";
    "User is"=>($b["IPa"]=="Not online."?"<font color=\"#FF0000\">offline</font>":"<font color=\"#00FF00\">online</fornt>"),
    "Account"=>$b["Login"]." (".$b["UID"].")",
    "Char"=>$b["Name"]." (".$b["CID"].")",
    " "=>" ",
    "Gold"=>number_format($b["Gold"], 0, '', ' '),
    "Exp"=>number_format($b["Exp"], 0, '', ' '),
    <table><tr><td width="100"></td><td><table>
    <tr><td colspan=3 align="center"><?php drawUInfoTable("Main info",$mInfo); ?></td></tr>
    <tr><td height="5"></td></tr>
    <tr><td><?php drawUInfoTable("Status",$statsInfo); ?></td><td width="5"></td><td><?php drawUInfoTable("Status points",$pointsInfo); ?></td></tr>
    <tr><td height="5"></td></tr>
    <tr><td><?php drawUInfoTable("Look",$lookInfo); ?></td><td></td><td><?php drawUInfoTable("Account chars",$accChars); ?></td></tr>


} // if ! inf
//////////////////////////// QUESTS /////////////////
$a = mssql_query("Select c.CID, c.Name, CAST(q.Quest as image) as Quest, CAST(q.History as image) as History from Quest q, CharInfo c where c.CID IN (".implode(", ",$idArr)." ) and q.cid=c.cid"); 
    <table><tr><td colspan=2 class="b10">Char <?php echo $name; ?>, ID <?php echo $cid; ?></td></tr>
        <tr><td width="300" style="border:1px solid black;background-color: red" class="b12">Active quests (Total of <?php echo count($quests); ?>)</td><td width="20"></td><td width="300" style="border:1px solid black;background-color: green" class="b12">Completed quests (Total of <?php echo count($hist); ?>)</td></tr>
        <td valign="top"><table width="100%" style="">
        foreach($quests as $arr){
            if($cnt>7){ $cnt=0; $page++; echo "<tr><td style=\"border: 1px solid black;background-color: #22FF33\" class=\"b10\">Page ".$page."/".ceil(count($quests)/$perPage)."</td></tr>"; }
            $qDesc = $script[$arr[0]];
            if(!$qDesc)$qDesc=array("Unknown quest","LV ??",array("??"),array("??"));
            echo "<tr><td><table style=\"border:1px solid black;background-color:#FFFF99\" width=\"100%\">";
            echo "<tr><td class=\"nb10punane\"><b>[0x".$qiid."] ".$qDesc[0]." (".$qDesc[1].")</b></td><td align=\"right\" class=\"nb10punane\"><b>".floor(($arr[1]/count($qDesc[2]))*100)."%</b></td></tr>";
            echo "<tr><td class=\"nb10\">Next task:<br>".str_replace("\\\\","<br>",$qDesc[2][$arr[1]])."</td><td valign=\"top\" class=\"b10\">Phase Nr. ".$arr[1]."</td></tr>";
            echo "<tr><td class=\"nb10\" colspan=\"2\">Trigger: ".$qDesc[3][$arr[1]]."</td></tr>";
            echo "<tr><td class=\"nb10\" colspan=\"2\">Phase has ".($qDesc[4][$arr[1]]?$qDesc[4][$arr[1]]:"no")." marked location".($qDesc[4][$arr[1]]<>1?"s":"")."</td></tr>";
            echo "</table></td></tr>";
        <td valign="top"><table width="100%" style="">
        foreach($hist as $qid){
            if($cnt>7){ $cnt=0; $page++; echo "<tr><td style=\"border: 1px solid black;background-color: #22FF33\" class=\"b10\">Page ".$page."/".ceil(count($hist)/$perPage)."</td></tr>"; }
            $qDesc = $script[$qid];
            if(!$qDesc)$qDesc=array("Unknown quest","LV ??",array("??"));
            echo "<tr><td><table style=\"border:1px solid black;background-color:#FFFF99\" width=\"100%\">";
            echo "<tr><td class=\"nb10\">[0x".$qiid."] ".$qDesc[0]." (".$qDesc[1].")</td></tr>";
            echo "</table></td></tr>";
    </table><p />

} // if inf = quest
/////////////////////////////////////////////////// EQ ///////////////////////////////////////////
$statNames=array("","Max dmg","Min dmg","Defence","Hit rate","Evade","Max HP","HP recovery","MP","MP recovery","Critical","Block rate","Speed","Magic","Magic resistance");
$a = mssql_query("Select c.CID, c.Name, CAST(q.Equip as image) as Equip, CAST(q.Inventory as image) as Inventory from CharItem q, CharInfo c where c.CID IN (".implode(", ",$idArr)." ) and q.cid=c.cid"); 
    <table><tr><td colspan=2 class="b10">Char <?php echo $name; ?>, ID <?php echo $cid; ?></td></tr>
        <tr><td width="200" style="border:1px solid black;background-color: red" class="b12">Equipment (Total of <?php echo count($eq); ?>)</td><td width="15"></td><td width="200" style="border:1px solid black;background-color: red" class="b12">Inventory (Total of <?php echo count($inv); ?>)</td></tr>
        <td valign="top"><table width="100%">
    foreach($eq as $item){
                foreach($adds as $kk=>$vv)if($vv>0)$item[5][3][$kk]+=$vv;
        echo "<tr><td><table style=\"border:1px solid black;background-color:#FFFF99\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td class=\"nb10punane\">";
        echo "Name: <b>".$name."</b> [".$item[1]."] ".(count($item[5])==0?"<b>X ".$item[3]."</b>":"").($_GET["full"]?"<br> Serial: ".$item[0]:"");
        echo "</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\" class=\"nb10\">";
        if($typeName)echo "<span class=\"b10\">".$typeName."</span><br>";
        if(count($item[5])>0){ // EQ
            if($limit&&$limitStat)echo "<span class=\"b10\">".$limit." ".$limitStat."</span><br />";
            if($limitStat!="LEVEL")echo "Durability: ".$item[3]."/".$item[5][1]."<br>";
            foreach($item[5][3] as $sI=>$sN){
                echo $statNames[$sI].":".$sN."+<br>";
                echo "<b>Socks:</b><br>";
                    echo $gemNames[($gem?$gem:0)].($sI<$item[5][4]-1?" <b>I</b> ":"");
            if($item[5][0]>0)echo "<br>Crafted level: +".$item[5][0]."";
        echo "</td></tr></table></td></tr>";
        </table></td><td></td><td valign="top"><table width="100%">
    foreach($inv as $item){
                foreach($adds as $kk=>$vv)if($vv>0)$item[5][3][$kk]+=$vv;
        if($item[4][2]<>$prevPage){ $prevPage=$item[4][2]; echo "<tr><td style=\"border: 1px solid black;background-color: #22FF33\" class=\"b10\">Page ".($item[4][2]+1).($item[4][2]==3?" (Quest items)":"")."</td></tr>"; }
        echo "<tr><td><table style=\"border:1px solid black;background-color:#FFFF99\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td class=\"nb10punane\">";
        echo "Name: <b>".$name."</b> [".$item[1]."] ".(count($item[5])==0?"<b>X ".$item[3]."</b>":"").($_GET["full"]?"<br> Serial: ".$item[0]:"");
        echo "</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\" class=\"nb10\">";
        if($typeName)echo "<span class=\"b10\">".$typeName."</span><br>";
        if(count($item[5])>0){ // EQ
            if($limit&&$limitStat)echo "<span class=\"b10\">".$limit." ".$limitStat."</span><br />";
            if($limitStat!="LEVEL")echo "Durability: ".$item[3]."/".$item[5][1]."<br>";
            foreach($item[5][3] as $sI=>$sN){
                echo $statNames[$sI].":".$sN."+<br>";
                echo "<b>Socks:</b><br>";
                    echo $gemNames[($gem?$gem:0)].($sI<$item[5][4]-1?" <b>I</b> ":"");
            if($item[5][0]>0)echo "<br>Crafted level: +".$item[5][0]."";
        echo "</td></tr></table></td></tr>";
        </tr></table></td></tr></table><p />
} // if inf=eq

} // ids
else echo "<b>The player named \"".$name."\" could not found in the database.</b>";
} // name


(Put attention only to the Equip, if someone will know about the quests it will be great to)


Some Help on doing page like this but to send values, like "Pack1" - will have couple of items and the user will click it and get the values of this pack with the DB's structure..


Thanks Guys!

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