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Uploading a New Site...

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I am having a really hard time uploading and getting my website up and running... I bought this scrip from a site and now they are of no help and I know nothing about php.  Here are my instructions and i dont under stand step 4-6...



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// + Last Modified: 16/9/2009

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Please note: For significant performance improvements, install Zend Optimizer on your server.


Here are the instructions


1) Move the code (if it is not already) to a folder in your webroot folder.  For example /var/www/swoopo2010.

If you are moving this code to a live server, copy the code into the public_html or httpdocs directory.


2) This step is only needed if the site isn't accessable from a domain name directly. e.g. www.swoopoclone.com

You need to set up a subdomain to access the site, so that the website URL is swoopoclone.localhost

For more information visit: http://blog.ubrio.us/gnome/how-to-subdomain-localhost-ubuntu-osx


3) The next step is to create your database and dump the SQL.  In the code under /app/config/sql import the

file telebid.sql into your database.


4) Now you need to create your config file.  In app/config you will see a file called config.default.php. 

Rename this to config.php and fill out the details so that they match yours.  Turn demoMode to true for now.


5) Now you need to chmod 777 the following directories:














6) Now you need to create the following Cron Jobs.  We use CURL to access the URLs, but contact me if you server doesn't have CURL installed.

These cron jobs should be set to run every minute, of every hour, or every day.  Make sure the cronTime in the config is set to 1 also.

The 4 commands you need to set up are:

curl -s -o /dev/null http://www.domain.com/daemons/bidbutler

curl -s -o /dev/null http://www.domain.com/daemons/extend

curl -s -o /dev/null http://www.domain.com/daemons/autobid

curl -s -o /dev/null http://www.domain.com/daemons/close


If you are running the site on your local host, you can test these things by simply running the daemons directly on another browser

and set the cronTime to say 10 to keep it running.


7) You should now be able to access the website.  Register on the website, and your account will be set to admin. 

Once you have done this, turn turn the demoMode back to false.


ANY help would be appreciated!

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I could always help install it, but I'd need access to your ftp.


As to your cron jobs, it's a feature a lot of hosts offer. You can set up "Cron Jobs" meaning, you can tell it to access certain files at certain times (and a lot more things which you won't need at this point) ... it's usually somewhere in your hosts cpanel. If you simply can't find it, best contact your host or check their wiki on setting up crons.


Again, if you need some help, message me because I probably won't see your reply here.


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