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Hi guys


What I want to knw is, is there a way to open a file on the clients pc..

what do i need to do this for?

Bacisly we work with CSV files.. the clent has to upload the CSV file and then we open it and import it in the db

it would be quicker if we could open the csv from clients PC and import the data as some files can be 20mb to 50mb, this takes ages uploading..


All help will be helpfull


Kind regards,


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This isn't really possible unless you have shell access, or telnet access... and even then I think it would be difficult. Those are the only 2 ways without actually downloading the file to the local machine, whether it's an automated process or not. FTP would require a connection, retrieving the file, opening it, making the changes and then uploading it again.


I hope someone can correct me on that, because I'd be interested to know also.

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