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random row problem


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My problem:

Every time someone click on link from database script select id and show my content:

function GetRandomAd()


global $myDB;

$today = date('j');

$ql = "SELECT * FROM reklama WHERE today<>'$today' OR realimpr<impr OR impr=0 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1";
$result = $myDB->Execute($ql) or die(GetDbError($myDB->ErrorMsg()));
$r_id = $result->Fields("aid");

$r_ad_text = $result->Fields("ad_text");

$r_today = $result->Fields("today");


if ($r_id)


if ($today != $r_today) $ql = "UPDATE reklama SET realimpr=1, today='$today' WHERE aid='$r_id'";

else  $ql = "UPDATE reklama SET realimpr=realimpr+1 WHERE aid='$r_id'";

$result = $myDB->Execute($ql) or die(GetDbError($myDB->ErrorMsg()));



return $r_ad_text;




reklama - table name

aid - random id which select every time



ad_text - text/image which will be showed

impr - max. image/text show per day

today - put's month day (ex. today is april 18, so it puts in this field 18)

realimpr - how many time image/text was showed today (if limit reached image/text doesn't apear, thats a impr point).



At this time script everytime select random id from aid and show it. It's possible that everytime get random id's from database but show/select not one, but them all?



A bit explains:

Everytime then execute GetRandomAd, it's select random value which to display, and thats ok.

But problem is: it's select only one value from aid and display it. I wanna make it select all value from aid and display what's writed in aid_text.


Ex. Let's say i have:

(what aid aid_text ... explained upper)

aid  aid_text  impr  realimpr  today

1    asd            0      120        18


aid  aid_text  impr  realimpr  today

2    dsa            0      120        18


So, script execute GetRandomAd and it's select random aid, after page refresh it again choose random aid and display aid_text with wich it assigned.

I wanna make it to select all value from aid and display it.



Let's say i open page, GetRandomAd executed and it choosed me to display aid (1), so in page/output i see: asd.

I refresh page, and GetRandomAd executed again, but this time it choosed display aid (2), so in page/output i see: dsa.


But how to make to select them all, so in page/output i see asd and dsa both.


If were exist aid (3)

aid  aid_text  impr  realimpr  today

3    qwe            0      120        18


it will  display as: asd, dsa, and qwe.


(EDIT: copied my post from another forum, maybe in this forum someone help me)

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