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Counting the number of items in a category in a While loop


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Basically what I am trying to do is display all Categories that my shop has which are listed in the Category table. I can Get this section working fine. But then when I try and Count the number of items each category has I run into problems. Im trying to count the number of items each category has by the Item_id. At the moment I am getting a syntax error. Can anyone Help please?


	<table class="shop_left">
			<td class="shop_left_ho">Categories</td>
			ini_set("display_errors", "1");


			// Retrieve data from database 
			$sql="SELECT * FROM biggartfp9_shop_categories ORDER BY Cat_id ASC " ;

			// Start looping rows in mysql database.

			$Category = $rows['Category'];
			// Retrieve data from database 
			   $sql2 = "SELECT count(Item_id) as itemcount FROM biggartfp9_shop_itemst WHERE Category='$Category' ";
			   $result2 = mysql_query($sql2);

			   $rows2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2);

			   if($rows2['itemcount'] != 0) {
		   	   $Catnum = $rows2['itemcount'];
			   else {
			   $Catnum == 0];

			<td class="shop_left_subh">
			<a href="shop_categories.php?cat_id=<? echo $rows['Category']; ?>" class="shop_filter"><?php echo $rows['Category']; ?>  <?php echo $Catnum; ?>
			// close while loop 

			// close connection 


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The error is in this part of the code, but I cant seem to figure out why ??

$Category = $rows['Category'];
			// Retrieve data from database 
			   $sql2 = "SELECT count(Item_id) as itemcount FROM biggartfp9_shop_itemst WHERE Category='$Category' ";
			   $result2 = mysql_query($sql2);

			   $rows2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2);

			   if($rows2['itemcount'] != 0) {
		   	   $Catnum = $rows2['itemcount'];
			   else {
			   $Catnum == 0];


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You have a ] in your else clause.


I think this SQL will do the same. Just less coding on your part.


Not tested, but I think it should work.


FROM biggartfp9-shop_categories c

INNER JOIN biggartfp9-shop_itemst i

    ON (i.Category = c.Category)

GROUP BY i.Category

ORDER BY c.Category;

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Right that's got rid of the syntax error, just needed a fresh pair of eyes as I couldn't spot it. Now it is showing beside every category that it has one item in it even if that category contains no items ? Ken I do not understand what you want me to replace your new code with? Thankyou

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