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Help with Olate Download script


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I recently downloaded Olate (http://sourceforge.net/projects/olatedownload/files/) for use for my upcoming Game Save website. The script works great for what I need, but I was hoping to get some help on 2 issues I would like to have, in order to help reduce other uploads and help build a community. Here are the 2 issues I would hope to have help with:


1. phpBB registration login to upload. Basically I would like to make it so people have to be members of the GameSave community in order to upload/download gamesaves.


2. file size limit. For whatever reason, Olate didnt put a section to alter the limit on uploading files. I would like to set it to 300kb or so, which is likely far high for a memory card or gamesave, but should eliminate anyone trying to upload a rom.


The main thing I need help with is file size limits, though if it isnt hard to integrate the phpbb login that would be diamond as well.  Here is the upload php page:



* Olate Download 3.4.1
* http://www.olate.co.uk/od3
* Copyright Olate Ltd 2005
* @author $Author: dsalisbury $ (Olate Ltd)
* @version $Revision: 259 $
* @package od
* Updated: $Date: 2006-10-10 20:27:12 +0100 (Tue, 10 Oct 2006) $

// Initialisation

// Show categories

validate_types($input, array('name' => 'STR', 'description_small' => 'STR',
							 'description_big' => 'STR', 'category' => 'INT',
							 'downloads' => 'INT', 'size' => 'INT', 
							 'agreement' => 'INT', 'password' => 'STR', 'upload' => 'INT',
							 'convert_newlines' => 'INT', 'filesize_format' => 'STR'));

if ($site_config['enable_useruploads'] == 1)
// Upload file
if (isset($_FILES['uploadfile']))
	$ext = strrchr($_FILES['uploadfile']['name'], '.');
	$allowed_ext = explode(',', $site_config['uploads_allowed_ext']);

	// It's like finding a needle in a haystack...
	if (in_array($ext, $allowed_ext))
		$time = time();

		if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name'], './uploads/upload-'.$time.'-'.basename($_FILES['uploadfile']['name']))) 
			// Get various variables
			if (!empty($input['password']))
				$password = md5($input['password']);
				$password = '';

			if (!empty($input['convert_newlines']) && $input['convert_newlines'] === 1)
				$convert_newlines = $input['convert_newlines'];
				$convert_newlines = 0;

			// Gigabyte?
			if ($input['filesize_format'] == 'gb')
				$filesize = $input['size'] * pow(1024,3);
			// Megabyte?
			elseif ($input['filesize_format'] == 'mb')
				$filesize = $input['size'] * pow(1024,2);
			// Kilobyte?
			elseif ($input['filesize_format'] == 'kb')
				$filesize = $input['size'] * 1024;
			// Byte, or otherwise
				$filesize = $input['size'];

			$dbim->query('INSERT INTO '.DB_PREFIX.'files
							SET category_id = "'.$input['category'].'", 
								name = "'.$input['name'].'", 
								description_small = "'.$input['description_small'].'", 
								description_big = "'.$input['description_big'].'", 
								downloads = "'.$input['downloads'].'", 
								size = "'.$input['size'].'", 
								date = "'.$time.'",
								agreement_id = "'.$input['agreement'].'",
								password = "'.$password.'",
								status = 0,
								convert_newlines = '.$convert_newlines);

			$file_id = $dbim->insert_id();

			// File was uploaded successfully - add as a mirror
			$dbim->query('INSERT INTO '.DB_PREFIX.'mirrors
							SET file_id = '.$file_id.', 
								name = "Mirror 1", 
								location = "Earth", 
								url = "'.$site_config['url'].'uploads/upload-'.$time.'-'.basename($_FILES['uploadfile']['name']).'"');			

			// Get filesize in bytes
			$filesize = filesize('./uploads/upload-'.$time.'-'.basename($_FILES['uploadfile']['name']));

			// Update file size
			$dbim->query('UPDATE '.DB_PREFIX.'files
							SET size = '.$filesize.'
							WHERE id = '.$file_id);

			// Template
			$add_file = $uim->fetch_template('files/userupload_add');

			if ($site_config['userupload_always_approve'])
				// Set file as active
				$dbim->query('UPDATE '.DB_PREFIX.'files
								SET status = 1
								WHERE id = '.$file_id);

				$success = true; // For redirect EOF
				$add_file->assign_var('id', $file_id);
				$add_file->assign_var('success', true);

				$error = $lm->language('admin', 'upload_error_0');

			// E-mail admin to let them know
			$message = "Hello,\n\nA user (".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].") has just added a file to your site.";

			if ($site_config['userupload_always_approve'] == 0)
				 $message .= " For security reasons, it is not yet viewable - you must first enable it by editing the file at \n\n".$site_config['url']."admin.php?cmd=files_edit_file&action=file_select&file_id=".$file_id;
				$message .= " You can see it at \n\n".$site_config['url']."details.php?file=".$file_id;

				$dbim->query('UPDATE '.DB_PREFIX.'files
								SET status = 1
								WHERE id = '.$file_id);

			// Send
			mail($site_config['admin_email'], 'New File Added', $message, 'From: '.$site_config['admin_email']);
			switch ($_FILES['uploadfile']['error'])
				case 1:
					$error = $lm->language('admin', 'upload_error_1');
				case 3:
					$error = $lm->language('admin', 'upload_error_3');
				case 4:
					$error = $lm->language('admin', 'upload_error_4');
		$error = $lm->language('admin', 'upload_error_ext');

	if (!isset($add_file))
		// Template
		$add_file = $uim->fetch_template('files/userupload_upload');

		// Any error?
		if (!empty($error))
			$add_file->assign_var('error', $error);
			$add_file->assign_var('success', false);


// Has the form been submitted?
if (isset($input['submit']) && !empty($input['name']) && !isset($_FILES['uploadfile']))
	if (isset($input['upload']))
		// Use this in place of an ID for the time being... (no pun)			
		$time = time();

		// Template
		$add_file = $uim->fetch_template('files/userupload_upload');

		// These are the fields we need to pass on to the upload section
		$wanted_elements = array('name', 'description_small', 'description_big', 
									'convert_newlines', 'category', 'size',

		foreach ($input as $key => $value)
			if (in_array($key, $wanted_elements) || (strpos($key, 'custom_field') !== false))
				$add_file->assign_var('key', $key);
				$add_file->assign_var('value', $value);

		// Display the max filesize that can be uploaded
		$max_upload_size = "300 KB";
		$add_file->assign_var('max_upload_size', $max_upload_size);
		for ($i = 1; $i <= $site_config['mirrors']; $i++)
			validate_types($input, array('mirror'.$i.'_name' => 'STR', 'mirror'.$i.'_location' => 'STR', 'mirror'.$i.'_url' => 'STR'));

			if (!empty($input['mirror'.$i.'_name']) && !empty($input['mirror'.$i.'_location'])&& !empty($input['mirror'.$i.'_url']))
				// Have we inserted into the database yet?
				if (empty($inserted))
					// Get various variables
					if (!empty($input['password']))
						$password = md5($input['password']);
						$password = '';

					if (!empty($input['convert_newlines']) && $input['convert_newlines'] === 1)
						$convert_newlines = $input['convert_newlines'];
						$convert_newlines = 0;

					// Gigabyte
					if ($input['filesize_format'] == 'gb')
						$filesize = floatval($input['size'] * pow(1024,3));
					// Megabyte
					elseif ($input['filesize_format'] == 'mb')
						$filesize = floatval($input['size'] * pow(1024,2));
					// Kilobyte
					elseif ($input['filesize_format'] == 'kb')
						$filesize = floatval($input['size'] * 1024);
					// Byte, or otherwise
						$filesize = floatval($input['size']);

					$dbim->query('INSERT INTO '.DB_PREFIX.'files
									SET category_id = "'.$input['category'].'", 
										name = "'.$input['name'].'", 
										description_small = "'.$input['description_small'].'", 
										description_big = "'.$input['description_big'].'", 
										downloads = "'.$input['downloads'].'", 
										size = "'.$filesize.'", 
										date = "'.time().'",
										agreement_id = "'.$input['agreement'].'",
										password = "'.$password.'",
										status = 0,
										convert_newlines = '.$convert_newlines);

					$file_id = $dbim->insert_id();

					// We have now, and don't want to do it again
					$inserted = true;

				$dbim->query('INSERT INTO '.DB_PREFIX.'mirrors
								SET file_id = '.$file_id.', 
									name = "'.$input['mirror'.$i.'_name'].'", 
									location = "'.$input['mirror'.$i.'_location'].'", 
									url = "'.$input['mirror'.$i.'_url'].'"');
				$success = true;

		// Don't do anything unless row has been inserted
		if (!empty($inserted))
			// Add the new custom field value
			for ($i = 1; $i <= $input['custom_field_total']; $i++)
				if (!empty($input['custom_field_'.$i.'_value']))
					validate_types($input, array('custom_field_'.$i.'_value' => 'STR'));

					// Add
					$dbim->query('INSERT INTO '.DB_PREFIX.'customfields_data
									SET field_id = '.$input['custom_field_'.$i.'_field_id'].',
									file_id = '.$file_id.',
									value = "'.$input['custom_field_'.$i.'_value'].'"');

			// E-mail admin to let them know
			$message = "Hello,\n\nA user (".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].") has just added a file to your site.";

			if ($site_config['userupload_always_approve'] == 0)
				 $message .= " For security reasons, it is not yet viewable - you must first enable it by editing the file at \n\n".$site_config['url']."admin.php?cmd=files_edit_file&action=file_select&file_id=".$file_id;
				$message .= " You can see it at \n\n".$site_config['url']."details.php?file=".$file_id;

				$dbim->query('UPDATE '.DB_PREFIX.'files
								SET status = 1
								WHERE id = '.$file_id);

			// Send
			mail($site_config['admin_email'], 'New File Added', $message, 'From: '.$site_config['admin_email']);
			$success = false;

		// Template
		$add_file = $uim->fetch_template('files/userupload_add');

		#$success = true; // For redirect EOF
		$add_file->assign_var('id', $file_id);
		$add_file->assign_var('success', $success);

if (!isset($add_file))
	// Template
	$add_file = $uim->fetch_template('files/userupload_add');

$fcm->generate_category_list($add_file, 'category', 'cats');

// Get the agreements
$agreements_result = $dbim->query('SELECT id, name, contents
									FROM '.DB_PREFIX.'agreements');

while ($agreement = $dbim->fetch_array($agreements_result))
	$add_file->assign_var('agreement', $agreement);

// Custom fields
$custom_query = $dbim->query('SELECT id, label, value
								FROM '.DB_PREFIX.'customfields');

$rows = $dbim->num_rows($custom_query);  
$add_file->assign_var('custom_field_total', $rows);  
$id = 1;

while ($custom_fields = $dbim->fetch_array($custom_query))
	$custom_fields['uid'] = $id;
	$add_file->assign_var('custom_field', $custom_fields);

// Show mirror entry forms
$mirror_amount = $site_config['mirrors'];
$current_mirror = 1;

while ($current_mirror <= $mirror_amount)
	$add_file->assign_var('mirror', $current_mirror);


// Use FCKeditor or not?
if (use_fckeditor())
	$add_file->assign_var('use_fckeditor', true);

	// Module
	include_once ('FCKeditor/fckeditor.php');

	// Small description
	$fck_desc_small = new FCKeditor('description_small');
	$fck_desc_small->BasePath = $site_config['url'].'FCKeditor/';
	$fck_desc_small->ToolbarSet = 'od';
	$fck_desc_small->Width = '90%';
	$fck_desc_small->Height = '200';
	$desc_small_html = $fck_desc_small->CreateHtml();
	$add_file->assign_var('desc_small_html', $desc_small_html);

	// Big description
	$fck_desc_big = new FCKeditor('description_big');
	$fck_desc_big->BasePath = $site_config['url'].'FCKeditor/';
	$fck_desc_big->ToolbarSet = 'od';
	$fck_desc_big->Width = '90%';
	$fck_desc_big->Height = '200';
	$desc_big_html = $fck_desc_big->CreateHtml();
	$add_file->assign_var('desc_big_html', $desc_big_html);
	$add_file->assign_var('use_fckeditor', false);

$add_file = $uim->fetch_template('files/userupload_disabled');

// End table
$end = $uim->fetch_template('global/end');

// Show everything
$uim->generate(TITLE_PREFIX.$lm->language('admin', 'add_file'));



As you can see they have a file extension variable where you can only have whatever you place for allowed extentions, but no file size variable.


This is the error message for if a file exceeds the maximum allowed:

$error = $lm->language('admin', 'upload_error_1');

but again, I cannot find where you would be able to set a file size limit :(


If a webhost can alter a php.ini file per website, I will likely just go that route and have the file limited that way (unless the php.ini file is available to me). Should I do that I can still upload via ftp larger size files right (mainly my logo or a database query)?

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