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i keep getting Error 500 on windows 2008 server online hosting package



this is the code for the error in question i cant seem to pin point the exact location of the error as its my first time working with windows server 2008


//echo $current_date.'<br>';
function GetDays($sStartDate, $sEndDate){
  // Firstly, format the provided dates.
  // This function works best with YYYY-MM-DD
  // but other date formats will work thanks
  // to strtotime().
  $sStartDate = gmdate("Y-m-d", strtotime($sStartDate));
  $sEndDate = gmdate("Y-m-d", strtotime($sEndDate));

  // Start the variable off with the start date
  $aDays = $sStartDate;

  // Set a 'temp' variable, sCurrentDate, with
  // the start date - before beginning the loop
  $sCurrentDate = $sStartDate;

  // While the current date is less than the end date
  while($sCurrentDate < $sEndDate){
    // Add a day to the current date
    $sCurrentDate = gmdate("Y-m-d", strtotime("+1 day", strtotime($sCurrentDate)));

    // Add this new day to the aDays array
    $aDays = $aDays.",".$sCurrentDate;

  // Once the loop has finished, return the
  // array of days.
  return $aDays;

function full_booking($array)

return $ret_array;

$conn1 = new COM("ADODB.Connection") or die("Cannot start ADO"); 
$conn1->open("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=". realpath("./db/bsihbs.mdb").";");
$rs50=$conn1->execute("select * from h_bookinfo where checkout_date >#".$current_date."# and roomtype_id=$roomtypeid");
$rs51=$conn1->execute("select * from h_room where roomtype_id=$roomtypeid and capacity=$capacity1"); 
$m50 =  $rs50->Fields(13); 
$m51 =  $rs51->Fields(0); 
$intersect_array = array_intersect(array_unique($booked_array),$available_array);
if(count($different_array)==0) $flag_a=1;
else $flag_a=0;


$rs1=$conn1->execute("select * from h_bookinfo where checkout_date >#".$current_date."# and roomtype_id=$roomtypeid order by room_id"); 

$f11 =  $rs1->Fields(18); 
$f21 =  $rs1->Fields(19); 
$f31 =  $rs1->Fields(20); 
$f41 =  $rs1->Fields(23); 
$f51 =  $rs1->Fields(13); 
$f61 =  $rs1->Fields(14);

$startFlag = true;
$strBuff1 = "";
$strBuff2 = "";
$lastid = "";

while (!$rs1->EOF) {   
	if($f31->value==true or $f41->value==true or ($f31->value==true and $f41->value==true)){
		$rs2=$conn1->execute("select * from h_room where roomtype_id=$roomtypeid and capacity=$capacity1"); 
		$k11 =  $rs2->Fields(0); 
		while (!$rs2->EOF) { 
				//$strBuff1 = $onearray[1].",".$onearray[2];
				$strBuff1 = getDays($f11->value,$f21->value);
				if($lastid == $f51->value || $startFlag == true){
					$strBuff2 = strlen($strBuff2) == 0 ? $strBuff1 : $strBuff2.",".$strBuff1;
					$startFlag = false;
					$allbooking[$lastid] = $strBuff2;
					$strBuff2 = $strBuff1;
					//echo "Buff2: ".$strBuff2."<br>";
				$lastid = $f51->value;

				//echo print_r($getdates);
				//echo '<br>';
				for($kkk=0; $kkk<$n99; $kkk++){
				//echo $f11->value.'-'.$f21->value.'->'.$f31->value.'->'.$f41->value.'->'.$f51->value.'->'.$f61->value.'<br>';

		//$rs2=$conn1->execute("select * from h_room where roomtype_id=".$f61->value); 
$allbooking[$lastid] = $strBuff2;
//echo '<br><br>';

//echo '<br><br>';
/*echo '<br><br>';
echo '<br><br>';
echo '<br><br>';

if(isset($prm) and $prm > 0){
$m= date("m");
$d= date("d");     // Finds today's date
$y= date("Y");     // Finds today's year
$m2= date("m");
$no_of_days = date('t',mktime(0,0,0,$m,1,$y)); // This is to calculate number of days in a month

$mn=date('M',mktime(0,0,0,$m,1,$y)); // Month is calculated to display at the top of the calendar
//echo '<br>'.(int)$mn1.'<br>';
$yn=date('Y',mktime(0,0,0,$m,1,$y)); // Year is calculated to display at the top of the calendar

$j= date('w',mktime(0,0,0,$m,1,$y)); // This will calculate the week day of the first day of the month
//echo $no_of_days.'-'.$mn1.'-'.$yn;
for($k=1; $k<=$j; $k++){ // Adjustment of date starting
$adj .="<td > </td>";

/// Starting of top line showing name of the days of the week

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<body topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" background="img/main_bg2.jpg">

echo "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='4' align=left  style='border:1px solid #CC6600;'><tr><td align=center bgcolor='#FF9966' style='border:1px solid #CC6600;'><font size='3' face='Tahoma'> <a href='calendar.php?prm=$m&chm=-1&roomtype_id=$roomtypeid&capacity=$capacity1'><img src='img/Navigation_icons_14.gif' border=0></a> </td><td colspan=5 align=center bgcolor='#FF9966' style='border:1px solid #CC6600;'><font size='3' face='Tahoma'>$mn $yn </td><td align=center bgcolor='#FF9966' style='border:1px solid #CC6600;'><font size='3' face='Tahoma'> <a href='calendar.php?prm=$m&chm=1&roomtype_id=$roomtypeid&capacity=$capacity1'><img src='img/Navigation_icons_10.gif' border=0></a> </td></tr><tr>";

echo "<td style='border:1px solid #CC6600; background-image:url(iimages/corner_booked_right.jpg); background-repeat:no-repeat  ' width='25' ><font size='2' face='Tahoma'><b>Sun</b></font></td><td style='border:1px solid #CC6600;' width='25'><font size='2' face='Tahoma'><b>Mon</b></font></td><td style='border:1px solid #CC6600;' width='25'><font size='2' face='Tahoma'><b>Tue</b></font></td><td style='border:1px solid #CC6600;' width='25'><font size='2' face='Tahoma'><b>Wed</b></font></td><td style='border:1px solid #CC6600;' width='25'><font size='2' face='Tahoma'><b>Thu</b></font></td><td style='border:1px solid #CC6600;' width='25'><font size='2' face='Tahoma'><b>Fri</b></font></td><td style='border:1px solid #CC6600;' width='25'><font size='2' face='Tahoma'><b>Sat</b></font></td></tr><tr>";

////// End of the top line showing name of the days of the week//////////

//////// Starting of the days//////////
if($y <= $yn and $m2<=$mn1)
{   //&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

	if($y >= $yn and $m2==$mn1 and $d>$i)
	echo $adj."<td valign=top bgcolor=#cccccc style='border:1px solid #CC6600;'><font size='2' color='#999999' face='Tahoma'>$i<br>"; // This will display the date inside the 		calendar cell
	echo " </font></td>";

	{   //#####booked date mark start#########################

            $b_date= $booked_date[$pp];
		//echo $pp;
		if($yn==$b_year and $mn1==$b_month and $i==(int)$b_day)
	    //#####booked date mark start#########################
		echo $adj."<td valign=top bgcolor=#f7b961  style='border:1px solid #CC6600;'><font size='2' face='Tahoma'>$i<br>"; // This will display the date inside the 			calendar cell
		//echo $aaaaa;$aaaaa
		echo " </font></td>";
		echo $adj."<td valign=top bgcolor=#ffffff style='border:1px solid #CC6600;'><font size='2' face='Tahoma'>$i<br>"; 
		//echo $aaaaa;// This will display the date inside the calendar cell
		echo " </font></td>";
echo $adj."<td valign=top bgcolor=#cccccc style='border:1px solid #CC6600;'><font size='2' color='#999999' face='Tahoma'>$i<br>"; // This will display the date inside the calendar cell
echo " </font></td>";

$j ++;
if($j==7){echo "</tr><tr>";

echo "</tr></table>";


The HTTP 500 response code just means that a complete response was not sent by the web server.


On the outside chance that you are experinecing a fatal runtime error, add the following two lines of code immediately after the first opening <?php tag (you should only use full opening php tags as well) -


ini_set("display_errors", "1");

error report response suggest the following errors


HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.0 X-Powered-By: ASP.NET Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 15:39:43 GMT Connection: close Content-Length: 1044 PHP Notice: Undefined variable: m in \\\home\thunderhosts.co.uk\public_html\calendar.php on line 201 PHP Notice: Undefined variable: roomtypeid in \\\home\thunderhosts.co.uk\public_html\calendar.php on line 201 PHP Notice: Undefined variable: capacity1 in \\\home\thunderhosts.co.uk\public_html\calendar.php on line 201 PHP Notice: Undefined variable: mn in \\\home\thunderhosts.co.uk\public_html\calendar.php on line 201 PHP Notice: Undefined variable: yn in \\\home\thunderhosts.co.uk\public_html\calendar.php on line 201 PHP Notice: Undefined variable: m in \\\home\thunderhosts.co.uk\public_html\calendar.php on line 201 PHP Notice: Undefined variable: roomtypeid in \\\home\thunderhosts.co.uk\public_html\calendar.php on line 201 PHP Notice: Undefined variable: capacity1 in \\\home\thunderhosts.co.uk\public_html\calendar.php on line 201 PHP Notice: Undefined variable: no_of_days in \\\home\thunderhosts.co.uk\public_html\calendar.php on line 210 


the code in question is

Line 201       echo "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='4' align=left  style='border:1px solid #CC6600;'><tr><td align=center bgcolor='#FF9966' style='border:1px solid #CC6600;'><font size='3' face='Tahoma'> <a href='calendar.php?prm=$m&chm=-1&roomtype_id=$roomtypeid&capacity=$capacity1'><img src='img/Navigation_icons_14.gif' border=0></a> </td><td colspan=5 align=center bgcolor='#FF9966' style='border:1px solid #CC6600;'><font size='3' face='Tahoma'>$mn $yn </td><td align=center bgcolor='#FF9966' style='border:1px solid #CC6600;'><font size='3' face='Tahoma'> <a href='calendar.php?prm=$m&chm=1&roomtype_id=$roomtypeid&capacity=$capacity1'><img src='img/Navigation_icons_10.gif' border=0></a> </td></tr><tr>";


Line 210 for($i=1;$i<=$no_of_days;$i++){

i beleve the error could lie within this part of code





is there any obvious error here? or am i going the wrong direction??


this is starting to drive me crazy :( lol been working on this problem for over a month any help apreciated

when i change line 210 to

for($i=1;$i<=$no_of_days i++){


for($i=1;$i<=$no_of_days; i++){

then i only get error

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.0 X-Powered-By: ASP.NET Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 19:39:14 GMT Connection: close Content-Length: 140 PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_INC, expecting ';' in \\\home\thunderhosts.co.uk\public_html\calendar.php on line 210 

any ideas i beleve if i can get this error then the script will run ?


the calendar.php code is

//echo $current_date.'<br>';
function GetDays($sStartDate, $sEndDate){
  // Firstly, format the provided dates.
  // This function works best with YYYY-MM-DD
  // but other date formats will work thanks
  // to strtotime().
  $sStartDate = gmdate("Y-m-d", strtotime($sStartDate));
  $sEndDate = gmdate("Y-m-d", strtotime($sEndDate));

  // Start the variable off with the start date
  $aDays = $sStartDate;

  // Set a 'temp' variable, sCurrentDate, with
  // the start date - before beginning the loop
  $sCurrentDate = $sStartDate;

  // While the current date is less than the end date
  while($sCurrentDate < $sEndDate){
    // Add a day to the current date
    $sCurrentDate = gmdate("Y-m-d", strtotime("+1 day", strtotime($sCurrentDate)));

    // Add this new day to the aDays array
    $aDays = $aDays.",".$sCurrentDate;

  // Once the loop has finished, return the
  // array of days.
  return $aDays;

function full_booking($array)

return $ret_array;

$conn1 = new COM("ADODB.Connection") or die("Cannot start ADO"); 
$conn1->open("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=". realpath("http://www.thunderhosts.co.uk/db/bsihbs.mdb").";");
$rs50=$conn1->execute("select * from h_bookinfo where checkout_date >#".$current_date."# and roomtype_id=$roomtypeid");
$rs51=$conn1->execute("select * from h_room where roomtype_id=$roomtypeid and capacity=$capacity1"); 
$m50 =  $rs50->Fields(13); 
$m51 =  $rs51->Fields(0); 
$intersect_array = array_intersect(array_unique($booked_array),$available_array);
if(count($different_array)==0) $flag_a=1;
else $flag_a=0;


$rs1=$conn1->execute("select * from h_bookinfo where checkout_date >#".$current_date."# and roomtype_id=$roomtypeid order by room_id"); 

$f11 =  $rs1->Fields(18); 
$f21 =  $rs1->Fields(19); 
$f31 =  $rs1->Fields(20); 
$f41 =  $rs1->Fields(23); 
$f51 =  $rs1->Fields(13); 
$f61 =  $rs1->Fields(14);

$startFlag = true;
$strBuff1 = "";
$strBuff2 = "";
$lastid = "";

while (!$rs1->EOF) {   
	if($f31->value==true or $f41->value==true or ($f31->value==true and $f41->value==true)){
		$rs2=$conn1->execute("select * from h_room where roomtype_id=$roomtypeid and capacity=$capacity1"); 
		$k11 =  $rs2->Fields(0); 
		while (!$rs2->EOF) { 
				//$strBuff1 = $onearray[1].",".$onearray[2];
				$strBuff1 = getDays($f11->value,$f21->value);
				if($lastid == $f51->value || $startFlag == true){
					$strBuff2 = strlen($strBuff2) == 0 ? $strBuff1 : $strBuff2.",".$strBuff1;
					$startFlag = false;
					$allbooking[$lastid] = $strBuff2;
					$strBuff2 = $strBuff1;
					//echo "Buff2: ".$strBuff2."<br>";
				$lastid = $f51->value;

				//echo print_r($getdates);
				//echo '<br>';
				for($kkk=0; $kkk<$n99; $kkk++){
				//echo $f11->value.'-'.$f21->value.'->'.$f31->value.'->'.$f41->value.'->'.$f51->value.'->'.$f61->value.'<br>';

		//$rs2=$conn1->execute("select * from h_room where roomtype_id=".$f61->value); 
$allbooking[$lastid] = $strBuff2;
//echo '<br><br>';

//echo '<br><br>';
/*echo '<br><br>';
echo '<br><br>';
echo '<br><br>';

if(isset($prm) and $prm > 0){
$d=date("d");     // Finds today's date
$y=date("Y");     // Finds today's year
$no_of_days=date('j',mktime(0,0,0,$m,1,$y)); // This is to calculate number of days in a month

$mn=date('M',mktime(0,0,0,$m,1,$y)); // Month is calculated to display at the top of the calendar
//echo '<br>'.(int)$mn1.'<br>';
$yn=date('Y',mktime(0,0,0,$m,1,$y)); // Year is calculated to display at the top of the calendar

$j=date('w',mktime(0,0,0,$m,1,$y)); // This will calculate the week day of the first day of the month
//echo $no_of_days.'-'.$mn1.'-'.$yn;
for($k=1; $k<=$j; $k++){ // Adjustment of date starting
$adj .="<td > </td>";

/// Starting of top line showing name of the days of the week

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<body topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" background="img/main_bg2.jpg">

echo "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='4' align=left  style='border:1px solid #CC6600;'><tr><td align=center bgcolor='#FF9966' style='border:1px solid #CC6600;'><font size='3' face='Tahoma'> <a href='calendar.php?prm=$m&chm=-1&roomtype_id=$roomtypeid&capacity=$capacity1'><img src='img/Navigation_icons_14.gif' border=0></a> </td><td colspan=5 align=center bgcolor='#FF9966' style='border:1px solid #CC6600;'><font size='3' face='Tahoma'>$mn $yn </td><td align=center bgcolor='#FF9966' style='border:1px solid #CC6600;'><font size='3' face='Tahoma'> <a href='calendar.php?prm=$m&chm=1&roomtype_id=$roomtypeid&capacity=$capacity1'><img src='img/Navigation_icons_10.gif' border=0></a> </td></tr><tr>";

echo "<td style='border:1px solid #CC6600; background-image:url(images/corner_booked_right.jpg); background-repeat:no-repeat  ' width='25' ><font size='2' face='Tahoma'><b>Sun</b></font></td><td style='border:1px solid #CC6600;' width='25'><font size='2' face='Tahoma'><b>Mon</b></font></td><td style='border:1px solid #CC6600;' width='25'><font size='2' face='Tahoma'><b>Tue</b></font></td><td style='border:1px solid #CC6600;' width='25'><font size='2' face='Tahoma'><b>Wed</b></font></td><td style='border:1px solid #CC6600;' width='25'><font size='2' face='Tahoma'><b>Thu</b></font></td><td style='border:1px solid #CC6600;' width='25'><font size='2' face='Tahoma'><b>Fri</b></font></td><td style='border:1px solid #CC6600;' width='25'><font size='2' face='Tahoma'><b>Sat</b></font></td></tr><tr>";

////// End of the top line showing name of the days of the week//////////

//////// Starting of the days//////////
for($i=1;$i<=$no_of_days i++){
if($y <= $yn and $m2<=$mn1)
{   //&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

	if($y >= $yn and $m2==$mn1 and $d>$i)
	echo $adj."<td valign=top bgcolor=#cccccc style='border:1px solid #CC6600;'><font size='2' color='#999999' face='Tahoma'>$i<br>"; // This will display the date inside the 		calendar cell
	echo " </font></td>";

	{   //#####booked date mark start#########################

            $b_date= $booked_date[$pp];
		//echo $pp;
		if($yn==$b_year and $mn1==$b_month and $i==(int)$b_day)
	    //#####booked date mark start#########################
		echo $adj."<td valign=top bgcolor=#f7b961  style='border:1px solid #CC6600;'><font size='2' face='Tahoma'>$i<br>"; // This will display the date inside the 			calendar cell
		//echo $aaaaa;$aaaaa
		echo " </font></td>";
		echo $adj."<td valign=top bgcolor=#ffffff style='border:1px solid #CC6600;'><font size='2' face='Tahoma'>$i<br>"; 
		//echo $aaaaa;// This will display the date inside the calendar cell
		echo " </font></td>";
echo $adj."<td valign=top bgcolor=#cccccc style='border:1px solid #CC6600;'><font size='2' color='#999999' face='Tahoma'>$i<br>"; // This will display the date inside the calendar cell
echo " </font></td>";

$j ++;
if($j==7){echo "</tr><tr>";

echo "</tr></table>";

Syntax errors are 'discovered' before any runtime errors (such as notices you were getting before). That's why you're getting a shorter error message now, but it doesn't mean you fixed these errors. On contrary, you introduced a new one, that doesn't even allow the script to run.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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