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fire off email when database has entry (w/ PHP)


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there is a couple ways.


-either when you do an update statement check to see if the value is set to one and if it is send out the email.

-set up a cron to automatically check the database after a certain period of time and send out emails for every record it finds with value = 1

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you'll have to check with your web server to see if they allow for crons to be set up. it's basically a daemon that runs on your web server where you can set triggers to go off after certain time intervals (minute, hour, day, month, etc).


In this case, it would trigger a PHP script which would select all the rows from your db where value = 1 then send off an email to your group.

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so you'd likely be doing this via a form post when you update the record.


//validate post data here

//run update query. value and id are from your $_POST data
$sql = "UPDATE table set value = '$value' WHERE id = $id";

//check value to see if it meets our threshold 
if($value == 1){

	mail('email@domain.com, email2@domain.com','subject','body');




something like that.

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I have code which created the log entry, so I should just be able to add the email part to this right?


//include Database Class

$userID = $_POST['userID'];
$sect = 1;
$time = gmmktime();
$attempt = 1;

$db = new Database('localhost','username','password','DBName');

$sql = "INSERT INTO og_March2010 (user_id,section,date,attempt) VALUES ($userID,$sect,$time,$attempt)";
$result = $db->query($sql);

if($result) {
$replySQL = "SELECT log_id FROM og_March2010 WHERE user_id=$userID";
$kickback = $db->query($replySQL);
$row = $kickback->fetch_assoc();
$logID = $row['log_id'];

echo 'triumph=sieg&logid='.$logID;



anytime there is an entry I would want an email to be sent.

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if($result) {




$replySQL = "SELECT log_id FROM og_March2010 WHERE user_id=$userID";

$kickback = $db->query($replySQL);


$row = $kickback->fetch_assoc();

$logID = $row['log_id'];



echo 'triumph=sieg&logid='.$logID;




you can put $userID,$sect,$time,$attempt in a string if you want to include them in the body of the email.

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you can do this


mail('user@domain.com','Test Results',$body);




mail('user@domain.com','Test Results',"$body");


if you put a string in single quotes, PHP will not look for any variables inside the string. So your body would of looked like "$body" when you got the email.

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yup. but keep it in the same string as it's the same argument for mail()

mail('user1@domain.com,user2@domain.com','Test Results',$body);


you can also do:


mail('Name1 <user1@domain.com>, Name2 <user2@domain.com>','Test Results',$body);


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