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How would you do this?


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Hello All.  I have posted an earlier question with no response but having found this forum, I think I may have posted it in the wrong place!


I am inviting suggestions as to the best way to approach this application I am trying to produce.  I have got an idea on how to approach it but the little of it I have done so far seems to be quite heavily coded and slow on execution.  As a relative novice, I would imagine I have not come up with the best approach to this.


What I need is an application that monitors the availability of resources.  Lets say there are 20 individuals (these are the reources) whos availability at any particular time we will want to monitor.  I want to be able to display a grid on the screen specific to a selected date.  The first column of the grid on the left will list the 20 individuals' names. Forget the second column for a second.  The remaining columns across the page will represent time units and default to 1 hour units, so there will be 24 columns, the first representing 0000hrs to 0100hrs, the next will represent 0100hrs to 0200hrs etc etc. 


Each square of the grid within the time unit columns will display whether the individual in the appropriate row is available.  This will be illustrated by a code entered into the square. 


Back to the second column that we missed, this will contain the total number of hours the relevant individual is available during the current week.  Remembering that the current grid is only showing the availability for a current day, this column will need to total up the number of squares available in the current pages row in addition to the appropriate data for the rest of the week (Mon - Sun).


At the top of the grid, their will be an additional row which will contain a total showiing how many of the individuals are available during that time period. So the column representing the time unit 0000hrs to 0100hrs will have a an entry in the top row showing the total number of individuals available during 0000hrs to 0100hrs.


What I need to know is what approach would be best to use.  By this I mean what is the best way to structure a database to store this data so that it is most accessable to produce the grid I have explained.


One thing that I think makes this slightly more complicated is that although the grid defaults to hourly units, I need to create an option that would display the grid with optional 15 minute or 30 minute time scales.  So availability would need to be recorded in the database in 15 minute blocks (I think)!.


I know this sounds quite complicated but please give it some consideration.  I just need pointing in the right direction!  Jut ask if you need any further information if I have not made it very clear.

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