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I have a page that updates the user's details into the database, I can get the page to display the data from the database so the user knows what to change but when I post the data back nothing gets actually put in the database. I get no errors either:

$id = $_SESSION['username'];
$query = "select * from users where username='$id'";

   //now we pass the query to the database
$result=mysql_query($query) or die("Could not get data.".mysql_error());

   //get the first (and only) row from the result
   $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC);

etc, etc


   field_validator("first_name", $_POST["first_name"], "alphanumeric", 1, 15);
   field_validator("maiden_name", $_POST["maiden_name"], "alphanumeric", 1, 15);
//This function above is called from an include and works in the join form so I added it here

if(empty($messages)) {
       // registration ok, get user id and update db with new info:
       updateuser($strUsername = isset($_POST['username']) ? $_POST['username'] : "",
$strPassword = isset($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : "",
$strfirst_name = isset($_POST['first_name']) ? $_POST['first_name'] : "",
$strmaiden_name = isset($_POST['maiden_name']) ? $_POST['maiden_name'] : "",

html below here

ANy ideas on where I am going wrong?


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Take it out of the function and add it as one in the code as provided then see if you can add it to a function ok.

it is defently best to see if the update syntex works before haveing it as a function as there might be a few corrections need before the code gets added to a function ok.

we all crawl before we walk try ok.
Ok so here is what I now have:

$id = $_SESSION['username'];
$query = "select * from users where username='$id'";

    //now we pass the query to the database
$result=mysql_query($query) or die("Could not get data.".mysql_error());

    //get the first (and only) row from the result
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC);

    //now finally create variables with data we have got which will be used later
    //we will set the value attribute of the appropriate form element to the value from the database

/*field_validator("username", $_POST["username"], "alphanumeric", 4, 15);
    field_validator("password", $_POST["password"], "string", 4, 10);
    field_validator("confirmation password", $_POST["password2"], "string", 4, 10);*/
    field_validator("first_name", $_POST["first_name"], "alphanumeric", 1, 15);
    field_validator("maiden_name", $_POST["maiden_name"], "alphanumeric", 1, 15);
    field_validator("last_name", $_POST["last_name"], "alphanumeric", 1, 15);
    field_validator("address_line1", $_POST["address_line1"], "alphanumeric", 4, 15);
    field_validator("address_line2", $_POST["address_line2"], "alphanumeric", 4, 15);
    field_validator("town", $_POST["town"], "alphanumeric", 4, 15);
    field_validator("postcode", $_POST["postcode"], "alphanumeric", 4, 9);
    field_validator("daytime_phone", $_POST["daytime_phone"], "number", 1, 11);
    field_validator("mobile_phone", $_POST["mobile_phone"], "number", 1, 11);
    field_validator("evening_phone", $_POST["evening_phone"], "number", 1, 11);

/*if(empty($messages)) {
        // registration ok, get user id and update db with new info:
        updateuser(*/$strUsername = isset($_POST['username']) ? $_POST['username'] : "";
$strPassword = isset($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : "";
$strfirst_name = isset($_POST['first_name']) ? $_POST['first_name'] : "";
$strmaiden_name = isset($_POST['maiden_name']) ? $_POST['maiden_name'] : "";
$strlast_name = isset($_POST['last_name']) ? $_POST['last_name'] : "";
$straddress_line1 = isset($_POST['address_line1']) ? $_POST['address_line1'] : "";
$straddress_line2 = isset($_POST['address_line2']) ? $_POST['address_line2'] : "";
$strtown = isset($_POST['town']) ? $_POST['town'] : ""; 
$strcounty = isset($_POST['county']) ? $_POST['county'] : "";
$strpostcode = isset($_POST['postcode']) ? $_POST['postcode'] : "";
$strdaytime_phone = isset($_POST['daytime_phone']) ? $_POST['daytime_phone'] : "";
$strmobile_phone = isset($_POST['mobile_phone']) ? $_POST['mobile_phone'] : "";
$strevening_phone = isset($_POST['evening_phone']) ? $_POST['evening_phone'] : "";

$query = "UPDATE `users` SET `first_name`='$first_name', `maiden_name`='$maiden_name', `last_name`='$last_name', `address_line1`='$address_line1', `address_line2`='$address_line2', `town`='$town', `county`='$county', `postcode`='$postcode', `daytime_phone`='$daytime_phone', `mobile_phone`='$mobile_phone', `evening_phone`='$evening_phone'";

        $result=mysql_query($query, $link) or die("Died inserting login info into db.  Error returned if any: ".mysql_error());
        return true;

As things stand the screen is blank when I load it, having debugged it it seems that the page is just running this last query to update the database. I am really unsure as to where to go from here...


Maybe I'm missing something here, but shouldn't this...

etc... etc...

Be like this...

etc... etc...

You've missed off the 'str' at the beginning of the variable name.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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