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Link 2 tables and show them up


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Hello everyone.

I'm playing around on a site that will show up all the products that i have but i want to add them on the category and when i click to a category to appear only the products that are in that category. I know that somehow i should make a table for categories and a table for products but how to link the table products with the categories table, and how to show them up?


I have table movcat where are listed all the categories like Action, Thriller, Horror, Comedy, etc

Then i have table movies where are listed all the movies but them are not inserted in any category.

When i want to show them up i call a query to db and show them up, but those are not on any category and are showing up all of them.


Can someone help me, PLEASE?


P.S. Hope that i was understandable. Sorry for my bad english ;)

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If I understood you correctly,


You need at least three tables:

categories - contains all categories

movies - contains all movie data

movies_categories - contains all movies linked to categories


select c.category_name
from movies a join movies_categories b on b.movies_id = a.id join categories c on c.id = b.category_id
where a.movie_name = 'TERMINATOR 2'


should return




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  • 3 weeks later...

I think the movie table can have an id field linking to categories, removing the need of the third table. Then when you add movies, just add to the movie table.


I have tried in many ways but i'm not getting what i need :(


My db tables looks like this:


p_kategori table

-- Table structure for table `p_kategori`

  `id` int(6) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `katemri` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `katpermalink` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `kataktiv` enum('N','Y') NOT NULL default 'Y',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)

-- Dumping data for table `p_kategori`

INSERT INTO `p_kategori` (`id`, `katemri`, `katpermalink`, `kataktiv`) VALUES
(1, 'Gjeneratore', 'gjeneratore/', 'Y'),
(2, 'Elektroda', 'elektroda/', 'Y'),
(3, 'Test', 'test/', ''),
(4, 'Test2', 'test2/', ''),
(5, 'Prove', 'prove/', ''),
(6, 'Prove 2', 'prove2/', ''),
(7, 'Prove 3', 'prove3/', 'Y'),
(8, 'Test 4', 'test4/', 'Y');



p_produkte table


-- Table structure for table `p_produkte`

  `id` int(6) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `katid` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `prodemri` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `prodimg` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `prodinfo` text NOT NULL,
  `prodpermalink` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `prodaktiv` enum('N','Y') NOT NULL default 'Y',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)

-- Dumping data for table `p_produkte`

INSERT INTO `p_produkte` (`id`, `katid`, `prodemri`, `prodimg`, `prodinfo`, `prodpermalink`, `prodaktiv`) VALUES
(2, '1', 'XCV 220W', '220w.jpg', '<p>\r\n	Gjenerator</p>\r\n', 'gjenerator_xcv220w/', 'Y');



kategorite.php - The page where appear the category list and, if clicks on a category, will appear a new page where should be listed all products on that category.


if (!isset($_GET['id'])) // if $_GET['id'] is NOT set
include 'D:/Program Files/VertrigoServ/www/joni/admini/includet/variabla.php';
include (BPATH . '/includet/dbconfig.php');
$query="SELECT * FROM `p_kategori` WHERE kataktiv = 'Y' ORDER BY `p_kategori`.`ID`";
   while ($i < $num) {

<img src="imazhet/bulona.jpg" width="15" hspace="5" vspace="3" align="absmiddle" /><a href="kategorite.php?id=<?php echo $id;  ?>"> <?php echo $katemri;  ?></a><br>


} // end if()
else // $_GET['id'] IS set
   if (!empty($_GET['id'])) // if $_GET['id'] is NOT empty
 // getting infos from db
  include 'D:/Program Files/VertrigoServ/www/joni/admini/includet/variabla.php';
 include (BPATH . '/includet/dbconfig.php');
   $query="SELECT * FROM `p_kategori` WHERE id = '$_GET[id]'";
   // end of getting infos from db


I don't know how to continue now!


   } // end if()
} // end else



I don't know how to continue now :( ! I have tried to use the query you suggest but i't didn;t worked bcz i don;t know how and where to use it.


Can you please help me?


Thank you in advance!

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