horsebox Posted March 3, 2010 Share Posted March 3, 2010 I just started using GD yesterday and I've been trying to make a decent graph generator but I'm having serious trouble I just got a template for a dead basic graph generator and my plan was to modify it and turn it into a proper graph generator and function grapher but I'm stuck. Heres the code. test.php <? function getvars($var) { $cleaned = preg_replace("[^A-Za-z 0-9\/]", "", $_POST["$var"]); return $cleaned; } if (isset($_POST['dimensions']) and $_POST['dimensions'] > 0) { $dimensions = (int)$_POST['dimensions']; } else { $dimensions = 10; } if (isset($_POST['x_property'])) { $x_property = getvars("x_property"); } else { $x_property = "Property"; } if (isset($_POST['x_unit'])) { $x_unit = getvars("x_unit"); } else { $x_unit = "Unit"; } if (isset($_POST['y_property'])) { $y_property = getvars("y_property"); } else { $y_property = "Property"; } if (isset($_POST['y_unit'])) { $y_unit = getvars("y_unit"); } else { $y_unit = "Unit"; } if (isset($_POST['x_increment']) and $_POST['x_increment'] > 0) { $x_increment = (int)$_POST['x_increment']; } else { $x_increment = 1; } if (isset($_POST['y_increment']) and $_POST['y_increment'] > 0) { $y_increment = (int)$_POST['y_increment']; } else { $y_increment = 1; } if (isset($_POST['x_start']) and $_POST['x_start'] > 0) { $x_start = (int)$_POST['x_start']; } else { $x_start = 1; } if (isset($_POST['x_end']) and $_POST['x_end'] > 0) { $x_end = (int)$_POST['x_end']; } else { $x_end = $dimensions; } if (isset($_POST['y_start']) and $_POST['y_start'] > 0) { $y_start = (int)$_POST['y_start']; } else { $y_start = 1; } if (isset($_POST['y_end']) and $_POST['y_end'] > 0) { $y_end = (int)$_POST['y_end']; } else { $y_end = $dimensions; } echo ' <form action="test.php" method="post" name="graph"> Dimensions <input type="text" name="dimensions" size="2" maxlength="2" value=' . $dimensions . '><br> X Property <input type="text" name="x_property" size="10" maxlength="15" value=' . $x_property . '> Unit <input type="text" name="x_unit" size="5" maxlength="10" value=' . $x_unit . '><br> Y Property <input type="text" name="y_property" size="10" maxlength="15" value=' . $y_property . '> Unit <input type="text" name="y_unit" size="5" maxlength="10" value=' . $y_unit . '><br> X-Range <input type="text" name="x_start" size="2" maxlength="2" value=' . $x_start . '> to <input type="text" name="x_end" size="2" maxlength="2" value=' . $x_end . '><br> Y-Range <input type="text" name="y_start" size="2" maxlength="2" value=' . $y_start . '> to <input type="text" name="y_end" size="2" maxlength="2" value=' . $y_end . '><br> X-Increment <input type="text" name="x_increment" size="2" maxlength="2" value=' . $x_increment . '><br> Y-Increment <input type="text" name="y_increment" size="2" maxlength="2" value=' . $y_increment . '><br> <input type="submit" name="go"></form><br> <img src="grid2.php?dimensions='; echo "$dimensions&points=$points&x_property=$x_property&x_unit=$x_unit&y_property=$y_property&y_unit=$y_unit &x_increment=$x_increment&y_increment=$y_increment&x_start=$x_start&x_end=$x_end&y_start=$y_start&y_end=$y_end&font=Abbeyline.ttf"; echo '" /><br><br>'; ?> grid2.php: $dimensions = (int)$_GET['dimensions']; $x_increment = (int)$_GET['x_increment']; $y_increment = (int)$_GET['y_increment']; $x_property = getvars("x_property"); $x_unit = getvars("x_unit"); $y_property = getvars("y_property"); $y_unit = getvars("y_unit"); $dim = $dimensions * 25; $dim2 = $dim - 1; $dim3 = $dimensions + 1; $x_offset2 = 50; $x_offset = 25; $y_offset = 7; $xi = 1; $yi = $dimensions; $points = "0 0, 0 0, 1 4, 2 7, 3 8, 4 5, 8 7, 7 15, 25 19"; $p = explode(", ",$points); $pcount = count($p) - 1; for ($i=0; $i<$pcount+1; $i++){ if (isset($p[$i])) { $p2 = explode(" ",$p[$i]); $x[$i] = $p2[0] * 25; $y[$i] = $p2[1] * 25; } } // Define .PNG image header("Content-type: image/png"); $imgWidth=$dim + 80; $imgHeight=$dim + 50; // Create image and define colors $image=imagecreate($imgWidth, $imgHeight); $colorWhite=imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255); $colorGrey=imagecolorallocate($image, 192, 192, 192); $colorBlue=imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 255); $colorRed=imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 0, 0); $colorGreen=imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 150, 0); $colorBlack=imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0); // Set the line thickness to 5 // Create border around image imagesetthickness($image, 3); imageline($image, $x_offset-1, 0, $x_offset-1, $dim, $colorRed); imagesetthickness($image, 1); imageline($image, $x_offset, 0, $dim + $x_offset, 0, $colorBlack); imageline($image, $dim2 + $x_offset, 0, $dim2 + $x_offset, $dim2, $colorBlack); imagesetthickness($image, 3); imageline($image, $x_offset, $dim2, $dim2 + $x_offset, $dim2, $colorBlack); // Create grid imagesetthickness($image, 1); for ($i=1; $i<$dim3; $i++){ // Y Axis imageline($image, $i*25, 0, $i*25, $dim, $colorBlack); imagestring($image,3,25,$y_offset-10,$yi,$colorBlack); // X Axis imageline($image, $x_offset, $i*25, $dim + $x_offset, $i*25, $colorBlack); imagestring($image,3,15,$imgHeight-25,0,$colorBlack); imagestring($image,3,$x_offset2-2,$imgHeight-35,$xi,$colorBlack); $x_offset2 += 25; $y_offset += 25; $xi = $xi + $x_increment; $yi = $yi - $y_increment; } imagestring($image,5,($dim/2)-40,$imgHeight-18,"$x_property ($x_unit)",$colorGreen); imagestringup($image,5,1,($y_offset/2)+40,"$y_property ($y_unit)",$colorGreen); // Create line graph imagesetthickness($image, 2); for ($i=2; $i<$pcount; $i++){ imageline($image, $x[$i], ($dim-$y[$i]), $x[$i+1], ($dim-$y[$i+1]), $colorBlue); } // Output graph and clear image from memory imagepng($image); imagedestroy($image);[/code] Anyone know a better method of doing this? Sooner or later I'm gonna have to make it display curves rather than just straight lines so in order to do that I'm guessing I have to make a load of tiny lines which contantly change slope as they approach the plotted point. Right now the lines are all made in multiples of 25. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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