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My code:
mail('[me]@gmail.com', 'My Subject', 'Testing');
That's thye entire .php
I direct my browser to the php file and check my email. Hmm. Nothing.
@$test=mail('[me]@gmail.com', 'My Subject', 'Testing');
if ($test==1){
} else {echo('False');}
Well. I get 'True' but still no email.
I'm using 100webspace.net
What's going on? Why won't it work?

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You may want to check and see what your host requires for out going mail . I would do something like this

$to = "[email protected]";
$subject = "A test message";
$message = "This is a test message. I am trying to
see if this mail function will work for me";

if (mail($to, $subject, $message, "From:You<[email protected]>\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion())) {
     echo "You mail was sent";
     echo "Your mail was not sent";

Some host's mail servers require the From: section to an address that is known to the mail server.

Good luck,
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Sorry for being obtuse, but I don't follow.
My PHP is on 100webspace.net
The email is going to gMail.com
Who is imposing the From?
Is it gMail? And is gMail requiring it for be a recognized email address (e.g. a gMail address) or a valid @100webspace.net (which I don't have ATM)?
Or is it 100webspace?
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do you have a domain or is it a subdomain? If it is one of those free sites then they may not allow you to send mail at all. I would contact them and ask them if you are allowed to send mail via php and if so what requirements do you have to meet.
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Here is a working snippet from a site I am working on for work..


$msg = "Name: ".$_POST['name']."\nAddress: ".$_POST['address']."";
if ($_POST['address2'] != "") {
$msg .= "\nAddress 2: ".$_POST['address2']."";
$msg .="\nCity: ".$_POST['city']."\nState: ".$_POST['states']."\nZip Code: ".$_POST['zip']."";
$msg .= "\nEmail: ".$_POST['email']."\nPhone Manufacturer: ".$_POST['makes']."\nPhone Model: ".$_POST['modelnum']."\nBlue Light?: ".$_POST['blue_light']."\nComments: ".$_POST['comments']."";
$from = "FROM: ".$_POST['email'];
mail('[email protected]', 'faq form submission', $msg, $from);


Okay so all of the $msg is taking contents of a form and putting them together into an email message.. 
$from is the person who is sending the email address..  it needs to be there otherwise it won't work right...  even if you just put in there 'FROM: [email protected]' it will work...

It's really not that hard...  basically odds are you are going to have a form.. in this form you should ask for the persons email address -- when they input their email address this now becomes your from address..
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I am in fact using a form. And it does have a mandatory email field :)
However, I'm pulling my data by doing [code]$msg .= "From: " .$from;[/code] where from is the name of the textfield on the form.

I'll send the admins an email about sending mail().
It is a subdomain setup, but I think I am allowed an email address at it.
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From the 100webspace.com PHP FAQ:
[quote]You can be having trouble sending e-mail using Formmail script, because of the following reasons:

1. You have entered an e-mail address which is not hosted on our servers. We require the one of either the 'FROM:' e-mail address or the 'TO:' e-mail address to be hosted on our servers. Only if one of them is hosted on our servers, you will be able to send e-mail successfully.

2. You are using wrong header information. You must always provide the text From:, the name of the sender and an e-mail address. Without one of these three parameters, the formmail script will not work properly and will not deliver e-mail to your mailbox. You can find out more information here: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.mail.php

Here are examples of well working formmail scripts:

First Example:

$from = "From: yourname ";
$to = "receiver";
$subject = "Hi! ";
$body = "TEST";

if(mail($to,$subject,$body,$from)) echo "MAIL - OK";
else echo "MAIL FAILED";

Second Example:

$from = "From: sender";
$to = "yourname ";
$subject = "Hi! ";
$body = "TEST";

if(mail($to,$subject,$body,$from)) echo "MAIL - OK";
else echo "MAIL FAILED";
[move]Oops :)[/move]
Thanks for all the time and effort from you guys!
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