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Date and comparison


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I have a comment section on my site. I would like to record the date someone first logs on to my site, add a point to their table id everytime they comment, disallow commenting after 5 points, delete thier ip after 24 hours.


So far, I have this:

$ipi = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
$sql = "SELECT * FROM iplog WHERE Ip = '$ipi'";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
if (isset($row['Ip'])) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO iplog (Ip) VALUES ('$ipi')");


In the INSERT command i'll insert the date but i have not used date functions before in php. Which date format will be the easiest to subtract from to find if their ip has been logged for 24 hours? And what would the code look like that subtracts their log in time to the current time?


Thanks for any suggestions.



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use sessions..


  // top of php files

  // monitor.php
  // turn the session into an object to avoid strict notices (unset keys)
  $user = (object) $_SESSION;
  if (isset($temp->logged_in)) {
    if ($temp->logged_in <= (time() - (24 * 60 * 60))) {
      $temp = null;
  } else {
    $temp->logged_in = time();
    $temp->posts = 0;
  $_SESSION = (array) $temp;


and then whenever the user posts a post increase $_SESSION['posts'] and check if its greater than 5.. if its greater than five don't continue with the comment..

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I haven't used sessions before, but willing to give it a shot as it seems it will work better. The session will track the individual user that accesses the site no matter which page they are on (because of monitor.php at the top)? And what happens if they X out of their web browser and come back?

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I have a warning:


Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/content/x/c/a/xcandiottix/html/chart.php:11) in /home/content/x/c/a/xcandiottix/html/monitor.php on line 3


Do you know what could be causing this? I copied your code directly in with out edit.

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OKAY .. final question before I have this thing conquered. For testing I've made a page that echos $_SESSION['posts'] then adds 1 to it then reechos it so i get:




on screen. If i leave this page and come back i would expect to see:




but instead I get 01 again. How to I send the +1 to $_SESSION['posts'] correctly?


I tried:

echo $_SESSION['posts'];


echo $_SESSION['posts'];


but that doesn't work...


Thanks so much!

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Alrighty, I managed to get the whole thing done with a small brick of code and a 4 column table. Didn't end up using a session though because I'm not that advanced yet ;p


The (time() - (24 * 60 * 60)) was a HUGE help tho so thanks so much for that.



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