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Hi, all!


I've got a field that I need users to fill with either:


1. An American postal code (example: "47582")

2. A Canadian postal code (example: "A8G 1F4")

3. A city/state abbreviation (example: "Atlanta, GA", or "Quebec City, QC")


I know how to make sure that they only enter numbers in the field, but that would not allow option 2 or 3.  The best validation checks I can make are:


if the entry is all letters (and possibly spaces or commas)

- assume the entry is a city/state combination

- make sure that there are two letters after the comma or final space in the string


if the entry is all numbers

- assume the the entry is an American postal code

- make sure that there are only five digits in the entry


if the entry is a combination letters and numbers

- Assume the entry is a Canadian postal code

- make sure that the entry follows the "A1A 1A1" format


so, that's my question: How do I make the form element "document.form.text_field.value" look for such values?


Thank you!


Still researching this issue....


I think I've found the criteria that I'm looking for, would like some help with my syntax, though....


function hasNumbers(string) {
    var regex = /\d/g;
    return regex.test(string);

function validateOriginFormat() {
    var error = "";

    if (
	(document.load_search.Search_Origin_Type_1.checked == true)&&
	(!hasNumbers(document.load_search.Search_Origin_Radius_Point.value))&&//if the value of the field has no numbers in it, and, thusly is not an american or canadian zip code
	(document.load_search.Search_Origin_Radius_Point.value.substr(-3, 1)//and the third to last character of the value is not a letter or number
        error = "Please use a valid city/state format (example: Boston, MA or Toronto, ON) in Step 3!\n"//recognize the the intended input was a city and state, but the proper format of "City, ST" was not used.
    return error;  


Anyone able to point me in the right direction in regards to where I'm going wrong with my syntax?  Thanks!

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