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"Build" script


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Those who have seen my post before knows that I'm making a MMOG game.

Now I have come to that part where I'm making a system so the player/user can build buildings.

This is the code:

// Server 1, buildprogress.php


include 'config.php';


$localtime = time();
$buildtime = $_SESSION['buildtime'];

echo "Localtime: " . date("H:i:s",$localtime);
echo "<br>";
echo "Buildtime: " . $buildtime;
echo "<br>";
list($h, $m, $s) = explode(":", $buildtime);
$finishtime = date("H:i:s", strtotime("+$h hours $m minutes $s seconds", $localtime));
echo $finishtime;

// Settings
$id = $_SESSION['fieldID'];	
$myusername = $_SESSION['username'];
$villageID = $_SESSION['villageID'];
$buildtime = $_SESSION['buildtime'];

// Connect to server and select database
$connect = mysql_connect("$host","$username","$password")or die("Error when trying to connect to MySQL");
mysql_select_db("build")or die("Error when trying to select database in MySQL");

// Select field	
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM build") or die(mysql_error());

	$buildcommand = mysql_query("INSERT INTO build (username, village ID, building ID, time, ready at) VALUES ($myusername, $villageID, $id, $buildtime, $finishtime);");
	echo "Done!";



Now, this code is not working.

No error line, it just doesn't put the values in MySQL.

I'm also working on a script that checks if the time(now) is 'time when building is ready'.

I will post in this topic again if I get some problems with it.


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It's not working because your INSERT INTO query is not valid syntax. You need to put quotes around all string variables that go into the query, so it should be


$buildcommand = mysql_query("INSERT INTO build (username, village ID, building ID, time, ready at) VALUES ('$myusername', '$villageID', '$id', '$buildtime', '$finishtime');");

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Also, when you do queries, its good practice to use an intermediary, like a function, but to make things easy here ill tell you a quick tip;


Mysql queries can and do go wrong so this is how i would do it first time:

-build the statement

-echo the query

-check for errors


To accomplish this:


$query = "INSERT INTO build (username, village ID, building ID, time, ready at) VALUES ('$myusername', '$villageID', '$id', '$buildtime', '$finishtime')";
$buildcommand = mysql_query($query);
   echo "Error Query:<br />\n".$query."<hr />".mysql_error();
echo "Done!";



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Thank you all for your answers.

Now I tested the code but I get an error.

New code:

// Server 1, buildprogress.php


include 'config.php';


$localtime = time();
$buildtime = $_SESSION['buildtime'];

echo "Localtime: " . date("H:i:s",$localtime);
echo "<br>";
echo "Buildtime: " . $buildtime;
echo "<br>";
list($h, $m, $s) = explode(":", $buildtime);
$finishtime = date("H:i:s", strtotime("+$h hours $m minutes $s seconds", $localtime));
echo $finishtime;

// Settings
$id = $_SESSION['fieldID'];	
$myusername = $_SESSION['username'];
$villageID = $_SESSION['villageID'];
$buildtime = $_SESSION['buildtime'];

// Checking if values are set
echo "<br />";
echo $myusername."<br />";
echo $villageID."<br />";	
echo $id."<br />";
echo $buildtime."<br />";
echo $finishtime."<br />";

// Connect to server and select database
$connect = mysql_connect("$host","$username","$password")or die("Error when trying to connect to MySQL");
mysql_select_db("build")or die("Error when trying to select database in MySQL");

// Select field	
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM build") or die(mysql_error());

	$query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO build (username, village ID, building ID, time, ready at) VALUES ('$myusername', '$villageID', '$id', '$buildtime', '$finishtime');");
	$buildcommand = mysql_query($query);
	echo "<br />Error Query:<br />\n".$query.mysql_error()."<br />";
	echo "Done!";


Output on screen:

Localtime: 19:30:58

Buildtime: 00:10:00








Error Query:

Query was empty


Whats wrong now?


// Kevin

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i would reccomend changing the offending line:



$query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO build (username, village ID, building ID, time, ready at) VALUES ('$myusername', '$villageID', '$id', '$buildtime', '$finishtime');");



$query = "INSERT INTO build (username, village ID, building ID, time, ready at) VALUES ('$myusername', '$villageID', '$id', '$buildtime', '$finishtime')";



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Now I have edited the code:


include 'config.php';


$localtime = time();
$buildtime = $_SESSION['buildtime'];

echo "Localtime: " . date("H:i:s",$localtime);
echo "<br>";
echo "Buildtime: " . $buildtime;
echo "<br>";
list($h, $m, $s) = explode(":", $buildtime);
$finishtime = date("H:i:s", strtotime("+$h hours $m minutes $s seconds", $localtime));
echo $finishtime;

// Settings
$id = $_SESSION['fieldID'];	
$myusername = $_SESSION['username'];
$villageID = $_SESSION['villageID'];
$buildtime = $_SESSION['buildtime'];

// Checking if values are set
echo "<br />";
echo $myusername."<br />";
echo $villageID."<br />";	
echo $id."<br />";
echo $buildtime."<br />";
echo $finishtime."<br />";

// Connect to server and select database
$connect = mysql_connect("$host","$username","$password")or die("Error when trying to connect to MySQL");
mysql_select_db("build")or die("Error when trying to select database in MySQL");

// Select field	
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM build") or die(mysql_error());

	$query =  "INSERT INTO build (username, village ID, building ID, time, ready at) VALUES ('$myusername', '$villageID', '$id', '$buildtime', '$finishtime')";
	$buildcommand = mysql_query($query);
	echo "<br />Error Query:<br />\n".$query.mysql_error()."<br />";
	echo "Done!";


Now I get this output:

Localtime: 14:48:38

Buildtime: 00:10:00








Error Query:

INSERT INTO build (username, village ID, building ID, time, ready at) VALUES ('Admin', '001', '1', '00:10:00', '14:58:38')You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ID, building ID, time, ready at) VALUES ('Admin', '001', '1', '00:10:00', '14:58' at line 1

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Sorry for not answering for a long time, my PC broke down.


Thank you for your answer, it worked perfectly.


Now I just go one little thing.



// Server 1, checkbuilding


include 'config.php';

// Settings
$localtime = time();

// Connect to server and select database
$connect = mysql_connect("$host","$username","$password")or die("Error when trying to connect to MySQL");
mysql_select_db("build")or die("Error when trying to select database in MySQL");

$sql="SELECT * FROM build";
	echo "<br /><b>Error Query:</b><br />\n".$query.mysql_error()."<br />";
	echo "<br /><b>Error Query:</b><br />";
	echo "No errors found!";
while($data = mysql_fetch_array( $sql ))
if($localtime == $data['readyat'])
echo "DONE!";
echo "FAIL!";




Error Query:

No errors found!

Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, string given in C:\xampp\htdocs\Game\S1\checkbuilding.php on line 23


MySQL table values:

Admin  001  1 00:10:00  20:55:36


Now I would like my script to (1) work and (2) loop throught all the rows in MySQL and look in everyone of them if 'readyat' = localtime and then echo out the 'buildingID' for the matching row.


// Kevin


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Thank you. Got everything to work now :)


// Kevin



Just one last question:


Let say I create a database named dbtest and i table in it named tbltest. Now In this table i but to values: Name and Age.

Then I fill in two rows:

Row 1: Kevin 85

Row 2: Peter 75


For me this is a bit hard to explain, but If I would have one rown I would use this code:

("SELECT * FROM buildings WHERE Name=Kevin")

and then I would echo the value.

But now I have two rows and two names, can I just do the SQL statement again.


("SELECT * FROM buildings WHERE Name=Kevin")

and then a bit later:

("SELECT * FROM buildings WHERE Name=Peter")

or do I have to disconnect to MySQL before?

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