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I have a users script where they can add content, edit and delete.


but i have just found out its easy to delete another users data by typing in:




is there anyway i can stop this happening, whats my best route of action?


i am usings sessions so for now i have added a remove from database sql command "where ID=$ID AND member_id=$session[sESS_MEMBER_ID]"

which has temporarily put a stop to it but i need it to throw up an error if the member_id doesnt match.


here is my delete.php code;



<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="cs" lang="cs">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf8"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function delayer(){
    window.location = "tests.php"

<body class="cloudy" onLoad="setTimeout('delayer()', 3000)">
<table width="60%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
        <td width="40%" valign="top">
        <div class="content-box">
	<div class="content-box-header">
				<h3>Your results Has Been Removed!!</h3>
			<div class="content-box-content">
				  <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
                              <td colspan="7" valign="top"><form class="basic" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"><!-- Default basic forms -->
						<div class="inner-form">
							<!-- error and information messages -->
						  			<div class="notification attention png_bg">
			<a href="#" class="close"><img src="img/cross_grey_small.png" title="Close this notification" alt="close" /></a>
				Your results has been removed successfully, you will now be re-directed.
  $sql = "DELETE FROM $db WHERE ID=$ID AND member_id=$_SESSION[sESS_MEMBER_ID]";
if (@mysql_query($sql)) { 
echo(''); } 
else { 
echo('Error' . mysql_error()); 
			</div> <!-- End .content-box-content -->


is it possible to check the member_id of the results against the member_id of the session BEFORE performing the SQL query and if it matches perform the query and if not DONT perform query and throw up an echo command with error text?


any help would be greatly appreciated.

is it possible to check the member_id of the results against the member_id of the session BEFORE performing the SQL query and if it matches perform the query and if not DONT perform query and throw up an echo command with error text?




if($member_id == $_SESSION['member_id']) {
} else {


You should replace this too


if (!@mysql_query($sql)) {
echo('Error' . mysql_error()); 


There is no reason to echo '' just check for failure and echo the error.

is it possible to check the member_id of the results against the member_id of the session BEFORE performing the SQL query and if it matches perform the query and if not DONT perform query and throw up an echo command with error text?



so simple :(

dont know why my head couldnt get around it...

thanks will impliment it now and hopefully my users stay happy now.



if($member_id == $_SESSION['member_id']) {
} else {


Even if a user is logged in he/she will still be able to delete data. My advice is to echo the id on the form in encrypted format and then parsing that encrypted data along to php to decrypt e.g. delete.php?ID=e34cb4a32&db=tests


That way users won't be able to guess an id.

Even if a user is logged in he/she will still be able to delete data. My advice is to echo the id on the form in encrypted format and then parsing that encrypted data along to php to decrypt e.g. delete.php?ID=e34cb4a32&db=tests


That way users won't be able to guess an id.


how would i go about doing this in my above code? it sound more secure that way..


would i have to encrypt the ID on the view page where my delete button is linked to the delete.php page?

Even if a user is logged in he/she will still be able to delete data. My advice is to echo the id on the form in encrypted format and then parsing that encrypted data along to php to decrypt e.g. delete.php?ID=e34cb4a32&db=tests


That way users won't be able to guess an id.


how would i go about doing this in my above code? it sound more secure that way..


would i have to encrypt the ID on the view page where my delete button is linked to the delete.php page?




check this out http://www.t4vn.net/tutorials/showtutorials/An-Introduction-to-Mcrypt-and-PHP.html

oooh nice.


i included the class file


and added the following code;


$crypto = new phpFreaksCrypto(); 
$id_encrypted = $ID; 
$id_encrypted = $crypto->encrypt($id_encrypted); 
$id_decrypted = $crypto->decrypt($id_encrypted); 

echo 'Original: ' . $id_encrypted . '<br />'; 
echo 'Encrypted: ' . $id_encrypted . '<br />'; 
echo 'Decrypted: ' . $id_decrypted . '<br />'; 


my ID should be 28 but i get the following output :


Original: rhcCGrx9UtY=
Encrypted: rhcCGrx9UtY=
Decrypted: 28


how come Original: doesnt show 28 ??

now im getting problems finding the data in database on the delete.php page


am i doing something wrong in the delete.php page?


from the view page i forward to:


delete.php?ID=rhcCGrx9UtY=&db=tests (so the ID "28" is now being passed to delete.php as encrypted value)


require_once('Includes/phpFreaksCrypto.class.php4'); // require the phpFreaksCrypto class

$crypto = new phpFreaksCrypto(); 
    $id_to_be_encrypted = $ID; 
    $id_encrypted = $crypto->encrypt($id_to_be_encrypted); 
    $id_decrypted = $crypto->decrypt($id_encrypted); 

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="cs" lang="cs">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf8"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function delayer(){
    window.location = "tests.php"

<body class="cloudy" onLoad="setTimeout('delayer()', 50000)">
<table width="60%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
        <td width="40%" valign="top">
        <div class="content-box">
	<div class="content-box-header">
				<h3>Your results Has Been Removed!!</h3>
			<div class="content-box-content">
  if ($id_decrypted) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM tests WHERE ID=$id_decrypted";
    $result = mysql_query($sql);
    $myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $ID = $myrow["id"];
    $member_id = $myrow["member_id"];

				  <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
                              <td colspan="7" valign="top"><form class="basic" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"><!-- Default basic forms -->
						<div class="inner-form">
if($member_id == $_SESSION['SESS_MEMBER_ID']) {
  $sql = "DELETE FROM $db WHERE ID=$id_decrypted AND member_id=$_SESSION[sESS_MEMBER_ID]";
  echo "<div class='notification success png_bg'><div>Your results has been removed successfully, you will now be re directed.</div></div>";
} else {
echo "<div class='notification attention png_bg'><div>ERROR, these results dont belong to you, if this is your test results please contact support in relation to this error.</div></div>";
			</div> <!-- End .content-box-content -->

error_log your query.


Then you might have to url_encode your encrypted value. Some characters might get 'scrambled' when sent via the browser. Thus you need to url_decode your value, decrypt it and then use it in your query. Hope that makes sense.

haha not really. :)


this is what i get when i echo mysql_error()


"Error in you submission: . mysql_error() . SELECT * FROM tests WHERE ID=jtqd/jNeidY="


so i assume its not de_crypting the $ID found in the URL.

When you echo your encrypted id, parse it through the url_encode function. This value should appear on the form.


Then when you want to use the value (as sent from the form) to delete items, you first have to url_decode, then decrypt the value and then use the decrypted value in the query.

When you echo your encrypted id, parse it through the url_encode function. This value should appear on the form.


Then when you want to use the value (as sent from the form) to delete items, you first have to url_decode, then decrypt the value and then use the decrypted value in the query.


now u lost me completely... :(


can u perhaps post a little coding to help me understand?

ok on the view page i have the following code;


echo 'Original: ' . $id_to_be_encrypted . '<br />'; 
echo 'Encrypted: ' . $id_encrypted . '<br />'; 
echo 'Decrypted: ' . $id_decrypted . '<br />'; 
echo urlencode("$id_encrypted"); 
echo '<br />';
echo urldecode("$id_encrypted"); 
echo '<br />';


this gives me the following output;


Original: 28
Encrypted: rhcCGrx9UtY=
Decrypted: 28


now do i pass the urlencoded version "rhcCGrx9UtY%3D" through the URL string to the delete.php page?


and if so how do i decode it on the other side?


<!-- process sent data from form -->
if (isset($_GET['table_id'])) {
	$TmpEncVal = urldecode($_GET['table_id']);
	$DecVal = DecryptId($TmpEncVal);
	$sQuery = "	delete from tbl_row where id = {$DecVal}";
	//exec query...


<!-- encrypt and show encrypted id on form -->
$EncVal = EncryptId(23);
<input type="hidden" name="table_id" value="<?PHP echo urlencode($EncVal);?>">
<input type="submit">


<!-- process sent data from form -->
if (isset($_GET['table_id'])) {
	$TmpEncVal = urldecode($_GET['table_id']);
	$DecVal = DecryptId($TmpEncVal);
	$sQuery = "	delete from tbl_row where id = {$DecVal}";
	//exec query...


<!-- encrypt and show encrypted id on form -->
$EncVal = EncryptId(23);
<input type="hidden" name="table_id" value="<?PHP echo urlencode($EncVal);?>">
<input type="submit">


you the man....


problem now solved and MUCH more secure, so secure even i know the php code and my head is f****d about it :)


cheers o3d

i learnt alot in regard to encrypting and urlencoded

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