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Need Help Adding A Search Function To This Page/Code


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Well basically i want to add a search function, so i can search by name or status, can anyone help me?



Here's the code :



if ( ! defined( 'IN_IPB' ) )


print "<h1>Incorrect access</h1>You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded 'admin.php'.";



//All reports run inside the load_options ATS Form - don't setup any others unless your intention is to run outside of the ATS wrapper and security

class ats_mod


var $ipsclass; //store the IPB super class object for use

var $funct; //load the common functions object (had to be an object so we can pass it to other class objects later)


function run_me()


$query_where = "d_name LIKE '%'";

$id_remember = "";

if ($this->ipsclass->input['show'] != Null)


$g_showa = explode(" ", $this->ipsclass->input['show']);


$id_remember = "&show=" . $this->ipsclass->input['show'];

$query_where = "";

$show_count = count($g_showa);

foreach ($g_showa as $key => $value)


$query_where .= "d_id = $value";

if ($show_count > 1)


$query_where .= " OR ";






switch ($this->ipsclass->input['sort'])


case 'name' :

$sort_string = "d_name ASC, d_date ASC";


case 'date' :

$sort_string = "d_date DESC, d_name ASC";


case 'ip' :

$sort_string = "d_ip ASC, d_name ASC";


case 'type' :

default :

$sort_string = "d_status ASC, d_name ASC";




$this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array( 'select' => '*',

'from'  => 'members_discharges',

'where' => $query_where,

'order'  => $sort_string ));





<TH ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP COLSPAN='7'>{$this->funct->board_name} Discharges and Rejected Validations</TH>



<TH><a href='http://{$this->funct->board_site}/index.php?autocom=ats&code=wrapper&ats=run_option&atsmodule={$this->mod_number}&sort=type$id_remember'>Type</a></TH>

<TH><a href='http://{$this->funct->board_site}/index.php?autocom=ats&code=wrapper&ats=run_option&atsmodule={$this->mod_number}&sort=name$id_remember'>Member Name</a></TH>

<TH><a href='http://{$this->funct->board_site}/index.php?autocom=ats&code=wrapper&ats=run_option&atsmodule={$this->mod_number}&sort=ip$id_remember'>IP Address</a></TH>

<TH>Other Known Names</TH>

<TH NOWRAP><a href='http://{$this->funct->board_site}/index.php?autocom=ats&code=wrapper&ats=run_option&atsmodule={$this->mod_number}&sort=date$id_remember'>Discharge Date</a></TH>







while ( $r = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row() )


$ddate = date("Y-m-d", $r['d_date']);

$onames = implode(",<BR>\n",explode(",", $r['d_other_names']));

$reason = implode(",<BR>\n",explode(",", $r['d_reason']));

if ($r['d_bday_year'] != NULL)


$reason .= "<BR>\nBirthday:<BR>\n" . $r['d_bday_year'] . "-" . $r['d_bday_month'] . "-" . $r['d_bday_day'];


$comments = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), "<br />", $r['d_comments']);


print ("<tr>















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If you're trying to search for data in your mysql tables, it's pretty simple. You can set up an isset and create a search form somewhere on the page.


such as:


if (isset($_POST['search']))
(sql code here to search your database)
... rest of script ...


and then somewhere in the script, you'd simple create a search form:


<form method="post" action="thispage.php"> (thispage being whatever page you're on)
echo "Search: <input type='text' name='query' size='20'><br>";
echo "<input type='submit' name='search' value='Go!'></form>";


So you would do a normal SQL search where (what they're looking for) LIKE %$query%


Know what I mean?

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So it would look like this?


<form method="post" action="class_report_discharges.php">

echo "Search: <input type='text' name='query' size='20'><br>";

echo "<input type='submit' name='search' value='Go!'></form>";


if (isset($_POST['search']))




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So it would look like this?


<form method="post" action="class_report_discharges.php">

echo "Search: <input type='text' name='query' size='20'><br>";

echo "<input type='submit' name='search' value='Go!'></form>";


if (isset($_POST['search']))





What I am saying is, you need to know what is being searched for. For example, if you're trying to search for any records that have xxxxx in them in the d_name field, you would use that search form and then this:


if (isset($_POST['search']))
$sql="select * from tablename where d_name like %".$query."%";
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo "Name: ".$row['d_name']."\r\n";
echo "whatever: ".$row['whatever']."\r\n";


just make sure you have some kind of cleaning function to clean the data that people are sending on the form or you could be open to sql injection :/

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