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i have video email but have one problem my hosting wont let the emails send but the video message will get save to my flash media server is there anyway i can set this up so i can have the video email on my site and get it to send the email?if anyone can tell me how i will give a copy of the video email i have thanks...
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?? I don't realy understand you question. Is it a flash video or ?? One thing that might work is to Send an html email with the video embeded in it. Or maybe send a link to the video in the email.

devshed does something simular to this. They send you there weekly news letter with a link to a javascript app that opens the window.

Try to be a little more descriptive about your issue.

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its a flash comm video email that use flash media server and also needs php to send the email what my problem is my hosting wont let the php part send the emails to a email address it keeps coming back to my websites email as failed what i want to know is is there anyway to by pass this so i can have the video email on my site and have the php send mail part do what it should do and send emails hope this helps thanks for the reply!!
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first contact your host and find out way you can not send email's

secondly when got it all going send a link to the correct viedo so the user can press that link and look at the video ok.

personaly i dont think that meny email hosts allow members to collect such large files on the email server so me idear is beeter that way you also can have a link to save the file if need be ok.

hope that helps.
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I belive i know what you mean, i also use this feature but not in flash.
I just included a "LiveStream" link in the mail and it loads right in there mail account or Outlook.
And i set up a "Mail*Stream*DB" for the usage.
My users send live mail all the time lol.

You will also need to include it in your MAIL FORM and USER LISTINGS if you have um?
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