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php help please


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okay this is some code I've put together to help automate some website installs. Basically I'll ftp and upload 3 files archive.zip, database.sql, and this setup.php


Then I will run



The first part works, the trouble is when it I try to get it to ask me for the password to use, so there is something wrong with my HTML code. Then I'm not positive but I think the sql stuff at the bottom might not work either lol. I'm really good with C++ but this php/sql stuff is new to me.


thanks for any input you can give me :)



system('unzip archive.zip');
system('chmod 777 -R archive/images/');
system('chmod 777 -R archive/music/');

$server = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];
$getURL = explode("/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
$username = substr($getURL[1], 1);

header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');

define ('DB_USER', '".$username."_user');
define ('DB_PASSWORD', 'z)4LC.%1qiT-');
define ('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define ('DB_NAME', '".$username."_archive');";

$dbinfoFile = "archive/admin/php/dbinfo.php";
$contents = file_get_contents($dbinfoFile);
$contents = $addInfo.$contents;
$fp = fopen($dbinfoFile,"w");

<form name ="input">
<input type="text" name="cpass"/>
<input type="submit" value="Submit"/>


$password = $_POST["cpass"];

$b = file_get_contents($command);

if (!$b){
//echo "CPanel - Error creating database.";
//echo "CPanel - Database created.";

$command = "https://".$username.":".$password."@".$server.":2083/frontend/x3/sql/adduser.html?user=user&pass=pass";
$b = file_get_contents($command);

if (!$b){
//echo "CPanel - Error creating database user.";
//echo "CPanel - Database user created.";

$command = "https://".$username.":".$password."@".$server.":2083/frontend/x3/sql/addusertodb.html?user=user&db=archive&ALL=ALL";
$b = file_get_contents($command);

if (!$b){
//echo "CPanel - Error assigning user to database.";
//echo "CPanel - User permissions set.";


$mlink = @mysql_connect($server, $username."_user", "pass");
mysql_select_db($username."_user", $mlink);

$file = file_get_contents("database.sql");
echo $file."<p>";
$queries = explode(";",$file);
for ($i=0,$c=count($queries);$i<$c;$i++){
if (!mysql_query($queries[$i],$mlink)){
//echo "Error during database import:";

define ('DB_USER', $username.'_user');
define ('DB_PASSWORD', 'z)4LC.%1qiT-');
define ('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define ('DB_NAME', $username.'_archive');

$newPass =  crypt($password, '$1$rasmusle$');
$newPass = stripslashes($newPass);
$Query = "UPDATE Login SET Password='".$newPass."' WHERE LoginID='1'";
$Result = mysql_query($Query)
    or die ("<login><pass><msg>".$Query."</msg></pass></login>");


echo "done.";

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hmmm. and I think this line





will not work if its https correct? do I need to use cURL ? or is there another way to do this. I'm guessing it wont work because the cert is invalid or something like that...


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i think it would be better to use something like


if (!isset($_POST['cpass'])) {

html form here 
<form name="myform" method="post" action="setup.php">

} else {
   $pass = $_POST['cpass'];
   // now do stuff


since what you want to do is use the same file, the way you have it it will always try to get the password from $_POST, even if that is not set as when the user sees the form. Also a minor fix in your form tag so to specify you need post and to use setup.php as the processing file of the form.


also are you sure it connects to mysql ?

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okay cool! that worked ty!!!!


this is the sql stuff that is being weird now....

$mlink = @mysql_connect('localhost', $username."_user", "password");
mysql_select_db($username."_archive", $mlink);

$file = file_get_contents("database.sql");
echo $file."<p>";
$queries = explode(";",$file);
for ($i=0,$c=count($queries);$i<$c;$i++){
if (!mysql_query($queries[$i],$mlink)){
//echo "Error during database import:";




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okay. probably the explode is simplistic. are you sure that in your sql file every query ends with ; ? like if there is a query that ends with a line break phpMyAdmin may be parsing it correctly.. but your explode will put two queries (or more) as one query.

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grrrr I can't tell... I compared a dump of the working SQL db to the dump of the db I'm trying to upload from the setup.php and it looks the same to me. It's like it's only a few things that are broken from the setup.php db import :[

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new question... with this


$b = file_get_contents($command);

if (!$b){
//echo "CPanel - Error creating database.";
//echo "CPanel - Database created.";



is there a way to make this into one line? just the https command that I want to run? I don't want the error checking really...


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okay not sure what I did lol. but now it seems the file that I'm trying to import gets echo too. but everything does seem to work correctly.


$mlink = @mysql_connect("localhost",$username."_user","password");
mysql_select_db($username."_archive", $mlink);

$file = file_get_contents("database.sql");
echo $file."<p>";
$queries = explode(";",$file);

for ($i=0,$c=count($queries);$i<$c;$i++){

$newPass = stripslashes(crypt($password,'$1$rasmusle$'));
mysql_query("UPDATE Login SET Password='".$newPass."' WHERE LoginID='1'",$mlink);



I'm going to guess it's the echo $file."<p>"; line.


is that even needed? lol

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