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Cant work out the problem with this imageboard software

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Hey guys... i downloaded the software that 4chan runs off to try and get some info from it. Anyway when i install the software (well put the php files into the directory) then open it this is what appears


Note there is a strings_e.php files which defines everything like TITLE etc and it is included in imageboard.php - however it doesnt seem to work correctly. Any ideas?





A) Does any php code run correctly on your localhost development system?

B) The symptom is typical of php code using short open tags (which code that is intended to ever be published and distributed should never do.) What does the php source code of the file look like?

yea im using wamp... you were correct about the tags it was just using <? > i added the php and the first page displays correctly... however  when i try to add a post or go into the management bit i get alot of errors from the config file saying


Notice: Use of undefined constant TITLE - assumed 'TITLE' in K:\wampternet\wamp\www\99chan\config.php on line 2


Notice: Use of undefined constant SQLLOG - assumed 'SQLLOG' in K:\wampternet\wamp\www\99chan\config.php on line 3


Notice: Use of undefined constant SQLHOST - assumed 'SQLHOST' in K:\wampternet\wamp\www\99chan\config.php on line 4


Notice: Use of undefined constant SQLUSER - assumed 'SQLUSER' in K:\wampternet\wamp\www\99chan\config.php on line 5



there is about 100 notices like that - this is the config file



define(TITLE, 'Futallaby-powered image board');		//Name of this image board
define(SQLLOG, '99chan');		//Table (NOT DATABASE) used by image board
define(SQLHOST, 'localhost');		//MySQL server address, usually localhost
define(SQLUSER, 'root');		//MySQL user (must be changed)
define(SQLPASS, '');		//MySQL user's password (must be changed)
define(SQLDB, 'anonchan');		//Database used by image board
define(ADMIN_PASS, 'wazzup');	//Janitor password  (CHANGE THIS YO)
define(SHOWTITLETXT, '1');		//Show TITLE at top (1: yes  0: no)
define(SHOWTITLEIMG, '0');		//Show image at top (0: no, 1: single, 2: rotating)
define(TITLEIMG, 'title.jpg');	//Title image (point to php file if rotating)
define(IMG_DIR, 'src/');		//Image directory (needs to be 777)
define(THUMB_DIR,'thumb/');		//Thumbnail directory (needs to be 777)
define(HOME,  '../');			//Site home directory (up one level by default
define(MAX_KB, '500');			//Maximum upload size in KB
define(MAX_W,  '250');			//Images exceeding this width will be thumbnailed
define(MAX_H,  '250');			//Images exceeding this height will be thumbnailed
define(PAGE_DEF, '5');			//Images per page
define(LOG_MAX,  '500');		//Maxium number of entries
//define(RE_COL, '789922');               //Color of replies (lines proceeded by greater than sign) (THIS IS DEPRECIATED IN 040103)
define(PHP_SELF, 'imgboard.php');	//Name of main script file
define(PHP_SELF2, 'imgboard.htm');	//Name of main htm file
define(PHP_EXT, '.htm');		//Extension used for board pages after first
define(RENZOKU, '5');			//Seconds between posts (floodcheck)
define(RENZOKU2, '10');		//Seconds between image posts (floodcheck)
define(MAX_RES, '30');		//Maximum topic bumps
define(USE_THUMB, 1);		//Use thumbnails (1: yes  0: no)
define(PROXY_CHECK, 0);		//Enable proxy check (1: yes  0: no)
define(DISP_ID, 0);		//Display user IDs (1: yes  0: no)
define(BR_CHECK, 15);		//Max lines per post (0 = no limit)
define(TRIPKEY, '#');		//this character is displayed before tripcodes
define(CSSFILE, 'futaba.css');	//location of the css file

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