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Hello guys, I am in need of making a packet that I send to a Counter-Strike 1.6 server into an array, here is the reply format:

Type 	 byte  	 Should be equal to 'I' (0x49)
Version 	byte 	Network version. 0x07 is the current Steam version. Goldsource games will return 48 (0x30), also refered to as protocol version.
Server Name 	string 	The Source server's name, eg: "Recoil NZ CS Server #1"
Map 	string 	The current map being played, eg: "de_dust"
Game Directory 	string 	The name of the folder containing the game files, eg: "cstrike"
Game Description 	string 	A friendly string name for the game type, eg: "Counter Strike: Source"
AppID 	short 	Steam Application ID
Number of players 	byte 	The number of players currently on the server
Maximum players 	byte 	Maximum allowed players for the server
Number of bots 	byte 	Number of bot players currently on the server
Dedicated 	byte 	'l' for listen, 'd' for dedicated, 'p' for SourceTV
OS 	byte 	Host operating system. 'l' for Linux, 'w' for Windows
Password 	byte 	If set to 0x01, a password is required to join this server
Secure 	byte 	if set to 0x01, this server is VAC secured
Game Version 	string 	The version of the game, eg: ""
Extra Data Flag (EDF) 	byte 	if present this specifies which additional data fields will be included
if ( EDF & 0x80 ) 	short 	The server's game port # is included
if ( EDF & 0x10 ) 	long long 	The server's SteamID is included
if ( EDF & 0x40 ) 	short string 	The spectator port # and then the spectator server name are included
if ( EDF & 0x20 ) 	string 	The game tag data string for the server is included [future use]
if ( EDF & 0x01 ) 	short ?? 	The Steam Application ID again + several 0x00 bytes 

Or can be found here.


Here is a reply example:

ÿÿÿÿI0CAL CS Match Server�cs_italy�cstrike�Counter-Strike� ���dw��‡i�¨J0É@


Can anybody bring me on the right foot to this? Thank you.

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Problem: I don't know how to put all those fields into an array, because I am not experienced with packets and whatever...



class Connect {
    var $serveraddress;
    var $portnumber;
    var $gameserver_status;
var $serverdata;
    function serverStatus($serveraddress, $portnumber){
        $command = "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFTSource Engine Query\0\x00";
    //var $serv_requestcommand_infos = "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFTSource Engine Query\0\x00";
    //var $serv_requestcommand_rules = "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFV\x00";
    //var $serv_requestcommand_players  = "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFU\x00";
    //var $serv_rconcommand1 = "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFchallenge rcon\x00";
    //var $serv_rconcommand2 = "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFrcon";
    //var $serv_rconcommand2 = "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFrcon";
        $waittime = 1.5;
        $serverdata = "";
        if (!$cssocket=fsockopen("udp://".$serveraddress,$portnumber,$errnr)){
		$errmsg="No connection";
		if (time() > ($starttime+$waittime)){
		$errmsg="Connection timed out";
        while ($socketstatus["unread_bytes"] );
 $this->serv_infos[0][1] = 'address';
         $this->serv_infos[1][1] = 'name';
         $this->serv_infos[2][1] = 'map';
         $this->serv_infos[3][1] = 'gamename';   
         $this->serv_infos[4][1] = 'players';
         $this->serv_infos[5][1] = 'maxplayers';
         $this->serv_infos[6][1] = 'protocol';
         $this->serv_infos[0][2] = $ip.":".$port;
         $this->serv_infos[1][2] = ;
         $this->serv_infos[2][2] = ;
         $this->serv_infos[3][2] = ;   
         $this->serv_infos[4][2] = ;
         $this->serv_infos[5][2] = ;
         $this->serv_infos[6][2] = ;
        if (strlen($serverdata) < 5){
		$this->gameserver_status = "0";
		echo $serverdata;
		$this->gameserver_status = "1";
		echo $serverdata;

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