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post, comment and rating feature for website!


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Im building a website where i would like area where users can post bargains and users can rate and comment on them!


Much like phpfreaks homepage, how they present it would be ideal! (ive looked at phpbb but my needs arent as demanding plus i am extremly new to php)


simply a user can post and others comment and rate!


Plse any suggestions or links would be appreciated.

THANKYOU in advance


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This isn't a small task, if you're not comfortable building something like this on your own, then finding a package solution would be a better option.


phpBB is free, but it's forum hosting software, similar to the forums phpfreaks use (although not the same). phpBB has a free mod called phpBB Portal, but I'm not sure if it possesses the feature you've described.


In any event, your feature requires user to be able to register and login, and votes and comments to be stored and related to topic posts. All in all, this is quite a bit of work to start from scratch. Using a solution, such as phpBB and phpBB Portal, even if it didn't solve your problem outright, would give you the foundation to add in the features you want without having to build an entire system.


But phpBB is not the only solution out there either. It is a free solution, but you may be able to find other free solutions or other commercial solutions that more directly solve your problem.

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just one thing i cant seem to get a order my posts by date or rating!


$getdeals = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM  posttable ORDER BY thedate DESC")  or die (mysql_error());


Im using the above so its when users post they automatically are displayed in date order.


BUT how will i let the user order post by either date or the rating! With a button or somesort!



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No, you just append the stuff to the url like I showed... so the headers for the columns would be links with their column as the parameter.. Let's say you had a column called birthdate... the header of the table would be a link like www.thesamepage.com?sort=birthdate&order=ASC


So when they click it, the page will reload and you then get those values for use in the query, so the query would be like


"SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY {$_GET['sort']} $order"

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