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How would you do this in PHP


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Very new at PHP, but have experience with asp.net. This asp technique has been very useful for rolling up data with a single database hit. I would be interested to know how you would do this in php. Thank you in advance for any help you can lend.


'dt is a datatable in this example


        Dim aryControlInstances As New ArrayList


'put unique ids in arraylist

        Dim r As DataRow

        For Each r In dt.Rows

            If aryControlInstances.Contains(r.Item("IDJobTypeDefinition")) = False Then


            End If




        Dim aryEnumerator As System.Collections.IEnumerator = aryControlInstances.GetEnumerator()

        Dim strFilter As String

        Dim rows() As DataRow


        'query original datatable for each unique id and process each one

        While aryEnumerator.MoveNext


            strFilter = "IDJobTypeDefinition = " & "'" & aryEnumerator.Current & "'"

            rows = dt.Select(strFilter)


            If rows.Length > 0 Then


'do your processing here

'such as rolling up your data for each id


            End If


End While

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Thanks for responding. I've added better explanation to my code.


'dt is a datatable in this example

'similar to a resultset

'datatable may hold multiple records of the same id such as a customer number 


        Dim aryControlInstances As New ArrayList


'put unique ids in arraylist

'this loops thru the entire datatable row® by row and places each id it finds into an array

'if the id is already in the array it does not add it again


        Dim r As DataRow

        For Each r In dt.Rows

            If aryControlInstances.Contains(r.Item("IDJobTypeDefinition")) = False Then


            End If



'this sets up an enumerator to loop thru the array from the for\next loop above     

        Dim aryEnumerator As System.Collections.IEnumerator = aryControlInstances.GetEnumerator()

        Dim strFilter As String


'this is an array that can hold a number of database rows

        Dim rows() As DataRow


'loop thru the array using movenext and build a query string for the current id

        While aryEnumerator.MoveNext


            strFilter = "IDJobTypeDefinition = " & "'" & aryEnumerator.Current & "'"


'populate the rows() array with the records that match our filter

'think of strFilter as a WHERE statement without the word WHERE


            rows = dt.Select(strFilter)


'work with the results

            If rows.Length > 0 Then


'do your processing here

'such as rolling up your data for each id


            End If


'on to the next id in our enumerator


End While

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From what I can remember from my VB.NET classes should this be the equivalent without all the internal validation ofcourse


// $_POST['records'] = array([n] => <id>)
$in = implode(', ', $_POST['records']);
$query = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE field IN ($in)";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if ($result && mysql_num_rows($result)) {
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        //do your processing here

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// $_POST['records'] = array([n] => <id>)
$in = implode(', ', $_POST['records']);
$query = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE field IN ($in)";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if ($result && mysql_num_rows($result)) {
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        //do your processing here


Thanks for your input and your understanding in my newness to php.

I think your example is close, but I do not see in your code where all the records for each individual ID can be worked as a group before processing moves to the next ID. If I'm understanding correctly, your $query grabs all records of all IDs, but does not break up the $result any finer. Remember, I'm trying to keep this to a single database hit. The asp behavior I'm trying to replicate is basically to have the ability to query $result for smaller individual subsets without more database hits. Hope that makes sense.

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<input type="checkbox" name="records[]" value="<?php print $row['id']; ?>">


Repeated multiple times. The user selects a record by checking the checkbox and pressing update or edit or something these ID's are then passed through my script which will load all selected records from the database for editing/updating/..

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Found this solution on the web. Looks to be close to what I need. One database hit and the ability to pull a subset of that data. Still needs work to replicate my original asp function.



$rsCourse = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table");

$FilteredArray = Filter($rsCourse,"ProgrammeTypeID ",13);


function Filter($RecordSet,$FilterField,$FilterCriteria){

$ReturnArray = array();

while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($RecordSet)){

foreach($row as $key => $value){






return $ReturnArray;




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