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Hi All,



I'm new to the file downloading side of things and am a bit lost with a couple of problems i've come across.


I want to be able to download, zip, jpg, pdf and a few other file types but those are the most important. I've tried a few tutorials i've found and combined them with some of my own script.


I've tested downloading a zip file and it appears as a download but doesn't appear to download properly as it says its currupted and downloads too quickly for a 32mb file!


code is as below:



if ($access < 1) {
	//if user access not granted to file category return message
	if($logging > 0){
		$status = "WrongPermissions";
	$errors = "ERROR: You don't have permission to access that file!";
	$_SESSION['$fileERROR'] = $errors;
	$redirect = $_SESSION['PrevUrl'];
	header("Location: ". $redirect );

//if file exists and user access granted:

// define the path to your download folder plus assign the file name
$path = 'files/'.$filename;

// check that file exists and is readable
if (file_exists($path) && is_readable($path)) {

	// get the file size and send the http headers
	$size = filesize($path);
	header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
	header('Content-Length: '.$size);
	header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$filename);
	header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');

	// open the file in binary read-only mode
	// display the error messages if the file can´t be opened
	$file = @ fopen($path, 'rb');

	if ($file) {
		if($logging == 1){
			$status = "Granted";
		// stream the file and exit the script when complete
	} else {
		if($logging == 1){
			$status = "CantOpen";
		$errors = "ERROR: Can't open requested file!";
		$_SESSION['$fileERROR'] = $errors;
		$redirect = $_SESSION['PrevUrl'];
		header("Location: ". $redirect );


Is it something to do with the content headers?


Another problem is that once the file has been offered up for download, it doesn't log the download in my mysql table. i've echoed out the $logging variable and thats ok. It seems to miss the logging part all together, as i tried echoing out a hello world followed by an exit but it doesn't get that far.


Any help would as always, be much appreciated.




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the more i look into this the harder it seems to be.


I think it might have something to do with my content-length header as the $size variable echos correctly but when i goto download and check the content-length header value, its completely different.


Anybody got some code they know works for downloading files?

ok, so probing a bit more into this all files no matter what size they are... are downloading as 1kb only.


Any ideas?


fileszie and filename are correct, as i've tried echoing and downloading directly outside the code. my code now looks like this:


// if file exists and user access granted:

// define the path to your download folder plus assign the file name
$path = 'files/'.$filename;

// check that file exists and is readable
if (file_exists($path) && is_readable($path)) {

	// get the file size and send the http headers
	$size = filesize($path);

	// fix for IE catching or PHP bug issue
	header("Pragma: public");

	// set expiration time
	header("Expires: 0");

	// browser must download file from server instead of cache
	header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");

	// force download dialog
	header("Content-Type: application/force-download");
	header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
	header("Content-Type: application/download");

	// set file size
	header("Content-Length: " .$size);

	// set file name
	header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$filename.'"');

	//set encoding
	header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');

	// open the file in binary read-only mode
	// display the error messages if the file can´t be opened
	$file = @ fopen($path, 'rb');

	if ($file) {
		if($logging == 1){
			$status = "Granted";

		// stream the file and exit the script when complete

	} else {
		if($logging == 1){
			$status = "CantOpen";
		$errors = "ERROR: Can't open requested file!";
		$_SESSION['$fileERROR'] = $errors;
		$redirect = $_SESSION['PrevUrl'];
		header("Location: ". $redirect );


i'm not sure the code is reaching the fpassthru() line but it does log an access granted entry to the log mysql.

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