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Optional regular expression ending


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On my website I want users to be able to access:

/view_media.php?type=[whatever the media type is]


through this:


goes to




goes to



HOWEVER on the end of the normal URL gets added some extra parameters for the script, lets just call them 'a' and 'b'.


This would be accessible via



The .htaccess line I have is:


RewriteRule ^games/([^/\.]+)/?$ /view_media.php?type=1$1 [L]

where the regex part is the parameters on the end of the url as mentionned


but, if I simply go to /games/, it doesn't redirect me. It will only redirect me if there is something after the trailing slash


I've tried experimenting, but I just can't seem to find anything which will work both with and without that final regular expression part. Hopefully it's something simple, it's quite a nuisance


Thank you for your time, I hope you can bear with me



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The + asks for one or more of the characters associated with it (i.e. one or more not-forward-slash-or-dot characters). To allow none, use * instead.

Great, thanks!

That worked really well, except that it wouldn't let me access the page without the slash after 'games'.


This is what I've finally got:


RewriteRule ^games([/]*)([^/\.]*)/?$ /view_media.php?type=1$2 [L]


It works, hopefully it's right:

The first set of characters is just to say that the trailing slash is optional, whilst the second (also optional) set is as intended, the parameters. I've used $2 at the end so that it ONLY adds the 2nd set on the end, without the slash.


Thanks for your help :)

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