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Query shows no results


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I have a query which lists users in hospital and how much time they have left to wait based on "now" and "Arrival" time stamps.... but it works until i a WHERE and ORDER BY clause.


Im trying to only display people who have 1 minute left or greater in the WHERE CLAUSE


And ORDER BY minutes left in an ASC order but when i add them my query fails to find anything... this is my query:



SELECT UserID,Reason,TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,'Arrival','".serverdate()."')AS MinutesPassed,Minutes

FROM ".tablename().".hospital 

WHERE (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,'Arrival','".serverdate()."')- Minutes) > 0 

ORDER BY (TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,'Arrival','".serverdate()."')- Minutes) ASC


Hope you can help with my problem...

Time stamps and serverdate function are informat of: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

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Arrival is TimeStamp YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss


2010-03-27 02:14:10   


It resulted in : 0 minutes!


Which would be correct as 0 minutes had passed from when i inserted the row.


But now lets say field : Minutes is 10... that means they have to 10 till the result > or = to Minutes which is where my WHERE Clause comes in, i want to check where "how long they've been waiting from row insert" taken from "mintes - how long they have to wait" and find only where its > 0 minutes left.


Then order by minutes left ASC order but it finds nothing with my WHERE and ORDER part.

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Ok so out of curiosity what does the following return?


SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, `arrival` , NOW() ) as MinutesPassed, Minutes
FROM hospital
WHERE TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, `arrival` , NOW() ) - Minutes > 0
ORDER BY MinutesPassed


if that returns nothing, then see what this returns


SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, `arrival` , NOW() ) as MinutesPassed, TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, `arrival` , NOW() ) - Minutes as MinutesLeft
FROM hospital
ORDER BY MinutesPassed

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With the first query - where is "MinutesWaited" coming from as that would be undefined ?


The second query resulted in this:

echo $row['MinutesPassed'] .' passed  '. $row['MinutesLeft'].' left ';

0 passed  -10 left 


Yeah sorry that should have been MinutesPassed.  But I also noticed that your Minutes left math is backwards. try this.

SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, `arrival` , NOW() ) as MinutesPassed, Minutes - TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, `arrival` , NOW() ) as MinutesLeft
FROM hospital
ORDER BY MinutesPassed

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Okay thats better! Although the ORDERBY is last part not working.


As people can be in different lengths of waiting times other than just the same wait..


Person 1 has  2 minutes have passed and was a 20 minute wait = 18 mins to go.

Person 2 has  2 minutes have and was a 10 minute wait = 8 mins to go.


So person 2 would be before person 1 in terms of the order by. Im thinking a subtraction but can maths be used in an orderby?

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Okay that worked but the WHERE clause is missing yet for some reason with this:



SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, `arrival` , NOW() ) as MinutesPassed, Minutes - TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, `arrival` , NOW() ) as MinutesLeft
FROM hospital
WHERE MinutesLeft > 0 
ORDER BY MinutesLeft ASC



I get : Unknown column 'MinutesLeft' in 'where clause'

Makes no sense as without it - the ORDER BY doesn't give an unknown column error :S So it must be setting but not useable in a WHERE ?

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