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[HELP] Table Help


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Hello I have joined this forum for the sole purpose of trying to get this problem resolved so if you would please take a few minutes of your day to help out I would appreciate it very much.


I am a working on a dynamic table that communicates with a database (MySQL) where I can query results and such. In this table it works as a sort of "progress page" that shows test-results for certain test-cases on some products. However I am a co-op student and this is my first time working with PHP (and Javascript but I need help with the PHP part of things I guess?..) and in the table I created I have each row that is displayed to automatically have a button created beside it so that I can use that button to edit that particular row. The tricky part is I do not know how to make that button to be individual to a specific row and not end up changing the entire tables results (instead of being independent to that row it is with). I am not even sure I am explaining it correctly but I hope so. Basically this button works as an "edit" button so that it prompts an edit screen where you can change a row's results (and it will take your new added information and query it into the database).


Now I will provide a sort of scenario that will give you a better idea of how I want this to work...

So let us assume that there is 4 rows of data in the database and the table outputs these 4 rows, well if I add 40 more rows of data into the database the table will now output (upon a refresh of the html page) 44 rows. So I need the "edit" button to be dynamic so that it has a single relationship with the row it is in


Here is the code of my creation of the button.

         ## Display Table and database results
    while($results = mysql_fetch_array($build_device_test)){
        echo    "<td class='side' >".$results['version']."</td>";
        echo    "<td class='CBundle' >" .$results['bundle']."</td>";
        echo    "<td class='CDevice' >".$results['devicename']."</td>";
        echo    "<td class='CJava' ></td>";
        echo    "<td class='CMMS' ></td>";
        echo    "<td class='CBranch' ></td>";
        echo    "<td class='CJC' ></td>";
        echo    "<td class='selection' ><button type='button' onclick='disp_prompt()'>Edit</button></td>"; 
     /* I am creating   the button for each row that is displayed on the table, and the disp_prompt is a basic login javascript thing I did based on alert box for the sake of seeing how to make it work. */



I have thought of using grid control, and so I used the slgrid open source which can be found here however I cannot use their edit screen nor can I use massive joins (as I have set up in my code).


I cannot disclose any specific information as these test cases are sensitive upon release (for the companies...and my job's sake) and I apologize for the length of this post or the difficulty of this problem.

Thank you,



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Why don't you just put a link?




         ## Display Table and database results
    while($results = mysql_fetch_array($build_device_test)){
        echo    "<td class='side' >".$results['version']."</td>";
        echo    "<td class='CBundle' >" .$results['bundle']."</td>";
        echo    "<td class='CDevice' >".$results['devicename']."</td>";
        echo    "<td class='CJava' ></td>";
        echo    "<td class='CMMS' ></td>";
        echo    "<td class='CBranch' ></td>";
        echo    "<td class='CJC' ></td>";
        echo    "<td class='selection' ><a href='delete.php?id='".$results['id']."' onclick='disp_prompt()'>Delete</a></td>"; 
     /* I am creating   the button for each row that is displayed on the table, and the disp_prompt is a basic login javascript thing I did based on alert box for the sake of seeing how to make it work. */



Then on delete.php , run those codes



//connection info first

$id = $_GET['id'];

$sql = "DELETE FROM mytable WHERE id = '$id'";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

echo 'Yay, it has been removed';


Edit : you might want to show your Javascript disp_prompt() function.. I believe it might take the ID as it's argument !

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