Calamity-Clare Posted March 18, 2010 Share Posted March 18, 2010 I have been trying to develop a script that creates a slideshow that adds hyperlinks to the images. I'm a beginner at Javascript, so I've made a bastardisation of 3 different scripts I've found that, by my reckoning, should work. I have made it work when I just simplely have the image showing without turning it into a hyperlink. It's the adding the hyperlink that I'm having issues with ... This is the slideshow code: window.onload = initAll; var gallery_url = new Array('<a href="" target=_blank>', '<a href="">') var thisUrl = 0; var gallery = new Array("portfolio_ota.jpg", "portfolio_bashbrothers.jpg"); var thisImage = 0; var gallery_title = new Array("Options Trading Australia Website", "The Bash Brothers Website"); var thisTitle = 0; var gallery_number = new Array("1", "2"); var thisNumber = 0; function initAll() { document.getElementById("previous").onclick = processPrevious; document.getElementById("next").onclick = processNext; } function processPrevious () { if (thisUrl == 0) { thisUrl = gallery_url.length; } thisImage--; document.getElementById("view_portfolio").innerHTML = gallery_url[thisUrl]+'<img src="'+thisImage+'" alt="" width="450" height="317" border="0" /></a>' document.getElementById("portfolio_title").innerHTML = gallery_title[thisUrl]; document.getElementById("portfolio_number").innerHTML = gallery_number[thisUrl]; return false; } function processNext () { thisImage++; if (thisUrl == gallery_url.length) { thisUrl = 0; } document.getElementById("view_portfolio").innerHTML = gallery_url[thisUrl]+'<img src="'+thisImage+'" alt="" width="450" height="317" border="0" /></a>' document.getElementById("portfolio_title").innerHTML = gallery_title[thisUrl]; document.getElementById("portfolio_number").innerHTML = gallery_number[thisUrl]; return false; } The section of HTML that it directly relates to is: <div id="view_portfolio"> </div> <p><span class="darkgrey"><span id="portfolio_number">1</span>/2</span> <span id="portfolio_title">The Options Trading Australia Website</span></p> I can't find the problem. Could it be in the HTML instead of the javascript? Does anyone have any suggestions? I've looked at so many websites & forums, but as far as I can tell, it should work ... I've attached the HTML code & javascript as text files. The slideshow is at Thanks! [attachment deleted by admin] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Omirion Posted March 18, 2010 Share Posted March 18, 2010 Hi, i couldn't figure out what was wrong with your script but i took the liberty to write my own and adjust it to the way you have set up you image gallery. Here it is: window.onload = initAll; var pointer = 0; //position of the currant image var gallery_url = new Array('<a href="" target=_blank>', '<a href="">') //array of links var gallery = new Array("a.jpg", "b.jpg"); //array of images var gallery_title = new Array("Options Trading Australia Website", "The Bash Brothers Website"); //tittles var gallery_number = new Array("1", "2"); // number function initAll() { //assign events document.getElementById("previous").onclick = processPrevious; document.getElementById("next").onclick = processNext; } function processPrevious () { if (pointer == 0){ // if pointer is at the first image pointer = gallery_url.length - 1; // jump to the last } else { pointer-- // if else decrement pointer } imageShow(pointer); // show image, pass in pointer } function processNext () { if (pointer == gallery_url.length - 1){ // if pointer is at last image pointer = 0 //move to first } else { pointer++ //else increment } imageShow(pointer); // show image , pass in pointer } function imageShow(position){ var image = document.getElementById('view_portfolio'); var num = document.getElementById('portfolio_number'); var name = document.getElementById('portfolio_title'); image.innerHTML = gallery_url[position.toString()]+'<IMG src="'+gallery[position.toString()]+'"></a>' ; num.innerHTML = position ; name.innerHTML = position ; } You have to make some adjustments like load the first picture at page load or something like that hope you can manage from here on. If not, post here and i can guide you trough the process. Also the way the gallery is set up is not a best approach. First off all avoid using global variables. Instead brush up on prototyping aka OOP in JS. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Finni Posted January 31, 2014 Share Posted January 31, 2014 Hi Iam new to java, can you help me with a problem? i want to make a gallery (google album) for my website can any one explain me this? can u make a video on this. /* * +Gallery Javascript Photo gallery v0.9.4 * * * Copyright 2013, Jeremiah Martin | Twitter: @jeremiahjmartin * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * * */ jQuery.ajaxSetup({ cache: false }); /* SLIDEFADE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Custom plugin for a slide/in out animation with a fade - JJM */ (function ($) { $.fn.slideFade = function (speed, callback) { var slideSpeed; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (typeof arguments == "number") { slideSpeed = arguments; } else { var callBack = arguments; } } if(!slideSpeed) { slideSpeed = 500; } this.animate({ opacity: 'toggle', height: 'toggle' }, slideSpeed, function(){ if( typeof callBack != "function" ) { callBack = function(){}; }; } ); }; })( jQuery ); (function ($){ $.fn.plusGallery = function(options){ var lmnt = this; if(lmnt.length === 0) { return false; } var pg = { /*user defined Defaults*/ imagePath: 'images/plusgallery', type: 'google', albumTitle: false, //show the album title in single album mode albumLimit: 16, //Limit amout of albums to load initially. limit: 30, //Limit of photos to load for gallery / more that 60 is dumb, separate them into different albums apiKey: '', //used with Flickr exclude: null, include: null, imageData: null, /*don't touch*/ imgArray: [], titleArray: [], t: '', //timer idx: 0, imgCount: 0, imgTotal: 0, winWidth: 1024, //resets touch: false, titleText: '', init: function(){ var _doc = $(document); //check for touch device if ("ontouchstart" in document.documentElement) { window.scrollTo(0, 1); pg.touch = true; } pg.winWidth = $(window).width(); //reset some shit in case there is another copy that was loaded. $('#pgzoomview').remove(); //Unbind everything first?"click", ".pgalbumlink, #pgthumbhome, .pgthumb, .pgzoomarrow, .pgzoomclose, #pgzoomview, #pgzoomslide, .pgzoomimg"); pg.getDataAttr(); pg.writeHTML(); if(pg.albumId !== null || pg.type == 'instagram' || (pg.type == 'local' && !pg.imageData.hasOwnProperty('albums'))){ //load single Album pg.loadSingleAlbum(); } else if(pg.type == 'local') { pg.parseAlbumData(pg.imageData); } else { pg.loadAlbumData(); } //attach loadGallery to the album links _doc.on("click", ".pgalbumlink",function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $(this).append('<span class="pgloading"></span>'); var galleryTitle = $(this).children('span').html(); if(pg.type == 'local') { var galleryID = $(this).attr('data-album-index').replace('http://', '').replace('//', '').replace('https://' ''); pg.parseData(pg.imageData.albums[galleryID],galleryTitle); } else { var galleryURL = this.href; pg.loadGallery(galleryURL,galleryTitle); } }); _doc.on("click", "#pgthumbhome",function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $('#pgthumbview').slideFade(700); $('#pgalbums').slideFade(700); }); //attach links load detail image _doc.on('click','.pgthumb',function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var idx = $('.pgthumb').index(this); pg.loadZoom(idx); }); /*zoom events*/ _doc.on('click','.pgzoomarrow',function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var dir = this.rel; pg.prevNext(dir); return false; }); _doc.on('click','.pgzoomclose',function(e){ e.preventDefault(); pg.unloadZoom(); }); _doc.on("click", "#pgzoomview",function(e){ e.preventDefault(); pg.unloadZoom(); }); _doc.on("click", "#pgzoomslide",function(){ pg.unloadZoom(); }); _doc.on("click", ".pgzoomimg",function(){ if($(this).attr('id').replace('pgzoomimg', '') < pg.imgTotal - 1) { pg.prevNext('next'); } return false; }); clearTimeout(pg.t); }, /*-------------------------- get all the user defined variables from the HTML element ----------------------------*/ getDataAttr: function(){ //Gallery Type *required var dataAttr = lmnt.attr('data-type'); if(dataAttr) { pg.type = dataAttr; } else { alert('You must enter a data type.'); return false; } //Gallery User Id *required if not local dataAttr = lmnt.attr('data-userid'); if(dataAttr) { pg.userId = dataAttr; } else if(pg.type != 'local') { alert('You must enter a valid User ID'); return false; } //Limit on the amount photos per gallery dataAttr = lmnt.attr('data-limit'); if(dataAttr) { pg.limit = dataAttr; } //Limit on the amount albums dataAttr = lmnt.attr('data-album-limit'); if(dataAttr) { pg.albumLimit = dataAttr; } //album id to exclude dataAttr = lmnt.attr('data-exclude'); if(dataAttr) { pg.exclude = dataAttr.split(','); } //album ids to include dataAttr = lmnt.attr('data-include'); if(dataAttr) { pg.include = dataAttr.split(','); } //Api key - used with Flickr dataAttr = lmnt.attr('data-api-key'); if(dataAttr) { pg.apiKey = dataAttr; } //Access Token - used with instagram dataAttr = lmnt.attr('data-access-token'); if(dataAttr) { pg.accessToken = dataAttr; } dataAttr = lmnt.attr('data-album-id'); if(dataAttr) { pg.albumId = dataAttr; //show hide the album title if we are in single gallery mode titleAttr = lmnt.attr('data-album-title'); if(titleAttr == 'true') { pg.albumTitle = true; } else { pg.albumTitle = false; } } else { pg.albumTitle = true; pg.albumId = null; } dataAttr = lmnt.attr('data-credit'); if(dataAttr == 'false') { = false; } else { = true; } //Image path dataAttr = lmnt.attr('data-image-path'); if(dataAttr) { pg.imagePath = dataAttr; } //JSON string containing image data *required only for local dataAttr = lmnt.attr('data-image-data'); if(dataAttr) { pg.imageData = JSON.parse(dataAttr); } }, /*-------------------------- set up the initial HTML ----------------------------*/ writeHTML: function(){ var touchClass; if(pg.touch){ touchClass = 'touch'; lmnt.addClass('touch'); } else { touchClass = 'no-touch'; lmnt.addClass('no-touch'); } lmnt.append( '<ul id="pgalbums" class="clearfix"></ul>' + '<div id="pgthumbview">' + '<ul id="pgthumbs" class="clearfix"></ul>' + '</div>' ); $('body').prepend( '<div id="pgzoomview" class="pg ' + touchClass + '">' + '<a href="#" rel="previous" id="pgzoomclose" title="Close">Close</a>' + '<a href="#" rel="previous" id="pgprevious" class="pgzoomarrow" title="previous">Previous</a>' + '<a href="#" rel="next" id="pgnext" class="pgzoomarrow" title="Next">Next</a>' + '<div id="pgzoomscroll">' + '<ul id="pgzoom"></ul>' + '</div>' + '</div>' ); lmnt.addClass('pg'); if( === true) { lmnt.append('<div id="pgcredit"><a href="" target="_blank" title="Powered by +GALLERY"><span>+</span>Gallery</a></div>'); } //console.log('pg.albumTitle: ' + pg.albumTitle); if(pg.albumTitle === true) { $('#pgthumbview').prepend('<ul id="pgthumbcrumbs" class="clearfix"><li id="pgthumbhome">«</li></ul>'); } }, /*-------------------------- Parse the album data from the given json string. ----------------------------*/ parseAlbumData: function(json) { lmnt.addClass('loaded'); var objPath, albumTotal, galleryImage, galleryTitle, galleryJSON; switch(pg.type) { //have to load differently for for google/facebook/flickr case 'google': objPath = json.feed.entry; albumTotal = objPath.length; if(albumTotal > pg.albumLimit) { albumTotal = pg.albumLimit; } //remove excluded galleries if there are any. //albumTotal = albumTotal - pg.exclude.length; if(albumTotal > 0){ $.each(objPath,function(i,obj){ //obj is entry if(i < albumTotal){ galleryTitle = obj.title.$t; galleryJSON =[0].href; galleryImage =$$thumbnail[0].url; galleryImage = galleryImage.replace('s160','s210'); pg.loadAlbums(galleryTitle,galleryImage,galleryJSON,i); } }); } else { //else if albumTotal == 0 alert('There are either no results for albums with this user ID or there was an error loading the data. \n' + galleryJSON); } break; case 'flickr': objPath = json.photosets.photoset; albumTotal = objPath.length; if(albumTotal > pg.albumLimit) { albumTotal = pg.albumLimit; } if(albumTotal > 0 ) { $.each(objPath,function(i,obj){ //obj is entry if(i < albumTotal){ galleryTitle = obj.title._content; galleryImage = 'http://farm' + + '' + obj.server + '/' + obj.primary + '_' + obj.secret + '_n.jpg'; galleryJSON = '' + pg.apiKey + '&photoset_id=' + + '=&format=json&jsoncallback=?'; pg.loadAlbums(galleryTitle,galleryImage,galleryJSON); } }); } else { //else if albumTotal == 0 alert('There are either no results for albums with this user ID or there was an error loading the data. \n' + galleryJSON); } break; case 'facebook': objPath =; albumTotal = objPath.length; if(albumTotal > pg.albumLimit) { albumTotal = pg.albumLimit; } if(albumTotal > 0) { $.each(objPath,function(i,obj){ if(i < albumTotal){ galleryTitle =; galleryJSON = '' + + '/photos?limit=' + pg.limit + '&access_token=' + pg.accessToken; galleryImage = '' + + '/picture?type=album'; pg.loadAlbums(galleryTitle,galleryImage,galleryJSON); } }); } else { alert('There are either no results for albums with this user ID or there was an error loading the data. \n' + albumURL); } break; case 'local': objPath = json.albums; albumTotal = objPath.length; if(albumTotal > pg.albumLimit) { albumTotal = pg.albumLimit; } if(albumTotal > 0 ) { $.each(objPath,function(i,obj){ //obj is entry if(i < albumTotal){ galleryTitle = obj.title; galleryImage = obj.images[0].th; galleryJSON = 'http://'+i; pg.loadAlbums(galleryTitle,galleryImage,galleryJSON); } }); } else { //else if albumTotal == 0 alert('There are no albums available in the specified JSON.'); } break; } }, /*-------------------------- Load up Album Data JSON before Albums ----------------------------*/ loadAlbumData: function() { var albumURL; switch(pg.type) { case 'google': albumURL = '' + pg.userId + '?alt=json&kind=album&hl=en_US&max-results=' + pg.albumLimit + '&callback=?'; break; case 'flickr': albumURL = '' + pg.apiKey + '&user_id=' + pg.userId + '&format=json&jsoncallback=?'; break; case 'facebook': albumURL = '' + pg.userId + '/albums?limit=' + pg.albumLimit + '&access_token=' + pg.accessToken + '&callback=?'; break; case 'instagram': //we ain't got no albums in instagram albumURL = null; break; case 'local': // No album support yet, but url wont be needed anyway. albumURL = null; break; default: alert('Please define a gallery type.'); } $.getJSON(albumURL,function(json) { pg.parseAlbumData(json); }); }, /*-------------------------- Load all albums to the page ----------------------------*/ loadAlbums: function(galleryTitle,galleryImage,galleryJSON) { var displayAlbum = true; var imgHTML; //exclude albums if pg.exclude is set if(pg.exclude !== null) { $.each(pg.exclude,function(index, value){ //exclude albums if pg.exclude is set if(galleryJSON.indexOf(value) > 0){ displayAlbum = false; } }); } //include only specified albums if pg.include is set if(pg.include !== null) { displayAlbum = false; $.each(pg.include,function(index, value){ //exclude albums if pg.exclude is set if(galleryJSON.indexOf(value) > 0){ displayAlbum = true; } }); } if (displayAlbum){ if (pg.type == 'facebook' || pg.type == 'flickr') { imgHTML = '<img src="'+ pg.imagePath + '/square.png" style="background-image: url(' + galleryImage + ');" title="' + galleryTitle + '" title="' + galleryTitle + '" class="pgalbumimg">'; } else { imgHTML = '<img src="' + galleryImage + '" title="' + galleryTitle + '" title="' + galleryTitle + '" class="pgalbumimg">'; } if(pg.type == 'local') { $('#pgalbums').append( '<li class="pgalbumthumb">' + '<a href="#" data-album-index="' + galleryJSON + '" class="pgalbumlink">' + imgHTML + '<span class="pgalbumtitle">' + galleryTitle + '</span><span class="pgplus">+</span></a>' + '</li>' ); } else { $('#pgalbums').append( '<li class="pgalbumthumb">' + '<a href="' + galleryJSON + '" class="pgalbumlink">' + imgHTML + '<span class="pgalbumtitle">' + galleryTitle + '</span><span class="pgplus">+</span></a>' + '</li>' ); } } }, //End loadAlbums /*-------------------------- Load all the images within a specific gallery ----------------------------*/ loadSingleAlbum:function(){ var url; switch(pg.type) { case 'google': url = '' + pg.userId + '/albumid/' + pg.albumId + '?alt=json&hl=en_US'; pg.loadGallery(url); break; case 'flickr': url = '' + pg.apiKey + '&photoset_id=' + pg.albumId + '=&format=json&jsoncallback=?'; pg.loadGallery(url); break; case 'facebook': url = '' + pg.albumId + '/photos?limit=' + pg.limit + '&access_token=' + pg.accessToken; pg.loadGallery(url); break; case 'instagram': url = '' + pg.userId + '/media/recent/?access_token=' + pg.accessToken + '&count=' + pg.limit; pg.loadGallery(url); break; case 'local': pg.parseData(pg.imageData); break; } lmnt.addClass('loaded'); $('#pgthumbhome').hide(); }, /*-------------------------- Load all the images within a specific gallery ----------------------------*/ loadGallery: function(url,title){ pg.imgArray = []; pg.titleArray = []; $('#pgzoom').empty(); $.ajax({ url: url, cache: false, dataType: "jsonp", success: function(json){ pg.parseData(json,title); }, //end success error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ console.log('Error: \njqXHR:' + jqXHR + '\ntextStatus: ' + textStatus + '\nerrorThrown: ' + errorThrown); } }); }, //End loadGallery /*-------------------------- Parse and convert the data of the gallery ----------------------------*/ parseData: function(json,title){ var obPath, imgTitle, imgSrc, imgTh, imgBg = '', thumbsLoaded = 0, zoomWidth, flickrImgExt; $('.crumbtitle').remove(); $('#pgthumbs').empty(); if(title === undefined){ title = ' '; } $('#pgthumbcrumbs').append('<li class="crumbtitle">' + title + '</li>'); switch(pg.type) { case 'google': objPath = json.feed.entry; break; case 'flickr': objPath =; break; case 'facebook': objPath =; break; case 'instagram': objPath =; break; case 'local': objPath = json.images; break; } pg.imgTotal = objPath.length; //limit the results if(pg.limit < pg.imgTotal){ pg.imgTotal = pg.limit; } if(pg.imgTotal === 0) { alert('Please check your photo permissions,\nor make sure there are photos in this gallery.'); } if(pg.winWidth > 1100) { zoomWidth = 1024; flickrImgExt = '_b'; } else if(pg.winWidth > 620) { zoomWidth = 768; flickrImgExt = '_b'; } else { zoomWidth = 540; flickrImgExt = '_z'; } $.each(objPath,function(i,obj){ //limit the results if(i < pg.limit) { switch(pg.type) { case 'google': imgTitle = obj.title.$t; imgSrc =$$content[0].url; var lastSlash = imgSrc.lastIndexOf('/'); var imgSrcSubString =imgSrc.substring(lastSlash); //show the max width image 1024 in this case imgSrc = imgSrc.replace(imgSrcSubString, '/s' + zoomWidth + imgSrcSubString); imgTh =$$thumbnail[1].url; imgTh = imgTh.replace('s144','s160-c'); break; case 'flickr': imgTitle = obj.title; imgSrc = 'http://farm' + + '' + obj.server + '/' + + '_' + obj.secret + flickrImgExt + '.jpg'; imgTh = 'http://farm' + + '' + obj.server + '/' + + '_' + obj.secret + '_q.jpg'; break; case 'facebook': imgTitle =; imgSrc = obj.images[1].source; imgTh = pg.imagePath + '/square.png'; imgBg = ' style="background: url(' + obj.images[3].source + ') no-repeat 50% 50%; background-size: cover;"'; break; case 'instagram': if(obj.caption !== null){ imgTitle = obj.caption.text; } imgSrc = obj.images.standard_resolution.url; imgTh = obj.images.low_resolution.url; break; case 'local': if(obj.caption !== null){ imgTitle = obj.caption; } imgSrc = obj.src; imgTh =; break; } if(!imgTitle) { imgTitle = ''; } pg.imgArray = imgSrc; pg.titleArray = imgTitle; $('#pgthumbs').append('<li class="pgthumb"><a href="' + imgSrc + '"><img src="' + imgTh + '" id="pgthumbimg' + i + '" class="pgthumbimg" alt="' + imgTitle + '" title="' + imgTitle + '"' + imgBg + '></a></li>'); //check to make sure all the images are loaded and if so show the thumbs $('#pgthumbimg' + i).load(function(){ thumbsLoaded++; if(thumbsLoaded == pg.imgTotal) { $('#pgalbums').slideFade(700,function(){ $('.pgalbumthumb .pgloading').remove(); }); $('#pgthumbview').slideFade(700); } }); } //end if(i < pg.limit) }); //end each }, zoomIdx: null, //the zoom index zoomImagesLoaded: [], zoomScrollDir: null, zoomScrollLeft: 0, loadZoom: function(idx){ pg.zoomIdx = idx; pg.winWidth = $(window).width(); var pgZoomView = $('#pgzoomview'), pgZoomScroll = $('#pgzoomscroll'), pgPrevious = $('#pgprevious'), pgNext = $('#pgnext'), pgZoom = $('#pgzoom'), pgZoomHTML = '', totalImages = pg.imgArray.length; pgZoomView.addClass('fixed'); //show/hide the prev/next links if(idx === 0) { pgPrevious.hide(); } if(idx == totalImages - 1) { pgNext.hide(); } var pgzoomWidth = pg.imgArray.length * pg.winWidth; $('#pgzoom').width(pgzoomWidth); var scrollLeftInt = parseInt(idx * pg.winWidth); pgZoomView.fadeIn(function(){ //this has gotta come in after the fade or iOS blows up. $(window).on('resize',pg.resizeZoom); $.each(pg.imgArray,function(i){ pgZoomHTML = pgZoomHTML + '<li class="pgzoomslide loading" id="pgzoomslide' + i + '" style="width: ' + pg.winWidth + 'px;"><img src="' + pg.imagePath + '/square.gif" class="pgzoomspacer"><span class="pgzoomcaption">' + pg.titleArray + '</span></li>'; if(i + 1 == pg.imgArray.length) { //at the end of the loop $('#pgzoom').html(pgZoomHTML); pg.zoomKeyPress(); $('#pgzoomscroll').scrollLeft(scrollLeftInt); pg.zoomScrollLeft = scrollLeftInt; pg.loadZoomImg(idx); pg.zoomScroll(); //load siblings if((idx - 1) >= 0){ pg.loadZoomImg(idx - 1); } if((idx + 1) < pg.imgArray.length){ pg.loadZoomImg(idx + 1); } } }); }); }, loadZoomImg:function(idx){ if($('#pgzoomimg' + idx).length === 0){ $('#pgzoomslide' + idx + ' .pgzoomspacer').after('<img src="' + pg.imgArray[idx] + '" data-src="' + pg.imgArray[idx] + '" title="' + pg.titleArray[idx] + '" alt="' + pg.titleArray[idx] + '" id="pgzoomimg' + idx + '" class="pgzoomimg">'); $('#pgzoomimg' + idx).load(function(){ $(this).addClass('active'); }); } }, zoomScroll:function(){ var pgPrevious = $('#pgprevious'), pgNext = $('#pgnext'), scrollTimeout, canLoadZoom = true; $('#pgzoomscroll').on('scroll',function(){ currentScrollLeft = $(this).scrollLeft(); if(canLoadZoom === true) { canLoadZoom = false; scrollTimeout = setTimeout(function(){ if(currentScrollLeft === 0){ pgPrevious.fadeOut(); } else { pgPrevious.fadeIn(); } if(currentScrollLeft >= (pg.imgTotal - 1) * pg.winWidth){ pgNext.fadeOut(); } else { pgNext.fadeIn(); } /*Check if we have scrolled left and if so load up the zoom image*/ if(currentScrollLeft % pg.zoomScrollLeft > 20 || (currentScrollLeft > 0 && pg.zoomScrollLeft === 0)){ pg.zoomScrollLeft = currentScrollLeft; var currentIdx = pg.zoomScrollLeft / pg.winWidth; var currentIdxCeil = Math.ceil(currentIdx); var currentIdxFloor = Math.floor(currentIdx); //Lazy load siblings on scroll. if(!pg.zoomImagesLoaded[currentIdxCeil]) { pg.loadZoomImg(currentIdxCeil); } if(!pg.zoomImagesLoaded[currentIdxFloor]){ pg.loadZoomImg(currentIdxFloor); } } canLoadZoom = true; },200); } }); }, zoomKeyPress: function(){ $(document).on('keyup','body',function(e){ if(e.which == 27){ pg.unloadZoom(); } else if(e.which == 37){ pg.prevNext('previous'); } else if(e.which == 39){ pg.prevNext('next'); } }); }, resizeZoom: function(){ pg.winWidth = $(window).width(); var pgzoomWidth = pg.imgArray.length * pg.winWidth; $('#pgzoom').width(pgzoomWidth); $('.pgzoomslide').width(pg.winWidth); var scrollLeftInt = parseInt(pg.zoomIdx * pg.winWidth); $('#pgzoomscroll').scrollLeft(scrollLeftInt); }, unloadZoom: function(){ $(document).off('keyup','body'); $(window).off('resize',pg.resizeZoom); $('#pgzoomscroll').off('scroll'); $('#pgzoomview').fadeOut(function(){ $('#pgzoom').empty(); $('#pgzoomview').off('keyup'); $('#pgzoomview').removeClass('fixed'); }); }, prevNext: function(dir){ var currentIdx = $('#pgzoomscroll').scrollLeft() / pg.winWidth; if(dir == "previous"){ pg.zoomIdx = Math.round(currentIdx) - 1; } else { pg.zoomIdx = Math.round(currentIdx) + 1; } var newScrollLeft = pg.zoomIdx * pg.winWidth; $('#pgzoomscroll').stop().animate({scrollLeft:newScrollLeft}); } }; $.extend(pg, options); pg.init(); }; })( jQuery ); Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Finni Posted January 31, 2014 Share Posted January 31, 2014 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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