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PHP Function


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I am a new in PHP:-(. I need help with this task. I want to change ../default/test.png -> /image/default/test.png relative path to ansolute.

this is my script please have a look.




* A small example file to find images that are referenced in template

* files, but not exists in the file system


* @author Leander Hanwald






* Scans the given directory for all available designs


* @param String    $designDirectory  root directory of the designs

* @return Array  list of designs found


function getDesignList($designDirectory)


  $result = array();

  $d = dir($designDirectory);

  while (false !== ($entry = $d->read()))

    if ($entry != '..' && $entry != '.' && is_dir($designDirectory.$entry))

      $result[] = $entry;

  return $result;




* Returns a list of templates for the given design. If the design is not the

* default design, this design is also scaned, the result list is a mix of

* files from both directories (specific design "overwritted" default design)


* @param String  $designDirectory  root directory of the designs

* @param String  $designName  name of the current design to scan

* @param Array    $ignoreDirectories  list of directories not to scan

* @return Array  list of templates found in design (and default design)


function getTemplates($designDirectory, $designName, $ignoreDirectories = array())


  /* if this is not the default design, we start with all files inside of the

    default design as start array. Our new design will only overwrite these

    entries. */

  $result = array();

  if ($designName != 'default')

    $result = getTemplates($designDirectory, 'default', $ignoreDirectories);


  $result = _scanDirectory('', $designDirectory.$designName.'/',

                                $ignoreDirectories, $result);

  return $result;




* Scans a given directory recursive and extends the given data array with the

* found template files. Works relative to a given root directory.


* @param String  $directory  path relative to root of current dir to scan

* @param String  $root  base dir to scan (design directory)

* @param Array  $ignoreDirectories  list of directories not to scan

* @param Array  $data  extend with the new found templates        return true;

* @return array  known and new found templates, key is the relative name to

                  root, value the full filename


function _scanDirectory($directory, $root, $ignoreDirectories, &$data)


  if (in_array($directory, $ignoreDirectories))

    return $data;


  $d = dir($root.$directory);

  while (false !== ($entry = $d->read()))


    if ($entry == '..' || $entry == '.')



    if (is_dir($root.$directory.$entry))

      $data = _scanDirectory($directory.$entry.'/', $root, $ignoreDirectories,



    $info = pathinfo($root.$directory.$entry);

    $lookup = array('html', 'css');

    if (is_file($root.$directory.$entry) && in_array($info['extension'], $lookup))

      $data[$directory.$entry] = $root.$directory.$entry;



  return $data;




* Trys to find images reference in the given templates, that do not exists

* in the image directory (also given als parameter)


* @param String $imageDirectory  root directory of the images of designs

* @param String $designName  name of the current design, needed for replace

*                            variables like {$designName} in the templates.

* @param Array $templates  list of templates to search for missing images

* @return Array  list of images that are reference but not exists


function findMissingImages($imageDirectory, $designName, $templates)


  $result = array();

  foreach ($templates as $template)


    $rs = findMissingImagesInTemplate($imageDirectory, $designName, $template);

    $result = array_merge($rs, $result);



  return $result;




* Scans a single template for missing images


* @param String  $imageDirectory  root directory of the images of designs

* @param String  $designName  name of the current design, needed for replace

*                              variables like {$designName} in the templates.

* @param $templateFullFileName  complete path to the template to scan

* @return Array  list of images that are reference but not exists in this

*                template


function findMissingImagesInTemplate($imageDirectory, $designName,



      /* TODO 1: Find images in templates*/

  $result = array();


  $handle = @fopen($templateFullFileName, "r");

  while (!feof($handle))


    $buffer = fgets($handle);

    $matching = str_replace('{$designName}', $designName, $buffer);


    $pattern1 = '/"background-image:+\s*[\(a-z]*+(\s*([\/a-z0-9]*+[\.]*?


    $pattern2 = '/([\""\'])*((([^\.\$\: ]*\.)*?(jpg|png)))\1/i';


    preg_match_all($pattern1, $matching, $matches1);

    preg_match_all($pattern2, $matching, $matches2);


    $matches = array_merge($matches2[0], $matches1[1]);


    foreach ($matches as $match)


      $match = str_replace(array('"', '\'', '(', ')'), "", $match);

      $result[] = $match;




  /* TODO 2: Test if images exists via function "imageExists" */

  foreach ($result as $imageUrl)

    $result[] = imageExists($imageDirectory, $imageUrl, $templateFullFileName)

                            === True;


  return $result;




* Checks if an image, given as url, exists in filesystem.


* It is a not so simple task to check if an image found in the template really

* exists in the filesystem. Sometimes the urls contains relative pathes like

* ../default/counter/object.png, or started with an slash (/) or are relative

* at all (a template tries to use a image in the same folder).


* To handle this logic, we use an own function to lookup a single file from a

* url in the image directory given as parameter to this function.


* @param String $imageDirectory  root directory of the images of designs

* @param String $imageUrl  url of an image, found in a template

* @param $templateFullFileName  complete path to the template, could be needed

*                                in cases of relative image pathes

* @return Boolean  true if image exists, false if not


function imageExists($imageDirectory, $imageUrl, $templateFullFileName)


  /* TODO 4: check if image url is relative, if yes make it absolute

  *        like: ../default/test.png -> /image/default/test.png */

    /* Check if url is relative and resolve it from templateFullFileName */


$absolute = "";



    $absolute = $imageUrl;


  $relative = "";

  if (!preg_match('=^\/=', $imageUrl))


  $templateFullPath = dirname($templateFullFileName);

  $relative = $templateFullPath."/".basename($imageUrl);


  $imageUrlAbsPath = $absolute.$relative;


/* TODO 5: Check if image in filesystem exist, AND if it is really an image */


  $imageDirPath = $imageDirectory."default/".basename($imageUrl);



  return true;

  } else {

  return false;




/* Settings */


$designDirectory = '/home/domainusers/m.mujtaba/workspace/picfinder/html/';

$imageDirectory = '/home/domainusers/m.mujtaba/workspace/picfinder/image/';

  /* a lot of directories are not needed in our search, so we ignore them here*/

$ignoreDirectories = array('other/xinha_update/', 'website/themes/',

                          'other/xinha/', 'ecatalog/victorobjectedit/');



/* main */


echo("\nStart finding of missing images...\n");


$designList = getDesignList($designDirectory);

$missingImages = array();

foreach ($designList as $designName)


  echo(sprintf("Scan design '%s' \n", $designName));

  $templates = getTemplates($designDirectory, $designName, $ignoreDirectories);

  $missingImagesInTemplate = findMissingImages($imageDirectory, $designName,



  /* TODO 6: Join $missingImages and $missingImagesInTemplate, bit in a way

            that it is possi*ble to see in which template a file was referenced.


            Example result after the join ( print_() output ) :

            array (

              '/image/default/test.png' => array(

                  [0] => 'default/counter/startpage.html'

                  [0] => 'default/counter/info.html'




            the list of templates for an image is multi dimensional because it

            is possible that different template reference the same - missing -









Any help will be appreciated.

Thank u

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