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PHP form + captcha


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On my Dutch webpage http://www.wirdumonline.nl i have right a php script called 'wist je dat'. It's like a guestbook/shoutbox.

Since a couple of days ago i get alot of spam on it, so i decide to install captha on it (posting is now disable).


But now the big question: how? i want to use the following captcha: http://captcha.fr/index.php?page=34.

In the help they said that i have to put the following code in my .php file when he checks if everything is filled in.



  if (chk_crypt($_POST['code']))

    echo "Correct";

    else echo "Bad :(";




In my script you see that he checked if there is a name, or a massage. if not, he gives a warning that something is missing.


How can i make this script work inclusive CAPTCHA?


Here is a sample:



The code in verifier.php


include $cryptinstall; 


mysql_connect("localhost","***", "***") 
   or die("kan de MySQL server niet selecteren"); 
    or die("kan de database niet selecteren"); 
if(isset($_POST['submit']) && isset($_POST['bericht'])) 
    $ip            = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; 
    $datum        = date("d-m-Y"); 
    $tijd        = date("H:i:s"); 
        $bericht     =  ($_POST['bericht']); 
    $naam        = $_POST['naam']; 
if($naam == "") 
        $error    = "<font color='red' <br>Je bent je naam vergeten.</font>"; 
elseif ($bericht == "") 
        $error    = "<font color='red'<br>Je wist je dat berichtje mist</font>"; 

        $bericht = addslashes($bericht); 
        $query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO wistjedat2 VALUES ('','$bericht', '$ip', '$tijd', '$datum', '$naam')") or die(mysql_error()); 
        echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0; url=http://www.wirdumonline.nl/' /> " ; /* Stuur de browser naar de PHP website */ 
        exit;                        /* Zorg dat de code hieronder niet wordt uitgevoerd */ 




The form

include $cryptinstall; 

<div align="center">

<form action="verifier.php?<?PHP echo SID; ?>" method="post">
<strong> Naam..</strong><br>
<input name="naam" type="text" class="input" value="" size="10" maxlength="5">
<strong> Wist je dat..</strong><br>
<input name="bericht" type="text" class="input" value="" size="35" maxlength="50">
<table cellpadding=1>
  <tr><td align="center"><?php dsp_crypt(0,1); ?></td></tr>
  <tr><td align="center">Neem de code over:<br><input type="text" name="code"></td></tr>
  <tr><td align="center"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Stuur"></td></tr>




Hope you understand me :)



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