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Importing Text File Problems


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Was over at the php coding forums and ran into a dead end.  Here is what I am doing, I have a text file that is exported from a game.  This text file has multiple spaces in it.  I want to import it and read the file and import the file contents into it.


Here is my php file:

//connection stuff (trust me it is correct)

// tab delimited file 

$file = "standings.txt"; 

// open file 

$handle = fopen($file, "rb");

$contents = fread($handle, filesize($file));

// close file 


$data = preg_split('/[,? ]+/',$contents);

$eventname = $data[3];

$finishposition = $data[21];

$drivernumber = $data[23];

$drivername = $data[24];

$laps = $data[25];

$lapsled = $data[26];

$points = $data[27];

$qualposition = $data[22];

$qualtime = $data[28];

$reasonout = $data[29];

$the_query = "INSERT INTO `s1racestats` (`eventname`, `series`, `firstplace`, `finishposition`, `top10`, `top5`, `drivernumber`, `drivername`, `laps`, `lapsled`, `points`, `qual1stplace`, `qualposition`, `qualtime`, `reasonout`, `prov`, `didnotstart`, `year`)

VALUES ('$eventname', 'PSRLpts', 1, $finishposition, 1, 1, $drivernumber, '$drivername', $laps, $lapsled, $points, 1, $qualposition, $qualtime, '$reasonout', 0, 0, 2010)";

mysql_query($the_query, $connection_details) or die ('Error in result: '. mysql_error());



Here is the text file:

Race Final               North Carolina Speedway

                         1.017 miles    137 laps


Fin Str      Driver                     Laps  Led   Pts     Qual   Reason Out


1   1   38  !ECR!Mate                   137   81   185  147.018      Running

2   2   50  Gabby                       137   35   175  146.009      Running

3   3  133  Spoiler33                   137    9   170  145.998      Running

4   5   83  fisch83                     137    0   160  145.262      Running

5  11   15  SKOALMAN                    137    7   160  143.514      Running

6   4  104  !Rude!                      136    3   155  145.303      Running

7   8  106  (WCR)JDM106                 136    0   146  144.426      Running

8  12   77  slim                        135    0   142  143.508      Running

9   7   45  Ozzie                       135    2   143  144.883      Running

10  14  108  Speedball57                 135    0   134               Running

11   6  101  jimbob4                     133    0   130  145.055      Running

12   9   51  A_Parks                      59    0   127  144.164          DNF

13  10   61  !ECR!B1Racer                 27    0   124  143.841          DNF

14  13   76  PSRL                          0    0   121               Running

Race time - 57:27.389

Average speed - 145.499mph

Margin of victory - 3.374sec

Caution flags - 0

# of lead changes - 7

Weather - Clear 53^ N 10mph


I get-- Error in result: Unknown column 'Running' in 'field list'


what we tried over on the other forum is here: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,290070.0.html

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As it turns out, I was four strings off.  Now...  I was under the impression that the regex code would pick up everything in the text file that wasn't a space.  I counted time and time again, how can I be four strings off?  Do the excessive dashes not count?

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BTW, thank you for your help.  I have another question in regards to this text file.  The text files will vary in the number of drivers, it could be as low as two, it could be as high as 43.  How would I put that together, so that I don't get many empty columns or errors?

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